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St. George Marathon

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Spanish Fork,UT,USA

Member Since:

May 24, 2011



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Running Accomplishments:

In May 2010 I was large and started running. Now I'm much smaller :), -63 lbs.


1/2 Marathon - 1:13:25

Marathon - 2:32:40

Short-Term Running Goals:

Merge road and trail running and adventure run bonkers.

Long-Term Running Goals:

Sub 2:30 marathon. Run my best at distances from half marathon to 100 miles.


Happily married with 4 great kids. Running is but one of the amazing vehicles for connecting with others and celebrating life. Gratitude!

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance
Kinvara 3 Black Miles: 18.85 Nike Pegasus Miles: 62.15NB MT110v2 Miles: 5.00Saucony Fastwitch 6 Miles: 43.20Brooks Pure Grit Miles: 8.50Saucony Cortana 3 (green Machine) Miles: 14.00Mizuno Cursoris Miles: 10.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Last tune up before Saturday from my home. I ran 4 miles out river bottoms road and then turned around and did 3 miles at MP. Goal was to get into a good rhythm and be consistent. Got it done! 5:46.95, 5:46.51, 5:47.90. I only looked at the watch when it beeped and the route is flat so I feel very good about it. A few shakes and some strides is all that's left. 6:40

Kinvara 3 Black Miles: 8.10
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

6 easy watchless miles in the grass this morning. It was peaceful in the dark. I'm ready to go. Saturday is going to be fun!

Nike Pegasus Miles: 6.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

easy shakeout in the rain with 5x strides at the end. it's eat well and sleep big on the menu today.

NB MT110v2 Miles: 5.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

game on.

Nike Pegasus Miles: 3.10
Race: St. George Marathon (26.22 Miles) 02:32:40, Place overall: 19, Place in age division: 6
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

7 minute pr, so happy. 1:17:45, 1:14:55. Nailed my race plan :).

This year hasn't gone like I was hoping it would with the injury through the winter. I started really easy after Boston and tried to be smart and listen to my body. I've been able to put together a solid block, and although there are more improvements that can be made I'm really happy with how the race went.

Taper always plays tricks on me. My legs this time were ready for the reduction and they still felt like lead on Monday morning. I finally got that feeling of replenishment on Thursdays shakeout and knew after the short run Friday that I was ready. Mike Nelson's blog post on Friday made me equally parts excited and scared because there really was no excuse not to have a good race. I slept 11 hours Thursday night and actually slept well the night before. I ate exactly the same things the day before the race as I did last year. I ate the same breakfast as I did the morning of the 15 mile tempo in St. George a few weeks ago. I really felt like a million bucks when I walked out the door.

Dan Varga and family shared a condo with us. It was so cool to have him there! I hope his body is healing so that he can be out hammering it with the rest of us. Dan was kind enough to let my wife sleep in and take me to the bus area. We met up with Matt, Zak, and Scott. Dan wished us all good luck and then we were off.

We got to the start area and found Fritz. Fritz was wrapped in ,ylar and happy :). It was cold and windy but the flags were blowing in the right direction and I was getting really excited. Soon the whole gang was there plus many friends from the blog. This is such an experience for me to be among people that I have aspired to emulate for years now. Such a great atmosphere. Fun to meet some new faces as well. A highlight every single time.

By the time they lined us up I had worked myself up into a focused frenzy of goodness ha! Just before the gun went off I saw Spencer Evenson. He ran Hobble Creek with Scott and I (only he didn't fade at the end and ran the 1:12 I was shooting for). I asked him what his goal was and he said somewhere between 2:30 and 2:39 :). Perfect! Then the gun went off and we were running.

I started out stupid easy and watched many people pass me. I mentally wished the leaders, especially the UCC, a great race and just eased right into it. I remember thinking how strange it was to start a race with no niggles, fresh legs, and a solid training block. First two miles clicked off over 6:00 and then it was time to pick it up. Just before mile 3 I came up on Spencer. I told him no worries it was just me and he was excited. He said "let's work together and get after it", normally I really do like to run solo but it just felt right so I was game.

The pace kept getting faster those first 7 and felt really good. I got my first bottle -this whole bottle thing rocks by the way- and took the GU and washed it down. I shared the bottle with Spencer and then we started up Veyo. Based on Paul's spreadsheet for 2:32 the Veyo mile was planned at 6:37. Spencer and I had been already picking people off since mile 3 and we continued that up the hill. When the watch beeped and I looked at the split 6:14 my thought was "oops.. that's going to hurt later". I told Spencer that we had charged the hill and he said "great, let's keep it rolling". This was the turning point. A few simple words from someone with such confidence. It really calmed me down and so we did just that. We hit the climbs through Dammeron Valley just perfect, under plan :).

We ran until mile 20 like this. Super consistent and just rolling. The half split was 1:17:45, near exactly what I wanted on the 2:32, and we were feeling great. We just kept on the pace, offering each other encouragement, keeping the spirits high. "Relax the shoulders, run tall, eyes on the horizon, quick cadence, light feet," the positive banter form check fest :). I shared my bottles with him and gave him one of my spare GU's as he hadn't brought any and was just going to get them on the course. I got a nasty side ache around 16 and I really thought I would have to stop. He talked me through it and helped to get my breathing back and then it just went away... and we were rolling again. I really can't thank him enough. I'm not sure I would have ran this race the way I did today without him. At 19 I was looking for the bottle that wasn't there, no aid station was there... strange.

The aide finally showed up just before 20. I grabbed the bottle and took the GU, washed it down and then went to hand off the bottle but Spencer wasn't there. I slowed up to make sure he could get the fluids. As we passed the mile 20 marker I told him it was time to wipe the slate clean. Forget about the 20 miles we had ran. It was time to start fresh and race a 10k. I had 1:57:xx at the 20 so I told him, "35 minutes and we're done." It was time.

And that's what happened. My legs started to get tight around 22 and I thought I was going to hit the wall at any time but I was not going to let up. I would run to get that 2:32 until I my body said no. I could see two guys up ahead and told Spencer "let's try and catch them". I looked over and he was not there. Mentally I wished him a good final stretch and then started to work on catching the two. At 23 I knew I was going to catch them. I caught Clyde at around 24. I didn't know it was Clyde until he commented on my short recap. This was probably a good thing that I didn't know because I probably would have freaked out. Clyde has been a hero of mine on the blog since I joined. I know he had some issues that prevented him running at his potential but still finished a strong gutsy race. I know he'll be back stronger than ever next year. As I went by him I tried to get him to latch on and offered some encouragement but to no avail. I was closing on the next guy fast. I went by just before 25 and saw that it was Pepe. I offered some positive words but got a grunt in return :). The marathon is so unforgiving. I got to talk with him afterward. Super tough competitor!

At this point I knew that there was no wall. I knew nobody was going to close on me and that I was going to finish strong. I was filled with gratitude and was fired up! I rounded the corner to the chute and could see the clock and was overjoyed! I wanted to sprint but couldn't so I waved my arms up and smiled and got a huge response from the crowd. Now I could sprint! Crossed the line with a smile. Right after I crossed I saw Scott. He looked at me and said "are you freaking kidding me!?" I just yelled and put my hands in the air.

My wife and kids gave me some big hugs, awesome! My kids were so excited, they are the best! I couldn't help the tears of joy. My wife then made the best remark ever. She looked at me and said, "You had waayy too much energy in the chute, you must not have ran hard enough." Then we just started laughing :).

I am so happy for so many people. The crew! Fritz, Zak, Scott!!, Mike, Reed, Curtis-freaking-Epply! Matt ran a big PR and I know he had and still has many HUGE marathons in him. I know it wasn't the day he wanted but he'll be back with a vengeance!

So many friends had great races! Riley and Ben tore it up as well. Riley will get that huge breakthrough and how about The Comeback Kid Vanbeekum! Clyde will be back strong too! The course record Bryant threw down is astonishing, what a year for that guy. I was very happy for Emily running a debut 2:40, awesome! It was definitely a special day down there, I'm just glad I was a part of it.

Continued success to everyone!

I accomplished everything I wanted to which is a great feeling! My training partners have helped me to belive in myself and I know that I can go faster. I'm looking forward to refining the process and enjoying every step of the journey.

Splits: 6:06, 6:05, 5:49, 5:47, 5:47, 5:38, 5:34, 6:14, 6:10, 5:57, 6:14, 6:03, 5:44, 5:44, 5:37, 5:40, 5:33, 5:35, 5:54, 5:49, 5:27, 5:44, 5:46, 5:42, 5:52, 5:52, 1:22 (5:40 pace).

Saucony Fastwitch 6 Miles: 26.70
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Hot date with a The Stick, a foam roller, and a tub full of Epsom Salt. A productive session with some good stretching.

When i waddled in to work today i seriously contemplated using the crane to hoist myself up to my office as an option to avoid the stairs. i loosened up well throughout the day luckily.

also walked a couple miles today

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Easy hour on the old Carterville loop that we used to run from the soccer park. I should have sent out a message yesterday as I was the only 5am guy today. Legs feel good but I'll be logging easy miles for a bit.

Nike Pegasus Miles: 8.00
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Easy 8 with the crew from Matts house. Nice to see everyone moving again :).

Nike Pegasus Miles: 8.00
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I overslept this morning and missed the guys... dang it. I spent all of yesterday taking trees out of my neighbors yard. 20 trees! 5 loads to the landfill with a 2 ton trailer. Totally got my cross training and strength work in :). Today I lounged it and then got a fun run in the dirt on a perfect afternoon. I ran on the canal road and stopped a few times to take pictures. I have never felt so good post marathon. Threw a couple pickups in on the return. 6:59

Nike Pegasus Miles: 10.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Easy 8+ in the dirt and grass. I love fall afternoons. Easy week on the menu. No kinks :).

Nike Pegasus Miles: 8.30
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Ran trails up Provo Canyon with Scott Hansen. We went in the afternoon and had perfect conditions. It was snowing/raining high up on the mountain yet sunny and calm where we were at. It was great to get up there after a long day at work. Enjoying a recovery week!

Brooks Pure Grit Miles: 8.50
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Nike Pegasus Miles: 10.50
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I felt really good post marathon, best I've ever felt afterward. After a few days running last week I decided to take a week off and rest/recharge. I've always thought that such a thing was hard and not necessary. It turns out it's easy. There is a great purpose in a solid week of recovery and I feel like I can now really embrace what is to come. I'm going to ease in and have fun from here and see where the road/trails take me.

This morning with the crew was great. Matt, Mike, Reed, Zak, Chris and I ran the canyon early. The air was crisp and cold. It felt strange at first after so many days off. Soon enough the invigoration of breathing and reaching back and pushing off and the sound of foot falls and conversation took over. What a morning! The stars and moon were very bright at Bridal Veil and the leaves smelled great. I love teh smell of fall. I sped up into a couple surges on teh return but nothing too serious. I feel a little tired and fat :) haha. Excited to get back to it. 7:01

Time for a new garmin though, mine is fried. And some new shoes :).

I learned the definition of a word today :): Butcher: to pass someone with authority

Kinvara 3 Black Miles: 10.75
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Hit the Lehi track with Matt, Mike, Scott, and Jeff. The guys were doing mile repeats and I wasn't quite ready for that so I did some shorter stuff. Warmed up a half mile before the guys got there then a 4 mile warmup with them with 3x strides. Then I did 2x 100, 2x 200, 4x 400, and 4x 200. The first 200's were 31 and 30 according to Mikes watch. My garmin dies so on the rest of the intervals I kept the effort the same. It felt really good to move fast. It's been a long time since I did shorter stuff and I don't know that I have pushed like that in.. well ever. I didn't go overboard though and it felt smooth so I'm happy. Consistency with the track will only build build confidence moving forward. 2 mile cooldown around the field felt very nice.

Saucony Fastwitch 6 Miles: 10.50
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Runner's Corner did the annual Waffle run this morning. It was lots of fun and a perfect morning for it. Spent some time running through the leaves in some peoples yards :). It's a great hilly loop. We ran with the UVU team for part of it. I got into a little race toward the end of the loop on the last mile with one of their guys and it felt really good to break away solid with a 1/4 mile to go, score 1 for team old :). Delicious hot waffles with all the fixins afterward. Mucho fun. Also tried out some new Saucony Cortana 3's. Very nice!

Saucony Cortana 3 (green Machine) Miles: 10.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I was headed for the trails today until I finally got off work and the mountain was black and windy.

So i went to the gym and ran on the mill and did a little workout. 10 minute warmup and then 40 minutes of 1 min on 1 min off hills. 5 sets of 2.5 incline, 3, 3.5, 4.5. first set at 9.2 mph and went up .2 every set until the last one was 10mph. I didn't slow on the offs, It was a break because there was no incline :). After the last set I did 5x 200 at 14mph with 200 jogs at 8.6. Short cool down. A plan is beginning to formulate.

Mizuno Cursoris Miles: 10.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I embraced the opportunity to run some glorious soft trails after work. The storm yesterday made everything peachy. Now is the best time of year to get out and enjoy some singletrack. So fun. 70 minutes of twists, turns, colors, climbing, and descent :).

Nike Pegasus Miles: 8.25
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

50 hours worked this week already. Taking a day off running. Track in the am :)

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Met Scott, Mike, and Reed at the Lehi track for some 400s. After a warmup I changed into flats and we did some strides. The plan was 8-12 400s. This was my first experience doing them with a short standing rest. It was tough. After 6 I switched it up and did 8x 200 with 200 jogs. It was a great workout for me. I'm liking the track. I've got a long way to go but I'm confident that the track sessions are key for me. 400s were ~71, 200s were ~31. Mike and Scott are really fast, everyone looked great today.

Saucony Fastwitch 6 Miles: 6.00Saucony Cortana 3 (green Machine) Miles: 4.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance
Kinvara 3 Black Miles: 18.85 Nike Pegasus Miles: 62.15NB MT110v2 Miles: 5.00Saucony Fastwitch 6 Miles: 43.20Brooks Pure Grit Miles: 8.50Saucony Cortana 3 (green Machine) Miles: 14.00Mizuno Cursoris Miles: 10.00
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