AM-6 miles with 3 miles of random fartlek. 7th/9400s. o/b. Experimenting with a different approach to training empasizing low mileage and quality and then building up from there. Some speedwork/strides with every run but keeping it easy-medium aerobic in general. Changing footwear to my old Pegs tomorrow. I'm pretty sure worn out racing flats are whats causing my niggles lately in my right ham and piriformis:)
AM-6 miles on 7th o/b early this morning. First leg for 3 miles then 3 more after getting the boy off to school. Wore the Pegasus trainers which are over 3 years old with uncounted mileage and still retain a fair amount of cushioning. I don't why Nike tried to fix something that wasn't broke to begin with..
AM-LT/ 8x1k at progressive AT-LT intensity ie-30k-10k pace effort roughly. Half uphill and half down. Equal recovery this week and then dropping the recovery period by 30 seconds on the next go around. 94th/Sandy bench./7th. Great weather for this workout this morning even if it was a bit on the cool side.