I Can Do Hard Things

Week starting Oct 28, 2012

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American Fork,UT,

Member Since:

Nov 27, 2009



Goal Type:

Boston Qualifier

Running Accomplishments:

St George Marathon

2011 - 4:11:52 

2017. -4:01:17

2021 - 4:03:05

Salt Lake City Full Marathon

2013 -  4:23:03 

Ogden Marathon

2012 - 3:58:35

2013 - 4:17:20

2014 - 4:02:51

2017 - 3:55:22**

2023 - 3:57:09

Utah Valley Marathon

2019 - 4:05:37 

Top of Utah Marathon

2014 - 4:09:27

Mt Charleston Marathon

2019 - 4:05:33

West Mountain Marathon

2015 - 4:42:34


St George Half Marathon

2012 - 1:55:00

2013 - 2:03:00

2014 - 1:46:00

2015 - 1:48:00

2022-  1:42:45**

Salt Lake City Half Marathon

2012 - 1:51:00

2014 - 1:44:01

Hobble Creek Half Marathon

2001 - 1:40:00**

2011 - 1:45:00

2012 - 1:43:00

2013 - 1:43:00 

2022 - 1:48:53

Ogden Half Marathn

2024 - 1:48:58 - 3rd place in AG

American Fork Half Marathon

2013 - 1:48:24

2014- 1:53:23 (pacing Tim)

2017  - 1:47:54

2018 - 1:48:12

2019 - 1:47:50

Timp Half Marathon

2012 - 1:47:18 

2022 - 1:49:40 (AF Cancer course)

Utah Valley Half Marathon 

2011 - 1:55:00 

Top of Utah Half Marathon

2010 - 1:48:20 

The Haunted Half Provo

2018 - 1:51:28


Goblin Valley 50K

2014 - 5:58

Red Mountain 55K

2018 - 7:31:37

Antelope Island Fall Classic 50K

2017 - 6:14:23

Antelope Island 50 Mile

2015 - 10:10:00

Antelope Island 100 Mile

2018 - 26:53



**Personal Best 



Short-Term Running Goals:



Long-Term Running Goals:

To qualify for Boston


Married for 23 years. I have 18 year old triplets and a 15 year old. I love to sew, garden, and run!

Favorite Running Quotes: 


"Sooner or later the serious runner goes through a special, very personal experience that is unknown to most people.

Some call it euphoria. Others say it's a new kind of mystical experience that propels you into a elevated state of consciousness, a flash of joy.

A sense of floating as you run. This experience is unique to each of us, but when it happens, you break through a barrier that separates you from casual runners. Forever. And from that point on, there is no finish line. You run for your life. You begin to be addicted to what running gives you."  

~Nike Poster

2.           A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


You’ve no doubt heard this.  And you’ve probably recited it in your mind on a run or at the gym when you’re just beginning to get in shape.  You have a goal in sight and this quote brings you back to the current moment.


But the problem is that many runners forget all of the steps between the first one and the goal.  If your goal is to run under two hours for the half marathon then you need to be honest about all of the little steps to get to that goal.


…and what I’d rather see you do is to get the goal out of mind completely, but rather focus on the process, not the outcome. -Jay Johnson Process orientation, not outcome orientation.


You should have goals, but you should take it one step at a time.  And you should be honest about the fact that you don’t know how many steps it will take to get there. ~ Vernon Gambetta


3.  Human beings are made up of flesh, blood and a miracle fiber called COURAGE! ~ George Patton 


4.   Find the courage to be patient.

Favorite Blogs:

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Miles:This week: 10.69 Month: 40.83 Year: 225.64
2014 - Minutes Lifetime Miles: 28605.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance
Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I created a flexible training schedule to try to get back in shape over the weekend.  I only increase my mileage 2 miles a week.  But the key to this schedule is being flexible.  I'm still undecided about races.  I guess it all depends on on my comeback.  Sigh.....

3 x

10 lunges (side, front and back)

10 chest press

10 skull crushers

10 hamstring lifts




3.5 miles on the TM

1 x 7 min run/3 min walk

3 x 6 min walk/3 min walk

I wore my older Kinvaras and I think they are done.  My legs felt very funny after my run today and this happened last time I wore them.  Foam rolling and stretching. 

Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I decided to run outside this morning since it was going to be warmer.  It was SO beautiful and there was a full moon!

I ran up LP Hwy.  I haven't done this route since before my stress fracture.  It brought a lot of memories of the day I was running my mid-week longish run (12 miles) and decided that my ankle just didn't feel right.  Sad. 

But today was a good run (not a sad one!).  54:00:00 (getting faster each day)

2 x 6 min walk/4 min run

3 x 5 min walk/5 min run

1 last sprint home...probably 2 minutes or so.

My running started out slow and got progressively faster and faster.  I even hit the 7MM.  Nice.

2 x 2 house worth of lunges

I'm kinda a Halloween Grinch....it is so much work and money for one lousy evening.  Grrrrr..... 

Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

We had our ward Halloween party last night and didn't get home until 9:00pm.  By the time everyone showered and got to bed it was WAY too late.  And they were grumpy and sugared up.

So when my alarm went off at 5:00am this morning, I was feeling grumpy too!  I turned it off planning on sleeping in.  Then my mind starting racing about when I was going to get my run in....I can't do it tonight, tomorrow is ward temple night, blah, blah, blah.  I finally got up.

By this time I only had 35 minutes, so I walked/ran as far as I could and thought I could add my shortage onto Saturday's run (.8 miles).  My ankle was definitely tired from yesterday's power run.  So I kept the pace very slow today and I *think* everything feels ok.

1 x 6 min walk/4 min run

2 x 5 min walk/5 min run

No stretching....nothing.  A quick drink, shower and back to bed.  It's gonna be a long day. 

Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Designated rest day...and perfect timing too!!  We were up late last night having a festive night and it was nice to sleep in.  I purchased my kids candy for $8 (because they are 8 years old).  Best investment EVER.  I took all that junk out to the trash man this morning.  We are going to Target on Saturday to spend out hard-earned cash.

I've been cleaning like a mad lady today.  AND I'm doing the pre-Christmas dejunk.  I took several bags to DI and straightened up closets.  I still need to tackle the toy room, but I need to find another bucket of motivation.  All those darn legos and polly pockets!


We'll see how long the cleanliness lasts! 

Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I received my Ogden Marathon confirmation email last night...I'm IN!!!  I'm SUPER SUPER excited and yet very nervous!  I reviewed my flexible training plan (2 mile/week increase and every 2 weeks is a rest week) I made earlier in the week and started planning tune up races.  Then I got frustrated with myself for not being laid-back and not having the "I don't care" attitude.  And I couldn't fall asleep because my brain was in overload.  "Am I trying to do too much too soon"..."I won't be able to get my fitness back and this will all be a waste of time and money"  yada....yada...yada....  

Running makes me mental sometimes.

I went to the gym this morning.  Once I realized how warm it was, I wish I had gone outside.  I watched a news story of how a lady gave birth in her car as her husband was driving her to the hospital.  Ahhhhh...

6 x 5 min walk/5 min run 52:52 (getting faster)

During my last 5 min run, I really wanted to make it to 4.9 miles so it was actually an 6:22 minute run and I walked the last .10 as a cool down.  I ran most of my runs at 7.0 mph or higher which is WAY faster than I normally do.  I was breathing hard, but definitely manageable.  

Quick foam rolling

My massage therapist worked on my lower legs today.  She's SO awesome! 

Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

My youngest daughter earned a sleepover with her cousin.  I'm afraid she thought "sleepover" meant stay up ALL night long.  She was still going strong at 10:00pm when I went to sleep.  Then I heard her again at 1:00am.  I think she went to sleep shortly thereafter.  But she was the first one awake this morning. It is going to be a long grumpy day for a 5-year old.

I got to the gym later than normal so I could make breakfast for everyone and do hair.  I left them to rake 500 bags of leaves.  Darn it!!!

3 x

10 side lunges with weights

10 hamstring lifts

60 planks

15 skull crushers

On the run:

2 x 5 min walk/5 min run

2 x 4 min walk/6 min run

1 x 5 min walk/5 min run

1 x 3 min walk/7 min run

58:42!!!!!  I tried to do my runs at 7.0mph but it was a lot harder today.  Probably because I was running further at the speed.   NO ankle pain.  Yahoooooooo!!!!!!!  I just need to build up my fitness.

Long stretching session

Foam rolling

We took our kids to Target this afternoon to let them spend their Halloween candy money.  Way better than consuming all that candy.

Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance
Weight: 0.00
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