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Alton 4 miler

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Member Since:

Oct 03, 2006



Goal Type:


Running Accomplishments:

-Distance running as of 2001 -11 total marathons -Boston Marathon (2006) -10k PR 33:55 -1/2 marathon PR 1:16:57 -Marathon PR (2006 St. George 2:45:09) -5k PR (Don't know, hate the distance)

Short-Term Running Goals:

-Compete in the Utah Half Triathlon!!

Did it, what a great challenge!!

Ramp up my weekly mileage.

PR at the St. George Marathon in 2009.  Didn't make the Lottery.  Doing the Top Of Utah instead.  It's a 4:30 minute tougher race.  I Still hope to PR!!

Long-Term Running Goals:

-Be a life time runner for the love of running.  Mix it up.  Try something new.  Do a full Iron Man. 


Married for 11 years!!  I have 3 daughters.  My wife runs marathons as well.  I'm a park ranger.



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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Franctic Lifetime Miles: 170.00
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10 easy miles this morning, followed by 1 more with my seven year old.  She's going to run a mile race this 4th of July, she's pretty excited.  I'll be doing the 4 miler. 

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5 easy miles this morning.  Kind of taking it easy for tomorrow's race.

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Race: Alton 4 miler (4 Miles) 00:26:12, Place overall: 1, Place in age division: 1
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Did a local 4 mile race this morning in Alton.  The competition wasn't there, so I probably  didn't really push myself like I should have.  I think 2nd place overall must have been 10 minutes behind me.  I'm not sure if I can really count this one as a win.  The race was at about 7100 feet and uphill the whole way, it was a tough course.  I'm glad there wasn't anyone pushing me, because I don't think I would have wanted to work harder then I was. 


I was most happy with my 7 year old girl who knocked 2 minutes off her 1 mile from the same race last year.  She ran a mile in 9:07!!  I don't think I could have done that at her age.  I was a proud father.  She took her division as well (7-10). 

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10 miles today, felt pretty good.  Legs felt pretty fresh, no damage done from yesterday's race. 

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6 easy miles 4 @ speed.  The speed wasn't to impressive, most likely a results from Wednesday's race or being to lazy on my part and not wanting to push myself more. 





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Nice and easy long run today.  Felt pretty good throughout.  Felt pretty fresh, strong and injury free.  Felt like I could have gone 10 more.

Total 16 miles for the day. 

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11 miles today.  Eight easy and 3 at a pretty good pace going uphill towards the end of the run.

I actually ran with someone today.  I thought I was racing, I don't see to many people where I run.  I ran with my brother in law, who's been training pretty hard for the Bryce Canyon Half.  It was his last long run and the longest he's ever ran, so I decided to run the 11 with him to see if I could be of any assistance.  I was surprised to see how fast and prepared he is for Bryce.  He's 21 and has been training pretty seriously over the last 3 months for his first half.  I'm sure he'll run a sub 7 minute mile on race day.  We ran at 7200 feet, I didn't really seem to notice the elevation. 

We saw two red tailed foxes.  We spoke of the beneifits of running and race day stratagies for potty breaks. 



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10 easy miles this morning.  I was going to do some speed this morning, but I thought a day of easy running would do me good after yesterdays run.  I'll do some speed tomorrow.  Hopefully I'm smart enough to get up early tomorrow and beat the heat.   

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6 easy miles and 4 mile @ speed.  I was happy to see an overcast this morning, it made for a cool run. 

Did miles repeats:

Mile 1 @ 5:44

Mile 2 @ 5:33

Mile 3 @ 5:25

Mile 4 @ 5:13

I was pretty happy with the overall results of today's work out.  I need to start pushing that first mile. 

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10 early miles @ 5:00am.

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10 miles.  HOT HOT HOT!!!

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12 easy mile, started way too late.  It was a slow, sluggish run.  At least I got out. 

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10 easy miles, body felt better rested from last week.

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10 easy miles.  Once again started too late and had to run in the heat. 

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Thunderidge scout camp, with my scout troop.  Got up early 5:30 am and got in a 10 miler on backwoods trails before the sun came up.  I ran under pine trees, past lakes and deer at over 9000 feet.  It was a beautiful run.  I took it easy and just enjoyed the run.  I was back in camp before any of the scouts had even got up for the day. 

Spent the rest of the day helping scouts with merit badge requirments and did a lot of hiking. 

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5 easy early miles at scout camp this morning.  I had to come home after breakfast and work.  I had fun with the boys, but it's going to be nice to be in a bed again and shower. 

I'm looking forward to Bryce Canyon Half this weekend.  I've kind of been a little tired all week on my runs, so we'll see what happens.  Not really sure what to expect.  I don't think I'll run again until the race. 

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Race: Bryce Canyon Half Marathon (13.1 Miles) 01:17:00, Place overall: 13, Place in age division: 2
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Bryce Canyon Half today.  Didn't really know what to expect.  I went into it probably in about the same shape I was last year at this time, and ended up getting about the same time I did last year (no small wonder).  I guess theres no reason I shouldn't be able to PR at St. George this year, with a little extra work. 

I wasn't my normal excited self going into today's race.  In fact, I hadn't given it much thought.  I didn't have any expected times and didn't really care.  I've been so caught up in work lately, that I haven't been thinking about races.  Sure I've been getting in my runs, but I haven't been able to enjoy them much.  I've been working towards a promotion at work for the last two months and that's all I really think about.  I've been studying my brains out for an interview and testing process that finally takes place on Wednesday.  I'll be able to relax and start focusing on running a little more after next week.  If I get the job, I'll be moving to Bullfrog at Lake Powell.  I'll still be running, just a little farther away.  Who knows, with a lake in my back yard (literally), maybe I can start doing some triathalons.  ( or however  you spell it). 

Overall I was pleased with the race today, not really focused like I should have been, but glad I did it and it was nice to get a piece of hardware at the end.  Maybe one of these days I'll be able to catch that Steve Hooper.  He's always just a little out of reach. 

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5 easy  miles, trying to decide if I'm going to run Enterprise 10k tomorrow.

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No, I don't think I'll run Enterprise today.  Still a little sore and I don't think I'll be able to run to the full  of my potential.  Having ran Bryce Canyon just two days ago I think the body isn't in any condition for more down hill punishment. 


Ran 10 miles with my old man this morning, he rode his road bike.  My dad got hit by a car on his way to work on Thursday, it really messed him up.  My dad woke up in the middle of the rode in a pubble of blood, that was coming from his head.  The guy didn't even stop.  My dad had a front and rear light and a reflective vest on.  I really hope they catch the guy.  I'm sure it busted up his car, because there were pieces of it everywhere.  Any way my Dad is doing ok, other then some messed up ligiments in his leg and a head thats too swollen to wear a helmet. 

Watch out for yourselves out there guys, you never know who's behind the wheel. 

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10 easy miles today.  I didn't make it out yesterday, I had a big job promotional interview.  I should know in a few more days if I got it.  I think I nailed it!  I've been really focused on the interview and the testing that went with it.  I'll be able to focus a little more on running now, now that's it's all over with.   

It's my wifes birthday today. 

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10 easy mile this morning.  I was thinking about the promotion at Bullfrog the whole time I was running and wondering if I was going to get the job.  When I got home I recieved the call.  Yes, I got it!!  It looks like me and the family are going to be moving to Bullfrog Lakepowell.  I'll be going from working off of ATV's to working on boats, and waverunners.  I love my job. 

I'll be about 5 to 6 hours away from this area now, which means I probably wont be doing any more local runs around here any more, besides the St. George marathon of coarse.  It's bitter sweet, but I think it's the right move for the family right now in our lives. 

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10 easy miles. 

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10 easy miles.

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 Too lazy to run.  It's my anniversary today, nine years of marriage.  Me and the misses are staying overnight in St. George.  I'm sure I'll regret not running later. 

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