Going to go for a baby run this afternoon and if I feel good I am going to regsiter for the Dugway Isolation Run happening tomorrow. I just can't resist another run through otherwise off-limits terrain and exploding land mines.
PM: Ha! I was dreaming this morning! 2.5 mile run up City Creek followed by a 1.5 mile limp of shame home. Bummer.
Here's the deal:
- Right hip pain (non-op side) in the front/side - not groin pain or bursitis, TFL possibly?
- Onset of sharp pain last Thursday. SI joint had been out for weeks prior so the only pain I had been having was right lower back and glute. Thought new pain was related to brutal SI adjustment at PT last Wednesday, but hasn't gone away.
- Pain is sharp on impact during walking or running. Nearly non-existent on uphills, but borderline excrutiating on downhills. No discomfort with sitting, only with impact.
- Adductor and piriformis are very tight and I have been stretching and rolling twice a day.
- I have positive impingement signs in the right hip, but good internal rotation so my PT doesn't think it is an FAI flare-up (yes, I have FAI in the right hip too)
The Plan:
- I have made appointments with both my sports med doc and hip surgeon and I am getting a massage this Sunday and a gait analysis next week and I just opened a bottle of wine (Thanks Allie :)
- No running until no pain with walking. Find cross-training that doesn't hurt.
- Keep up PT exercises since none of them seem to be aggrevating the problem.
- Ice, ice, ice and roll and stretch a ton!
- Do not freak out! Trust that this is going to go away soon and you are not going to have to have another hip surgery so help me ughhhh! Be happy with those few months of running you had :)
Any ideas on what the cause of this pain is? I think it has to be related to some sort of pelvic instability related to my SI joint dysfunction on the right side. I am 8 months out of surgery on the left hip and would say I am at about 95% - only problem is the occasional hip flexor tightness but whoopie do. Please, please don't be FAI issues!!!!!!!!