AM:(9 miles, 1:31:24). 26:57wu/28:00cd. 6 x 800 w/equal recoveries. 3:19, 3:21, 3:22, 3:21, 3:21, 3:23 Yes, I know they are slow, and I also know that my schedule called for 6-8 and I only did 6. So, I guess I have to explain my reluctance to expound on my runs of late. Things are not going well, health-wise. I don't know exactly what is wrong, but I am being poked and prodded a lot this week. About 10 days ago now I got sick. I thought it was food poisoning or a stomach virus. I spent Martin Luther King day in bed. I felt a little better the next day, but I still couldn't eat. Well, it has been 10 days now and I have only been able to eat for the last day - and that is because I am taking anti-nausea meds. I did feel good on Sunday, but then on Tuesday I realized that part of the reason I have felt good on runs is that I am about 15-20 sec/mile slower than usual (this is what happens when you run only by feel and don't have a garmin -- you don't know you are running super slow until you hit a "known" run and can gauge how fast you are relative to other times you have run that route). I don't know if I felt like crap today because of nutrition issues (I have lost about 6 pounds over the past 10 days) or because of whatever is wrong ... but blood tests are in the works and ultrasounds are scheduled for next week. I can't tell you how frustrating this all is. And no, it is impossible that I am pregnant. PM: easy 4. I hope you are all warm, dry, and running well!! Sorry for the depressing paragraph, I am pretty frustrated, did I say that already? |