AM - Great run this morning with Bill, Dustin, Dave and Logan. Started at the SG Marathon finish line, ran up the course 9 and came back down. Believe it or not, this was my first time running up the course (This might explain why I suck at hills). I actually ended up feeling pretty good, but did drop off the back of the other guys just a little. After the turn around we kept a nice stead 6:00 pace for about 2 miles then it just started getting faster and faster. By the time we hit the church on Bluff my watch was reading in the 5:20's - 30's and I was getting dropped. Overall I'm really happy about this run. I didn't have any water or Gu and still felt pretty good. The funny thing about this run was I ran pretty quick down the course the last few mile but because I was getting dropped I felt like was running in place. Go figure.