Holy smokes - what a fun race! I certainly wasn't brave enough to wear a "colddddest costume", but enjoy watching everyone else! Here are a few of the highlights: -Driving up to Salt Lake listening to all the best songs from the year/decade (two that particularly stuck out were "Sweet Child of Mine" by Guns and Roses - secretly, I always wanted to be Axel Rose for Halloween AND "Dreeamweaver"). Nothing like a good song to put you in a good running mood. -Seeing the hairy dude in the red speedo and the ladies in the string bikinis (Maybe they weren't highlights, but I had bad dreams because of the hairy dude....) -My race number was 2010. I thought maybe that was good Karma for the year, but then I realized everyone had that number! Definitely not my fastest race, but I was there to enjoy! It is always nice to have a starting point for the year - I want to run every race faster than the next. 1 - 9:10 2 - 9:03 3 - 8:05 .1 - 1.20 (7:52) Average pace - 8:44 Total time: 27:40