16.5 miles this morning as part of a Big Workout. We met up early with a bunch of people to ride up the course. Thanks for driving again Mike! Dave, Logan and I were going to do this workout: 4 mile warm up, 10x2 min @ 5:30 pace w/ 1min recovery, 3 mile Tinman tempo and then the rest at cool down (ended up being 3.5 miles). It was cool, and very dark up were we started. There were falling stars everywhere and I'm sorry to admit that I didn't keep a roadkill count this week. The 4 mile warm up went by super fast as it always dose when there are hard miles to follow. Then we started the 10x2 min section. I didn't start and stop and restart the watch during each of these legs however we were rolling. With some (1 min recoveries) mixed in we still hit mile splits of 5:15, 5:09, 5:29, 5:31 and so on. I'm guessing that the 5:30 pace effort turned into 4:20-4:40 pace through the downhill. Going into this workout I thought "this should be easy- it's not a big deal". Wow! It was a workout. We kept it more true on the Tinman tempo and then very slow on the cool down as we licked our wounds back to the park. Good workout to have in the bank. I was pretty sore going in and very sore coming out so now it's time to try and get recovered before a good thrashing on Monday. (SS- 202)