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Wasatch Wellness 10 K

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Dog Town KC,MO,America

Member Since:

Sep 24, 2007



Goal Type:

Local Elite

Running Accomplishments:

21:15 Hrs on 09 (188 miles) RAGNAR Relay. 7th over all 3rd in Division



2010 ST. GEORGE MARATHON: 2:52.42

64th overall 1st in 15-18 age division, winner of the silver shoe award.

Half Marathon:

2010 St. George Half Marathon: (10) 1:20 ish... not offical time.

10 K:

Wasatch Wellness run (13) 34:39 

5 K:

15:50 Snow Canyon XC Invite (08)  


19th in state Cross Country (08) 16:32

2nd Varsity region XC (08)





3200: 9:52.1 BYU Invite (09) 

1600: 4:29 State (10)

800: 2:01 Region (10)

400: :51 (split) PV Invite (10) 

Runner up region champ in the 1600 Region (09)

Runner up region champ in the 1600 and 800 (10)

REGION 3200 CHAMP (10)

9th 1600 STATE (09)

11th 3200 STATE (09)



Short-Term Running Goals:

Sub 2:40 2017 Twin Cities Marathon

Get into some Half's and hit sub 1:15

Run Every Day!


Long-Term Running Goals:

Love running always.  Be grateful for the gift God has given me to run.  Olympic qualify in something......

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Shay XC Lifetime Miles: 22.80
Gel Kayano 15 Lifetime Miles: 658.90
5 Finger KSO Lifetime Miles: 113.50
Brooks GTS 10 Lifetime Miles: 698.50
New Balance 905 Lifetime Miles: 203.00
Nike Free 7.0 (lime Green) Lifetime Miles: 68.30
Gel 2000 Lifetime Miles: 509.09
Nike Lunarglide 2 Lifetime Miles: 195.75
Nike Zoom Mutumbo Lifetime Miles: 2.60
Bare Foot Lifetime Miles: 17.75
Brooks Pure Flow Lifetime Miles: 272.50
Altera Zero Lifetime Miles: 101.00
Altra Instinct 3 Lifetime Miles: 228.75
Newton Blue Lifetime Miles: 292.85
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles
Gel 2000 Miles: 101.59Nike Lunarglide 2 Miles: 35.50Nike Zoom Mutumbo Miles: 2.60Bare Foot Miles: 4.50
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM: Yesterday evening I hit the Gym and did some light lifting and then sat in the sauna and hot tub to soothe the old legs.  This morning I felt really really good from yesterdays hot bath.  I headed south on the trail system and just kept going to see where the end was.  I never did end up finding the end, but it was an awesome run right next to the river.  Legs felt pretty good, a little flat but im sure that will go away with some more rest and an easy run tomorrow. I should be ready to go for saturday.

Gel 2000 Miles: 7.00
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PM: Just an easy 3 on the grass at north park.  Getting excited for the race tomorrow.

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Race: Wasatch Wellness 10 K (6 Miles) 00:34:39, Place overall: 2, Place in age division: 1
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM: Well, today was the first official race since coming home from my mission. I woke up and felt pretty good about my stomach and legs. I got a bagle and a nanna in my system with some poweraid, and then headed out the door.  I got to seven peaks ( where the race starts ) and helped out with the volenteers set stuff up.  I got my packet and number, then headed out for a couple three miles of warm up.  I did some stretching and striders and then headed to the line.  I started talking to a couple of the guys next to me. One was a recently graduated BYU runner who just came off of a great season in track for his last year.  We just chatted for a second about things till it was time to race.

1- 5:33  We got out of the gate nice and fast and headed the first mile up hill around the round about and then down to 900.  I cant remember his name to save my life but, my self, BYU guy and a high school kid from Page AZ all lead the way.

2- 5:52  This was more of the pace I was trying to hold the whole time.  Right now BYU was leading by about 10 seconds and Page was a few seconds ahead of me.

3- 6:11 We looped around the semitary and up a hill back to 900.  By now BYU was up there a ways and page was 15 seconds in front of me.

4- 6:12 This mile I did some work.  I caught up to page and we went together up the long 900 hill and then I took off  trying to get a good lead on him.

5- 6-36 This one was an ugly mile.  Big up hill till you get on 1200 and loop around Kiwanis park.  I had a good 20 seconds on page by now.

6- 5:33 Last mile coming into the finish is nice. Lots of down hill and then flat to the finish line.  I ended up 2nd about 1:30 behind BYU.  Overall a great race. My stomach really started to burn that last mile.  I think as I get into more tempos and such ill get my stomach conditioned to take the pain and be able to push those middle miles into much faster ones.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM: I woke up this morning thinking I felt pretty decent from last weeks miles, boy was I wrong.  I headed out on my Walmart loop and got 2 miles in and the legs were just completly flat! Nothing!  It was a stark awakening for me to remember how it felt to have worn out legs.  But nonetheless I finished the run just fine.  It just wasnt as much fun as I was wishing It would be.


Gel 2000 Miles: 8.50
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AM: This morning starting out felt much better than yesterday did. Tuesday threshold day for the run today.  I headed down on the trails and did a good 2 mile warm up nice and slow getting the legs ready.  I  started into my 20 Min tempo at about 5:45 5:50 for the first little bit then settled into a nice 5:55 for the first mile.  The second mile wasnt too bad, but I was getting a bit tired and my heart rate increased by about 10 to keep the pace.  I ended up at 6:01 for the second mile.  The last mile and some change really was rough.  I was struggling to keep a solid pace.  I would slow way down and then speed way up to make up for it.  But hey, thats why im doing these work outs, so I can learn to keep a solid pace the whole time. Third mile was a 6:02, and then the last little bit was a pace average of 6:00.   I cooled down a couple miles and then took a nice Ice bath in the Provo river. 

PM: I got out this evening with Charity and headed over to the park to hit up some barefoot miles.  This was one of those runs where I really appriciated the blessing that It is to run.  I just love feeling the cool grass on my feet and the brisk night air. :) 

Gel 2000 Miles: 7.59Nike Lunarglide 2 Miles: 1.00
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AM: Temple hill MTC run today with a tiny alteration to make it 6.  The legs today were feeling very well considering my Tempo work out yesterday.  I was very pleased with the ease of this recovery run.  Ready to hit up some hills tomorrow. 

Gel 2000 Miles: 6.00
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AM: 4X400 Hill work out today.  2 warm up to the bottom of the Y hill, then did the work out there.  Times were 1:16 1:16 1:16 and 1:17 I was kinda dissapointed with the last one, I usually get it lower.  But for what ever reason ( hard core lifting yesterday )  I didnt have the legs for it.

PM: Easy run with the Wifey out on the trials.


Gel 2000 Miles: 9.00
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AM: Rough rough morning trying to get the legs started on my run.  Some major DOMS going on today.  But I guess thats okay knowing that Im getting stronger.  That Is why I only went an easy 6 today to let the legs grow a bit stronger with out breaking them down too much.  I just explored today, taking roads I have never been on.  Just a really nice run.

Gel 2000 Miles: 6.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM: Got up at the crack of dawn today with little trouble getting up.  I ate a piece of bread and drank a bit of gatorade then hit the pavement.  I went up to the trail head of the Y ( which sucked with all that up hill ) and then diverted off to a dirt trail that led along the side of the mountain to the other side of the seven peaks road.  After exploring a bit I headed back towards home and decided to do a 3 mile tin man tempo section at 6:20 to 6:10 pace.  I caught up to a guy on the road that looked like sasha, but It wasnt when I got a chance to look at him. I took 900 all the way up and back home.  Pretty good run.

Overall the week went decently well.  My work outs were a success and the weight lifting proved to be "helpful", just not in the way my muscles felt the last half of the week.  Goals next week are to hit the same work outs and be consistant with my M W F two a days. 

Gel 2000 Miles: 10.00
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AM: Todays run was a good start off to a fabulous week of training.  I decided to head up and do the temple loop with the Y extension and then down to the park for some grass striders.  Nothing really spectacular about the run.  The pace was brisk and I just enjoyed being out side and doing what I love to do. :)

PM:  Got out around 9 tonight and did the frontage loop.  Pace was brisk and legs felt nice and bouncy for tomorrows work out.  Now lets hope they feel the same way in the morning. :/

Gel 2000 Miles: 8.50Nike Lunarglide 2 Miles: 4.00
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AM: I woke up ready and excited for todays 4X1000 work out.  I read with the wifey and then sent her on her way to work while I made breakfast. ( Toast jam and water ) I grabbed my mutumbos and a bottle of gatorade and jogged over to the BYU track.  I ran around the campus for a bit to get a tiny bit more milage and then put my shoes on and hit the track.

1-3:11  I felt really excited about this time.  It was right where I wanted to be this early in my training.  

2 3:10 I really felt the pain settle in on this one, nevertheless, I stuck It out for a good time.  

3 3:13 A tad bit slower that I wanted in this work out, but still not to bad for how crapy I felt during it.

4  3:15 Im definatly not quite in the same shape I was almost 3 years ago when I did this work out last. I finished this one kinda disapointed in my self.  I ALWAYS run my last rep much faster.  Thats like my distinguishing feature during work outs.  So I pissed and moaned for a min then got a grip on myself.  Over all I was pleased with the work out.  I can just expect to do a month of *real* training and expect to bust out sub 3 1000's.  Good day!

Nike Lunarglide 2 Miles: 5.00Nike Zoom Mutumbo Miles: 2.60
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AM: I wouldn't quite call these "Easy" miles, because they sucked!  My calves were so dang tight ( from yesterdays 1000's )  most of the run and I just had no bounce.  I cant be completely mad about it, soreness means improvement!! Woot Woot!  But I just ran dirt road 6 and extended it a bit. 

PM: Night time 3.5 miler around to center street and back. Horrible fatigue tonight for some reason. :/


Gel 2000 Miles: 6.50Nike Lunarglide 2 Miles: 3.50
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM: I woke up and headed to the bathroom to start my morning routine with a lot of pain and stiffness.  That made me a little grumpy, but good news is that the stiffness went away as my legs warmed up.  I got out of the door and warmed up 3 to the bottom of the Y hill.  Then I stretched and started the work out.

1- 1:28  I actually measured out the full distance this time so the time was a little slower than last week.  Legs felt pretty decent on this one, not too bad. 

2- 1:28 This rep I noticed the acid build up in my legs was much more that I have been acustom to back in highschool.

3-1:28 I really had to strain to get my turnover going this time.  Its not that im "tired" my body just isnt trained enough yet to get that acid out so my legs can move.

4- 1:24 Finally!! I got some balls back!! I kicked it up just like I normally do.  But still the legs just felt super super heavy!

2 cool down back to home, and then to the gym for Core and Plyo day. :) 

Gel 2000 Miles: 7.00
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AM: 6 out to the provo town center and back calves were really really tight. So it took most of the run to get them lose and feeling good.

PM: 3 loop back wards. I dont know why back wards its less than forwards.... maby I ran so fast it turned back time. ;)


Nike Lunarglide 2 Miles: 9.00
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AM: I got up this morning and did my normal routine and headed out the door.  I did the same loop I did last saturday but extended under the bridge on the trail and up by the temple. Then sidways on the mountain to the Y trail head and kept going. Lots of up hill on this run which was no fun for my still tender calves. I got  halfway on the trail I stoped and looked over the valley. Quite the pretty view. I continued down the trail and hit the road to start my 3 mile "Tin Man" miles. 

1- 6:13

2- 6:12


Good pace on the miles and I wasnt pushing to hard to keep the pace going.  finished 2 miles back home.  I planted gatorade in a bottle about 1.5 from home and got to it only to find that some one stole it. :( BOOO!! 

Gel 2000 Miles: 13.00
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AM: Great morning to wake up to. The legs are feeling not to bad after last weeks training. I had 1 piece of french toast and a glass of water to calm the stomach for the run.  I got out the door and headed down the "Walmart" route. I got to University Pkwy and decided to extend and do a loop around the school.  I didnt realize how much grass fields there are around the school. Nice for some barefoots in the future. I looped it back home and sat in the river for a few mins to take the sting off the legs.

PM:  I got out tonight right as it started to sprinkle a little bit, which added to the joy of the run.  Easy pace, cool breeze and a light rain.  It dosnt get much better than this. :)

Gel 2000 Miles: 10.50Nike Lunarglide 2 Miles: 3.50
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AM: I woke up a bit early to run with Charity. It was her Idea to run in the morning because she is "more motivated" than at night.  After she went to work, I set out for my work out for the day. 3 miles at 5:40 AT pace, but there was a slight snag.  I got around the corner of my house when I noticed a twinge on the aniterior side of my left foot.  I stoped, rubbed it around and the started to continue, but the pain was still there.  So I decided to bag the work out for now and stay injury free instead of getting hurt and taking lots of time to heal. Ill try again tonight after work, hopefully a big rain storm will accompany me.

Gel 2000 Miles: 2.00
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AM: The last couple of days I have been babying the foot.  It swelled up a bit and made it rough to walk on.  But Ive been taking some good doses of IB and ice and wintercrest and its feeling much better. I just did a couple grass loops while I watched Charity and Penny play on the play ground. My foot should be ready to go by next week.

Bare Foot Miles: 1.50
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Today the wife and I took a drive up to Park City just to look around and have a bit of fun before the school semester starts up.  I ran a few miles barefoot on the grass near the Highschool there while Charity took a nap on the grass.  No tenderness in the foot at all, so I should be good to get back into things this next week.

Bare Foot Miles: 3.00
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AM: There wasnt much sleep going on for me last night. Lots of nerves for the first day of college and all that jazz. But waking up wasnt as hard as I thought it would be.  I did walmart loop plus a mile with Charity.  Temps were nice this morning, alot warmer than normal with the cloud cover, but still good temps.  Nothing too special to report.... I almost pooped my pants the last mile. Thats about it.

Nike Lunarglide 2 Miles: 9.50
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Gel 2000 Miles: 101.59Nike Lunarglide 2 Miles: 35.50Nike Zoom Mutumbo Miles: 2.60Bare Foot Miles: 4.50
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