We decided to stay in Island Park so I had to do my long run up there. So sorry Lysa! I actually ran 14 miles which is the farthest I've ever run in my life! My garmin wasn't working for the first mile. Couldn't pick up the satellite cause of clouds and trees I guess. So... pretty good long run considering my lack of sleep all week and esp the night before. Sleeping in the same room with my whole family=very little sleep. This run was quite hilly and at a higher altitude Jeff reminded me.
Time 2:09:22 Avg 9:57 There was a thunder/rain storm the night before. It was still cloudy and nice and cool. .Good thing since I didn't start till 7:45am. I couldn't have done this without my husband Jeff cause I didn't bring my water belt or gu's. He met me every 3 miles with water, coke and other things. He had my baby in the car since we both left the cabin and didn't want to leave her behind. She's a hassle to take care of. So, I felt good. I ran off the island and on the main road. It was really pretty. I drank water and coke at stops and took some ibuprofen around mile 5. Jeff would drive 3 miles and wait for me to come. I picked up some jelly bellies from the van at mile 6 and put them in my pocket. Ate them one at a time and hoped for good flavors. I was lucky. My legs were hurting from mile 6 on. Jeff was very encouraging, told me I was doing good. He said I should just run 12 since I had run that mile. In the end, I went 14 cause it just HAD to say 13 on my garmin. You understand Lys. I was really hurting at mile 12 and then tried to snap out of it and picked it up for the last mile. Maybe I'll write my splits for fun. 1-9:45 2-9:47 3-9:09 4-9:36 5-10:13 6-10 7-9:49 8-9:47 9-10:10 10-9:56 11-10:25 (whoa, so tired) 12-10:42(even more tired) 13-10:03 So, sort of pooped out last 3 miles. Too bad my first mile wasn't recorded. Oh well. I did it. 13, really 14 miles! Woo hoo! ready for bed! My legs have been sore today and I slept a lot in the car on the way home. Good to be home!