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St. George Marathon

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Member Since:

Jun 11, 2010



Goal Type:


Running Accomplishments:

Pre-5th baby races:

2007- Sandy, 4th of July 5k (first race ever)

2008- June-Wasatch Back

2008-Sandy, 4th of July 10k 58:01

2008-August-Provo River Half Marathon. 2:07:46 The only half I've ever run.

2008-Sept-Alta 8k Downhill Dash 39.01

Post-5th baby races:

2009 November Turkey Trot 5k


-10k Freedom Run 56:23 (July)

Wasatch Woman 53:25.4 (Oct)

 -Hobble Creek Half 1:58:19-PR

 -TOU Marathon! 4:28:43.7 (first)


-Dam 2 Dam 10 mile Run 1:29:33.8 (AP 8:57)

-Spectrum 10k- 49:49 (AP 8:01) PR

-Ogden Marathon 4:05:03 (AP 9:21) PR

-Wasatch Back

UV Half -paced my sister

-St. George Marathon 4:29:32


SHAC triathlon-April

AF Half PR 1:57:34-June with Ashley

Salmon Marathon(4th)

2013-Ragnar Relay

Halloween half marathon with Jane


Short-Term Running Goals:

Vigor half with Ashley, May 10, 2014


Married and have 5 daughters. Started running in Feb 2006. I love yoga.

Favorite Blogs:

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Asics-Kinsei 3 Lifetime Miles: 609.78
Asics Gel-Nimbus 12 Lifetime Miles: 484.26
Brooks Glycerin 8 Lifetime Miles: 448.62
Mizuno Wave Rider 14 Lifetime Miles: 12.00
Blue Brooks Launch Lifetime Miles: 427.43
Glycerin 8 #2 Lifetime Miles: 433.38
Ghost 4 Lifetime Miles: 448.41
Glycerin 10 Dark Gray/PINK! Lifetime Miles: 440.94
Pink Pure Flow 2 Lifetime Miles: 467.25
Orange Saucony Triumph 10 Lifetime Miles: 437.76
White Triumph 10's Lifetime Miles: 430.19
New White Triumph 10's Lifetime Miles: 375.95
PINK Triumph 10 Lifetime Miles: 417.00
Suacony Power Grid Trail Shoes Lifetime Miles: 40.82
Stupid Huaka Hokas Lifetime Miles: 10.32
Glycerin 14! Lifetime Miles: 343.96
Total Distance
Blue Brooks Launch Miles: 3.00Glycerin 8 #2 Miles: 28.30
Total Distance

Took it way easy cause the bottom of my left foot is sore since last week. Below my heel mostly. Is that plantar fasciitis? It's only been sore a few days so I'm hoping it'll go away. I'm rolling it on a tennis ball right now.

Power Yoga-52 minutes. Maybe down dog will help it too.

Blue Brooks Launch Miles: 3.00
Total Distance

Supposed to run 4 today but I had choir at the school this morning and I want to rest my foot anyway. I think the chacos are helping but I still feel it.

Made a reservation @ Gun Barrel restaurant in St. George for post race dinner! That place is SO yummy! I can't wait.

Total Distance

Cutting my toe nails...thanks for reminding me Allie:)

 My left foot is feeling FINE today. I wanna run but I don't want to risk it. Can't I just jog some tomorrow and Friday? It's like torture not having run since Mon. but I was so sore after. These chacos and resting have definitely helped.

Lizzie gets her casts of her legs tomorrow. So excited!!! Back to soccer and kids are back on the bus. I'm SO glad I won't have to drive them to school anymore.

Total Distance

I'm freaking out a little cause I've only run 3 miles this week, but my foot is feeling better so...Was going to do yoga today but I have to finish cleaning before Jeff's parents arrive. Spent all morning with Lizzie getting her casts off and cleaning her up after that, buying insoles for her shoes and grocery shopping for meals while we're gone. Yoga once this week will have to do.

I made myself eat a sandwich for lunch.

Total Distance

2 mile jog with Jeff. Neither of us slept much last night. We were glad to get out and run a little. Now to get the rest of the kids off to school so we can get ready and head down to St. George!

Glycerin 8 #2 Miles: 2.00
Race: St. George Marathon (26.3 Miles) 04:29:33
Total Distance

4:29:33 AP 10:15 

By the time I realized I was running too fast it was too late.

First time running this marathon and I think it's my last...I am embarrassed that I even thought I could stay with the 4 hr pacer. My attitude during this marathon mirrored my attitude during training. I wanted to quit. I didn't know what to expect of myself and this was an emotional roller coaster for me. Biggest marathon so far. Tons of people. I'm a triple marathoner and this was my slowest pace. What cracks me up is I warned Jeff to not go out too fast. Now watch what I do.

Woke up at 3:30am cause Jeff's friend told him you could get prizes for being on the first bus. Well, we didn't get a prize. Super long bus ride. Super long wait at the top. I should have memorized the stats and facts the announcer kept repeating before the race. Every state but Vermont and Delaware were represented at this race. They handed out space blankets and we sat on ours close to where they'd light a bonfire soon. I got some hot chocolate.

First half=  1-9:02,2-9:03,Jeff was in front of the pacer and I was right behind him. 3-8:30,4-8:29,5-9:09,someone gave me a flat tire at the water stop and I saw Jeff for a minute but then left him behind. 6-8:01,7-8:36,8-11:05,(veyo-the pacer was walking) 9-10,10-9:24,(waving to the helicopters around here somewhere)11-9:49,12-9:53,(it was around here that I lost the pacer. I had been talking with TJ who was also trying to stay with the pacer. Cute 21-yr old from Idaho. We stayed together for a few miles here. I spent myself on these hills trying to keep up with him. I told TJ to go ahead without me. 13-9:37 (I think this is where the spectators were and the right turn down to the beautiful snow canyon. My quads were already feeling sore on this hill.

Mile 14-17 were 10:12,10:20,9:53,9:52 and the I just wanted to quit here I guess.

Mile 18-20 were 11:27,13:47,12:00 I gave up. at 18 my legs were hamburger. I grabbed a GIANT grape otter pop from some kid, got off to the left and turned around to walk backwards and look for Jeff. I saw an ambulance go by with lights and siren going and wondered if it was Jeff. I was worried and wondered how far behind me he was. I actually saw him a ways back walking off to the left like me so I decided to wait. He said he was surprised to see me. We both complained to each other about our aches and ran together for a while. Walked ran up the hill and was excited to see the showers of water up there. Jeff actually ran ahead for the next few miles. I was done. Walking a lot.

This whole next section was downhill and I couldn't even enjoy cause my entire upper legs felt broken.

Miles 21-23 were 11:05,12:25,12:23 Walking, stopped for icy hot, walking

So I decided I need to catch Jeff and I saw the spectators. I zoomed down the hill (haha) to catch him and smacked him on the butt. He said he wondered when I was coming. We were both struggling but he more than me so I kind of helped him to the finish line. I saw TJ right up ahead of us and yelled her name and said "You waited for me!" She asked me to drag her to the finish. We ran ahead of Jeff for a few minutes but I kept turning around to make sure he wasn't too far behind me. We grabbed popsicles and I lost TJ. Super nice, cute girl. I stayed with Jeff. Grabbed ice and water and dumped it on my head. The spectators were great. I slapped any kids hands that were out. One of my favorite signs was at mile 24 that said "Worst parade ever!" So, I grabbed the wet hand towels and so much appreciated that! We were seeing runners on the ground receiving medical attention and Jeff was making funny noises. I kept asking him if he was okay and telling him "we're almost there!" He was behind me right before the last turn and I said "C'mon, we're almost there!" I tried to push him (like, get him to race me) to the finish line, spectators cheering!!! I think he understands now why I didn't hear him blowing his air horn at me during the last mile of my first marathon. Your just trying not to fall down and die! Anyway...we crossed the finish line together!!!! It was awesome!

My 6 yr old asked me why I'm walking like my legs are broken! I said cause they feel like they are!

Mile 24-10:09


26-10:58 and.3 was a 10:04

Glycerin 8 #2 Miles: 26.30
Total Distance
Blue Brooks Launch Miles: 3.00Glycerin 8 #2 Miles: 28.30
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