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March 13, 2025

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South Jordan,UT,United States

Member Since:

Feb 04, 2008



Goal Type:

Local Elite

Running Accomplishments:

2010 Ogden Half Marathon 1st overall

2010 Bryce Canyon Half 2nd overall 1:12

2010 St. George Marathon 10th overall

2011 American Fork Half marathon 1st overall New PR 1:10:37

2012-Mt. Nebo Half 1:08:00





 2009 St. George Marathon 11th overall 2:31:43

2009 Ogden Marathon 4th place overall

2008 St. George Marathon 2:40:46 18th overall

2008 Tou Half 1:14:35 7th overall

2008 Bear Lake Half marathon 1st place Win. Set Course record.

2008 Provo river Half  PR 1:13:28

2008 Boston Marathon 2:49--Beat Lance Armstrong by 2 minutes.

2008 Ogden Marathon 10th overall.

Ragnar Relay Del Sol 2008--1st Place Team Overall. Set new course record! 17 hours 4 minutes 5.38 average pace per mile!

Ragnar Relay Wasatch Back 2008--2nd Place Team overall. 17 hours 54 minutes.

2007 Top of Utah 1/2 Marathon 1:14 4th overall

2007 Wasatch Back Relay 3rd team overall---Very Fun!

Boston, Rock & Roll Arizona, Carlsbad are my favorite marathons.

2007 St. George Marathon 2:40 with puking!39th overall





Short-Term Running Goals:

My short term goals are to stick to a good regime.

To bring my marathon pr down in mid 2:30's

World Championship Maters Marathon July 17, 2011

USATFLDR Competition Series: Stiders Half, Salt Lake Half, Hobblecreek Half, Heart of Holiday 5k, Running with Leopards 5k, Draper Days 5k, Minuteman 5k, Top of Utah Half.

Great Potato Half marathon--Boise

Running with Ed 41 mile relay. Team Probar

St. George Marathon 2011

Get Sponsors and make money in Masters.

Sponsors so far:

Probar, St. George Running Center



Long-Term Running Goals:

My long term goals are to beat sasha.

To get my marathon time to 2:20's



I have three girls-Sarah, Brooke, and Bailey and a baby boy born in Jan. 2010 named Boston. I own a Concrete Construction company called Quality Footings and Foundations. If any of my fellow bloggers are in need of concrete work just drop me a line or call 801-381-7089 I'll give you the friendly runner discount. Its hard work thats why between work and running I maintain my girlish figure! I own the American Flyers Race Pacers which is on Facebook to join. www.americanflyersracepacers.com 

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
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Im BAaack! It sucks coming home from a nice rest.  I can now look forward to getting my work done and a surgery.  I went and had some blood work done and Im all ready for tomorrow. Im glad I could be bombarded with stress from work and all.  I will prevail!  I feel like im slipping into depression with all that is happening to me. I need to run! Run I must! 

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
From Kelli on Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 14:12:28

So, go for a run while you still can, old man!!!

Good luck tomorrow, hope all goes well.

From walter on Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 14:14:07

Thanks Kelli

From Matt on Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 15:31:37

Walter sorry to hear about the injuries and surgery. That is a major bummer. I am sure you will bounce back strong. Your the man.

From Camille on Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 15:40:30

I'm glad you had such a good time in Boston! I be thinking about you tomorrow. Keep your head up. You will be back and stronger than ever in no time.

From Michelle N. on Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 17:37:23

Good luck tomorrow! Hope all goes well and you heal up quickly. Maybe when you get back to running with the group, I'll actually be able to keep up. I doubt it. Your slow is still fast.

From Teena on Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 17:53:32

Here's an idea ... tomorrow when you go in for surgery tell them that you have a migraine. They give you some meds that make you forget everything from the point forward although you are wide awake and carrying on a normal conversation. Happened to me (I really did have a migraine) and I had just finished my first marathon. Doc said that I couldn't stop talking about just how cool I was!! Apparently it also releasing you from any inhibitions you might generally have (for your own good). FUNNY STUFF!! Bring on the migraine!!

Seriously though. Good luck tomorrow. Keep us posted.

From walter on Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 18:51:16

Matt, thanks Im a bit nervous. If I dont make it you can have my asics nimbus 7's.

Camille, as usual! Ill be thinking of you too! Thanks for that!

Teena, You really have me nervous here. Are you serious, you forget everything? Because Im so stressed out right now and I better make sure Im not being recorded! I may let the last 15 years of stress and frustration out! lol Holy crap that is truely not a good thing Tina! Im screwed!

From walter on Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 18:55:52

Michelle! You get running and Im sure Ill have a time to try and catch up with you all! After what tina told me I may ask to have my memory taken for good and give me a fresh one so I can start over! lol

From Cheryl on Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 19:09:39

Yeah, Walter, good luck tomorrow. I'm sure everything will go great and you'll be back running in no time.

From walter on Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 19:12:52

Thanks Cheryl, I couldnt have let myself wait any longer for this. I am in some serious pain right now with my back and everything. Hope you heal quicker than me so I can give you a head start. lol Im kidding, i dont have an ego do i? lol

From Cheryl on Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 19:25:36

You could give me a five year head start and I still wouldn't catch you. Here's to both of us being fine in 2009. That's my new motto!

From jill on Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 20:26:21

Wall-zo, Jillzo will be thinking of you... give us an update... and I am really glad that you loved the Northeast. I love it too. Talk soon... be well.. and dont be scared. It will all be okay!

From Lucia on Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 22:27:33

Wall-e!!! You can do it!!! I'll be thinking of you over here! You've gotten over much worse things than this - I believe in you!!! Let us know how it goes.

From kungfublonde on Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 22:34:49

Man, I gotta teach you guys how to find happiness as a temporary couch potato. It's my "gift."

From walter on Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 22:37:50

Jill, I really had a blast in Salem and I scared my 6 year old to death. She wouldnt talk to anyone there which is good. Dont talk to strangers. Some of those people that own those shops are straight up freaks and they werent even in costume! lol I really love the history that Boston has and as I was up in the Prudential tower I was so amazed at all the commerce and people! Every time we went for a drive with our friends we stayed with we were oohhing and awwing at the leaves and scenery while our friends were laughing at us. "we dont see anything special here!" What are you kiddin' me? (Famous Boston Saying!) So who is that in your photo at the finish, is that your hubby? I think the other photo was well played by you! You were really hamming it up! lol jk Its not hard to look and feel like your broken down after that many miles! Just think, a little more training and a few more races and you'll be a seasoned veteran!

Cheryl, What are you kiddin me? lol You are a rockin fast runner! You can do so much more than the majority of people out there! I am always amazed when I go to register for a race and see how many people there are and wonder what it would be like if everyone just put a little effort into it also. We could easily populate the MacDonalds without guilt. Then when you finish a race and see your at the top of our age group or overall or whatever it is and think, what am I doing that makes me so much faster than the others. Guts! Stamina! Will to achieve something you don't think your body can achieve! Now go out there and Win!

From walter on Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 22:44:15

Lucia! I hope that Im on your guest list for the MCM one day! I must do that one. Thanks for the push into anesthesia! Tina's been giving me all these tips about a drug that you forget everything but it makes you spill the beans about everything. Oh no! im not going there! Id rather feel the pain. lol

Rachel, what do you think ive done for the last two weeks! now Ill have all this time for the next few days to bug you all day long on this. I saw the post of your daughter with a cast on! Ouch! is that permanent or recent. I havnt been able to keep up with the gossip. lol

From kungfublonde on Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 22:55:10

Spill the beans! Spill the beans!

You'll have plenty of time to catch up while you rest and recover. Take good care of yourself!

Amanda's brace is from her injury last summer. She has been out of dance for two months (and totally depressed), but she's starting to ease back into it. She is on a few dance teams and doesn't have to compete until January. Her physical therapist is just amazing. We're very thankful. Just like you will be when all of this stuff is behind you!

From Lucia on Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 22:58:05

MCM is an awesome race - if I'm in the area when you come up, I'll gladly host you and your girls.

Yeah, anesthesia and painkillers are dangerous... when my ex was in the hospital on morphine after a bicycle accident that caused him a serious brain injury (he recovered completely, by the way, thanks to his helmet) at one point he was hugging me and holding me, and he looked me in the eye and said "please don't leave me, say that you'll stay with me forever" - we were separated at the time, so that almost brought me to tears... then right after that, he said "what is your name?" It was just too funny!!! So, yes, tell Misty not to take anything you say under drugs seriously!!!

From kungfublonde on Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 23:01:05

Morphine is the worst for me! When I was in the hopsital for a stomach problem, they gave me morphine. I wanted Mike to lay my bed back down, but what I was saying was "give me peanut butter." Mike was so confused! It felt awful. I didn't know why he wouldn't just recline the bed for me!

From walter on Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 23:07:05

Yes I agree, I was in a car wreck in 1993 and they gave me morphine for the pain and my pain increased at least double! I asked what was in the i.v. and they told me Morphine. I asked them to take it out and I was in pain but not as much. It was so weird! I had Demerol and that was more like it! It kicked the pain entirely away! I have a hard time coming out of anesthesia! Its weird for me!

From Lucia on Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 23:10:44

Well, Wall-e, that was a LONG time ago - they've gone a long way since then! I had some ovarian cysts removed and the anesthesia really made me super sick for a long time - but the other day, just a couple of hours after the jaw surgery, I felt like I could've gone and run a marathon! Seriously, you're going to be juuuuust fiiiiine :)

From Lucia on Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 23:11:35

I forgot to mention the cyst removal surgery was in 1998 - ten years ago...

From kungfublonde on Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 23:12:47

Tell them no morphine, and you'll be golden :)

From walter on Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 23:22:07

Luce, Ill tell Misty not to take anything to heart. But let me know all the juicy details! lol Ill be on trial from here on out! Im screwed!

From air darkhorse on Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 05:12:20

Walter, Whats going on with your back? Surgery? How many days before you can run?

From walter on Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 13:20:46

Steve, I was using a jack hammer and the bit got stuck and as I was pulling up on it something in my back tweeked and I couldnt even walk. I have had a double hernia that I was planning on a surgery for them which i did yesterday. Hopefully all the laying around will help the back to heal.

How about you? are you doing alright? Youve been through alot my friend! Dont be a stranger!

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