54:40 -- debated whether or not to take my watch today - but I am a creature of habit and put it on just before I left the house. I was dreading this run, I think because while I was doing my core workout and weights this morning I was SO tired I could just tell the run was going to be a struggle. My goal was to run as slowly as possible and just get "time on my feet". It ended up being better than I thought. The sun was out, it was not cold (about 24F or so) and all and all I felt lucky to be out on such a beautiful day. It did not feel "good" (as I was tired) - but if I absolutely had to, I could have gone out and run the loop again - so I will count today as a success! Especially since there is a big storm coming in and we might not see much sun for the next few days - though we will see lots of snow! Happy weekend bloggers - this weekend (and then for 3 more weekends) Dean and I are in our "winter bliss" as Track and Field fans - yes, it is the start of the indoor track season -- and there are 2 hours of T&F on TV for 4 weekends!!