pm--painless 4.5. By far the best I've felt post-marathon. I've decided to be proactive w/ the IT and changed up a few things. First, I've found some stretches that really help. Second, I'm icing twice a day. Third, I took the hit in the wallet and bought an IT band wrap. Fourth, I've decided, since the opinions seem to be split how exactly to rest w/ ITBS, to keep on keeping on w/ the easy training. I mean if all I get in is a few miles, so be it. I'm not going to sweat the small miles. Last--you may want to stop here unless you're a shoe geek--I purchased some guidance--light stability--shoes. Since I, like many of you, am not bio-mechanically symetrical--I'm a mild pronator on my right side--I've decided to give my goofy foot a little TLC. So there it is. I'm cautiously happy right now. Side note--Brooks feel great. A little over 100 miles and a marathon in one pair. Minimal miles in the other pair. But they're awesome. The comfort and cushion are excellent. The transition is divine. I've been very pleased. I say all this because Brooks totally caught me off guard. I'm an aesthetic kinda guy, and, generally speaking, Brooks are the ugliest, clunkiest looking shoes around. Once you slip them on and run in them, however, it's like the looks follow the personality and Voila! they're the most beautiful pair of shoes that you've ever set your eyes on. Maybe the relationship will fade like it did w/ the Mizunos. Hope not. Shoe Geek out.