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March 13, 2025

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South Jordan,UT,United States

Member Since:

Feb 04, 2008



Goal Type:

Local Elite

Running Accomplishments:

2010 Ogden Half Marathon 1st overall

2010 Bryce Canyon Half 2nd overall 1:12

2010 St. George Marathon 10th overall

2011 American Fork Half marathon 1st overall New PR 1:10:37

2012-Mt. Nebo Half 1:08:00





 2009 St. George Marathon 11th overall 2:31:43

2009 Ogden Marathon 4th place overall

2008 St. George Marathon 2:40:46 18th overall

2008 Tou Half 1:14:35 7th overall

2008 Bear Lake Half marathon 1st place Win. Set Course record.

2008 Provo river Half  PR 1:13:28

2008 Boston Marathon 2:49--Beat Lance Armstrong by 2 minutes.

2008 Ogden Marathon 10th overall.

Ragnar Relay Del Sol 2008--1st Place Team Overall. Set new course record! 17 hours 4 minutes 5.38 average pace per mile!

Ragnar Relay Wasatch Back 2008--2nd Place Team overall. 17 hours 54 minutes.

2007 Top of Utah 1/2 Marathon 1:14 4th overall

2007 Wasatch Back Relay 3rd team overall---Very Fun!

Boston, Rock & Roll Arizona, Carlsbad are my favorite marathons.

2007 St. George Marathon 2:40 with puking!39th overall





Short-Term Running Goals:

My short term goals are to stick to a good regime.

To bring my marathon pr down in mid 2:30's

World Championship Maters Marathon July 17, 2011

USATFLDR Competition Series: Stiders Half, Salt Lake Half, Hobblecreek Half, Heart of Holiday 5k, Running with Leopards 5k, Draper Days 5k, Minuteman 5k, Top of Utah Half.

Great Potato Half marathon--Boise

Running with Ed 41 mile relay. Team Probar

St. George Marathon 2011

Get Sponsors and make money in Masters.

Sponsors so far:

Probar, St. George Running Center



Long-Term Running Goals:

My long term goals are to beat sasha.

To get my marathon time to 2:20's



I have three girls-Sarah, Brooke, and Bailey and a baby boy born in Jan. 2010 named Boston. I own a Concrete Construction company called Quality Footings and Foundations. If any of my fellow bloggers are in need of concrete work just drop me a line or call 801-381-7089 I'll give you the friendly runner discount. Its hard work thats why between work and running I maintain my girlish figure! I own the American Flyers Race Pacers which is on Facebook to join. www.americanflyersracepacers.com 

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
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Got up and ran with the BB group this morning.  We did a 2.5 mile warmup and then some 2 minute fartlek repeats around Parkway Palisades hilly neighborhood. We had joy we had fun we had seasons with no sun....  9.15 total for this chilly morning. 

Night Sleep Time: 6.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 6.00
From Camille on Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 10:23:10

Well good morning! You know, I was thinking about you while I was biking today. I was thinking about how you and everyone else on this fastrunningblog could probably run faster than I bike. So depressing! That's about the time I increased my speed. LOL

From walter on Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 10:33:13

You are funny! I did a half ironman in burley Idaho this year and there was a 40 mph wind right at us on the bike and I kept looking down at the speedometer and it was reading 8 mph and I thought, crap I can run faster than this! So I know what you mean on the bike. I do like to bike every now and then, but it feels like Im cheating. You cover way more ground quicker. Its freezing up here right now! its 40 degrees out and very nippy.

From Camille on Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 10:39:06

Ha! I don't concider it cheating... I worked my little tail off. Actually, my legs are screaming right now. LOL It probably isn't from the bike though. I had the *brillant* idea of running uphill yesterday. ha! You think I'd be smarter than that!

From walter on Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 12:31:13

Its not cheating, I was just kidding. I did my hills this morning. Yesterday I went into the Minnetonka cave and hiked 884 stairs with my 6 year old daughter piggy backing on me. I hear you on that. Thats good you found some hills in the desert there! So I guess your tail is gone now huh!? I lost mine awhile ago. You are well on your way!

From Camille on Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 12:42:17

Well... thankfully I wasn't cursed with the "Hopkins Tail"... so yeah, it's almost gone LOL.

How nice of you to carry your 6 year old on your back as you hiking up those 884 stairs. How did she get down? LOL I bet you were exhausted. Did you carry her back too?

From walter on Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 12:57:52

Yeah, it was 442 in the cave up and down there and back 442 stairs. There was a part they call stairway to heaven that was 71 steps and Bailey counted everyone for me bless her heart! Its a cool little cave about 1/2 mile long and they guide you into it.

I still felt guilty for not putting in any miles for yesterday. It was actually snowing a sleet slush on us so i wussed out from camping and all and I didnt have any warm running gear.

From Kelli on Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 13:52:06

Yup, my kind of fun!!! But, the weather was perfect!!!

From walter on Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 14:07:03

Ok Kelli, you win it was cold ok! The water was warmer then the air yesterday.

From Kelli on Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 14:37:27

I like cold, just not TOO cold!

From walter on Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 14:59:28

I hate any cold as you can imagine. I have no meat on these boney bones. No reserve nothing! Warm is where its at! I can take it up to 100 and thats my limit

From Camille on Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 15:54:21

Well, it might be time to migrate south for the winter! LOL

Should I rub in how nice it was here this morning... or would that be salt in the wound?

From Walter on Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 16:24:39

Its not salt in the wound until its eight degrees out with inversion.

From Camille on Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 16:26:37

Good point... I honestly can't imagine weather *that* cold.

From walter on Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 16:42:17

And I cant imagine it being over 110! Hot in the City tonight!(Billy Idol) good song!

From wheakory on Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 18:46:39

Nice workout Walter. Unfortunately the cold weather is starting to present it's ugly head. What's your next race?

From walter on Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 20:28:14

I may do TOU marathon and pace someone in the 3:15-3:30 range. If not then I wont. Im scheduled for SGM though. My age is finally shining its ugly head on my body! Its hard to rebound from a marathon. I learned that when I did Ogden too close to Boston. Im proud of you for an awesome win! Your in the Kenyan elite group now!

From Kelli on Wed, Sep 03, 2008 at 15:55:43

Hey, where are you on planning our party in SG???

From walter on Wed, Sep 03, 2008 at 18:05:25

KELLI I will post an add in the discussion forum soon and see if anyone local wants to volunteer their house and if not then we'll have it in the park. Either way its a must do event! We'll have plenty of entertainment when I show up. Lol jk ok when you show up with your kids! I crack myself up!

From Lucia on Wed, Sep 03, 2008 at 21:54:08

Is fartlek a real word?

From walter on Wed, Sep 03, 2008 at 22:09:19

Yes Lucia, its a real word! Fartlek, which means "speed play" in Swedish, is a form of conditioning which puts stress mainly on the aerobic energy system due to the continuous nature of the exercise. The difference between this type of training and continuous training is that the intensity or speed of the exercise varies, meaning that aerobic and anaerobic systems can be put under stress. Most fartlek sessions last a minimum of 45 minutes and can vary from aerobic walking to anaerobic sprinting. Fartlek training is generally associated with running, but can include almost any kind of exercise.

I hope you thought I wrote that. I was obviously paraphrasing. jk I copied it out of wikipedia. Its your Swedish word of the day ok!? Ill teach you some German if you teach me your native tongue.

From Kelli on Wed, Sep 03, 2008 at 23:17:41

My kids are staying home!!! You will have to provide the entertainment.

From Kelli on Wed, Sep 03, 2008 at 23:37:19

OH MY---on the whole Fartlek thing. I thought you sounded like Sasha (the man is a walking calculator, dictionary, you name it when it comes to running!) Then as I kept reading it I thought, "There is no way in heck Walter wrote that on his own." So, I am glad you fessed up on that one.

From walter on Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 00:07:54

I dont know about my kind of entertainment Kelli!

Are you saying im dumb Kelli? You know I aced all my term papers in grade school! So there!

From Lucia on Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 08:41:54

So a fartlek is a hard interval workout?

Here's the Argentine word of the day: "maratón". Surprisingly, when Argentines talk about a "maraton" they don't mean a 26.2-mile marathon. Maratón to an Argentine means simply a race, of any distance. So they'll say something like "I ran a 10k "maratón" last weekend". I don't know if that's how the rest of the spanish-speaking countries use the word or not. I just find it interesting

From walter on Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 10:07:16

That makes sense! I think alot of Americans get that confused also. Ill tell people I ran a marathon and they'll say oh a 5k? NO a Marathon, 26.2! Why cant we just incorporate that in America Lucia? We dont really have to run 26.2 to run a marathon do we? lol Very interesting. I think you have something there! You Argentinians are a smart bunch!

From Kelli on Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 10:26:03

No, I am not saying you are dumb. I am saying you were pulling out the runner talk, which I do not usually here you do. You are very smart!

From Michelle N. on Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 10:32:00

Okay, so funny. I tell people I run marathons and they say, "How far is that"? or "I did one last week" and I'll say, "which one" and they say something like, "Bluffdale 10k". Totally the same thing. Ha, ha.

From Lucia on Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 10:35:39

Interesting... I thought in most of the world a marathon distance is pretty standard and well-known.

I know what you mean, Michelle - and you try to correct them while not sounding too arrogant, right? hehehe...

So, Wall-e, is a fartlek workout basically an interval workout, or how is it different?

From Michelle N. on Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 10:43:56

Exactly Lucia. You can't say actually you are totally wrong and I run way further than you in the same amount of time. Ha, ha.

A fartlek is basically running a fast pace for a certain distance followed by a slow pace recovery for the same distance. You repeat that for however long you want to. We did a 2 mile fartlek the other day with 2 minutes on-2 minutes off.

From walter on Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 18:27:24

Thanks for making sense of my dictionary response for Lucia Michelle. Im with you though, I love watching people say a marathon huh? How far is that? 26.2 what the h*@# are you glutton for punishment? lol.

From wheakory on Fri, Sep 05, 2008 at 11:14:23

Walter I would save your legs for STG and not do TOU. I decided I'm not going to do TOU you just because I like doing it. It's only two before STG. If you want to get a huge PR in STG save your legs.

From Walter on Fri, Sep 05, 2008 at 11:36:26

Kory, Im confused, I was thinking Id run a 3:30 with a lady thats trying her first marathon that runs really well but wants a 3:30. Or my other scenario was to start out with a 7-7:30 mile for 10 miles and then do tempo runs in between water stations which is 2 miles. I could do 2 miles hard, 2 miles light. What do you think? too much to late? I deffinitely wont get at the start with Sasha and those guys. I would bust out a 2:40 for sure if I started with them. I was also thinking of starting after a warmup, and running a tempo at the start with the fast runners and then stopping at the first aid station and doing aid to aid tempo runs. I dont know like I said, Im confused.

From wheakory on Fri, Sep 05, 2008 at 12:59:07

if you were thinking a hard tempo I would do a three mile warm-up in the race then do a 8 to 10 mile tempo and then drop out of TOU. The problem is your still running 26.2 miles and thats a lot two weeks before STG ( I did this last year, when they were three weeks apart and ran TOU at 2:46 and STG at 2:39, but I wasn't as fresh for STG and felt I could have ran it faster if I didn't run TOU). You really want to peak at the right time for STG. Doing a hard tempo for 10 miles and dropping out would be perfect downhill training for STG. I don't think you would be at your peak for STG if you ran the whole thing. Just my nonsense opinion. You want to give time for your muscle fiber to heal for STG and feel fresh. Now, if you running TOU and STG for just quantity than run both. Buy if your wanting to run STG for a quality peak time skip TOU.

I was originally thinking about running TOU, but when I saw it was two weeks from STG I said no way.

From walter on Fri, Sep 05, 2008 at 13:13:10

Yes for sure, I want SGM to be my race of the year so that is some sound advice. Your right with the extra miles. My legs are not recovering as quickly as they used to. That would be a great downhill workout too! I think its close to 13 or 14 miles of canyon right?

From wheakory on Fri, Sep 05, 2008 at 13:44:34

I almost thought about driving up there (TOU) that morning of the marathon and running the 13 miles as a tempo and then dropping out and driving home. But I can do the same thing here with less expense.

I think you would be smart and hold off for STG. I had to do the same thing with the Pocatello marathon, and hold off on a prior Marathon that I wanted to run three weeks earlier, but I knew I wouldn't be at my peak performance. I think this helped me do a pretty good job on the Pocatello Marathon last week.

Now I need to layoff and hope I'm ready and fresh for STG. From what I've heard there's going to be a big pace group for 2:30 there. I hope I'm able to hang on.

Trust me and save your legs for the big race.

You could even do a hard tempo this Saturday, and track work next week and still be plenty fresh for STG.

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