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Provo Freedom 10k Run

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Member Since:

Jun 11, 2010



Goal Type:


Running Accomplishments:

Pre-5th baby races:

2007- Sandy, 4th of July 5k (first race ever)

2008- June-Wasatch Back

2008-Sandy, 4th of July 10k 58:01

2008-August-Provo River Half Marathon. 2:07:46 The only half I've ever run.

2008-Sept-Alta 8k Downhill Dash 39.01

Post-5th baby races:

2009 November Turkey Trot 5k


-10k Freedom Run 56:23 (July)

Wasatch Woman 53:25.4 (Oct)

 -Hobble Creek Half 1:58:19-PR

 -TOU Marathon! 4:28:43.7 (first)


-Dam 2 Dam 10 mile Run 1:29:33.8 (AP 8:57)

-Spectrum 10k- 49:49 (AP 8:01) PR

-Ogden Marathon 4:05:03 (AP 9:21) PR

-Wasatch Back

UV Half -paced my sister

-St. George Marathon 4:29:32


SHAC triathlon-April

AF Half PR 1:57:34-June with Ashley

Salmon Marathon(4th)

2013-Ragnar Relay

Halloween half marathon with Jane


Short-Term Running Goals:

Vigor half with Ashley, May 10, 2014


Married and have 5 daughters. Started running in Feb 2006. I love yoga.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Asics-Kinsei 3 Lifetime Miles: 609.78
Asics Gel-Nimbus 12 Lifetime Miles: 484.26
Brooks Glycerin 8 Lifetime Miles: 448.62
Mizuno Wave Rider 14 Lifetime Miles: 12.00
Blue Brooks Launch Lifetime Miles: 427.43
Glycerin 8 #2 Lifetime Miles: 433.38
Ghost 4 Lifetime Miles: 448.41
Glycerin 10 Dark Gray/PINK! Lifetime Miles: 440.94
Pink Pure Flow 2 Lifetime Miles: 467.25
Orange Saucony Triumph 10 Lifetime Miles: 437.76
White Triumph 10's Lifetime Miles: 430.19
New White Triumph 10's Lifetime Miles: 375.95
PINK Triumph 10 Lifetime Miles: 417.00
Suacony Power Grid Trail Shoes Lifetime Miles: 40.82
Stupid Huaka Hokas Lifetime Miles: 10.32
Glycerin 14! Lifetime Miles: 343.96
Total Distance
Asics-Kinsei 3 Miles: 28.81
Race: Provo Freedom 10k Run (6.2 Miles) 00:56:23, Place overall: 633, Place in age division: 38
Total Distance

Garmin said I ran 6.15 in 55:22 PR for me YAY!:) Only the second 10k race I've ever run so I was trying to beat 58:01. My average pace was 9:00 according to garmin. Feel great about that.

The weather was perfect. It was cool at the start, we had goose bumps. I was with two of my sisters, a brother, his girlfriend, a niece and her friends. We all wore red or blue bandanas on our heads. That came in handy later cause I spotted my sisters on the switch back and we screamed and waved. Anyway, My brother and his girlfriend beat me and I couldn't believe it. I was talking smack to him cause he never runs, he cycles. He can barely walk but his heart is stronger than mine (cardio). Everyone else in the pack was behind me. We started out together of course but then...I wanted to get a PR:)

Beautiful run. Lots of shade. Fun to run in my hometown and on the parade route with people cheering you on.

Splits: Mile 9:56 Uphill on 9th East

8:29 down on university parkway

8:34 can't believe I'm running this fast (university)

8:59 still can't believe it (center st)

9:05 up toward state hospital and do a switch back. I see my brother and try to catch him. I pass this older lady because it's bugging me that she's been ahead of me this whole time.

9:03 up the hill again (9th east) I saved a little for this hill. I started passing people that had passed me. I saw this girl in a tutu that I'd been with and I wanted to pass her. Young, tan, skinny thing. I passed her on the this hill. Never caught my brother. He's amazing and will be very sore today.

8:24 last .15 mile and I ran as fast as I could but dang tutu girl passed me. oh well. I know I did the best I could and that's what matters. My family was there to cheer me on right before the finish.

I love running this race! So good to be back in shape after baby #5! I love running! I love running races! Off to Island Park now for family reunion! Happy 4th of July!





Asics-Kinsei 3 Miles: 6.20
Total Distance

Time 27:32 Avg 9:10 I almost forgot I had to run at home this morning. I was focused on running at the cabin. Gotta shower and get ready to go. 

Walking planks and side planks. No time for anything else.

Asics-Kinsei 3 Miles: 3.01
Total Distance

Time 35:31 Avg 9:53 I ran up at Island Park and it was beautiful. I ran around Bill's Island which is 3 miles. My daughter Lizzie ran with me for soccer conditioning. It was fun to run with her. She kept up really well. We didn't have to get up too early cause it's cooler up there.

Asics-Kinsei 3 Miles: 3.60
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Total Distance

Time 29:51 Avg 9:56 Went alone. Ran around the loop. Needed to run cause I rested yesterday. Stuck in the car all day at Yellowstone (yesterday). Many construction delays and not a lot of animals. Saw one quick glance of a bear, and like one buffalo and three elk from really far away. Took FOREVER to get back to cabin cause of construction.

Asics-Kinsei 3 Miles: 3.00
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Total Distance

We decided to stay in Island Park so I had to do my long run up there. So sorry Lysa! I actually ran 14 miles which is the farthest I've ever run in my life! My garmin wasn't working for the first mile. Couldn't pick up the satellite cause of clouds and trees I guess. So... pretty good long run considering my lack of sleep all week and esp the night before. Sleeping in the same room with my whole family=very little sleep. This run was quite hilly and at a higher altitude Jeff reminded me.

Time 2:09:22 Avg 9:57 There was a thunder/rain storm the night before. It was still cloudy and nice and cool. .Good thing since I didn't start till 7:45am.

I couldn't have done this without my husband Jeff cause I didn't bring my water belt or gu's. He met me every 3 miles with water, coke and other things. He had my baby in the car since we both left the cabin and didn't want to leave her behind. She's a hassle to take care of.

So, I felt good. I ran off the island and on the main road. It was really pretty. I drank water and coke at stops and took some ibuprofen around mile 5. Jeff would drive 3 miles and wait for me to come. I picked up some jelly bellies from the van at mile 6 and put them in my pocket. Ate them one at a time and hoped for good flavors. I was lucky. My legs were hurting from mile 6 on. Jeff was very encouraging, told me I was doing good. He said I should just run 12 since I had run that mile.

In the end, I went 14 cause it just HAD to say 13 on my garmin. You understand Lys. I was really hurting at mile 12 and then tried to snap out of it and picked it up for the last mile.  Maybe I'll write my splits for fun.











11-10:25 (whoa, so tired)

12-10:42(even more tired)


So, sort of pooped out last 3 miles. Too bad my first mile wasn't recorded. Oh well. I did it. 13, really 14 miles!

Woo hoo! ready for bed! My legs have been sore today and I slept a lot in the car on the way home. Good to be home!

Asics-Kinsei 3 Miles: 13.00
Total Distance
Asics-Kinsei 3 Miles: 28.81
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