Hips hurt just laying in bed most of the night... both HIPS. They hurt and are tight. I'm trying all my tricks to help loosen them up but nothing seems to be helping. Todays run was the worst I've had in a long long time. :(
Pushed Halen around the DC loop plus a little extra over to the office for a potty stop. Hip felt better than it has in days... but was still painful. The good news was that it was only the left (normal hurting side) and not both today. Halen did great until about .4 miles left. Then it hit the fan. But we were basically done.
Had no plans this morning. Woke up at 4:40 and wasn't in the mood so I went back to bed until 7. Decided to go out and see what happened. Ended up doing a big loop through Santa Clara up to Kayenta and through Ivans around Santa Clara again and finally finished up. It's been since the PHX marathon almost a month ago that I've done any kind of long run. So today I just decided to push one out... but only after running for about 5 miles. Hip hurt pretty good the first 3 miles and the last 2.5. But in the middle it felt runnable. Ended with a 6:39 avg and 3 good potty stops.