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Week starting Nov 18, 2012

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Member Since:

Jun 21, 2011



Goal Type:


Running Accomplishments:

800m- 2:23

1600m- 5:10

1 Mile- 5:12


XC 3 mile-17:55

XC 5k- 19:00

XC 6k- 22:25

Local 5k- 18:42

Local 10k- 41:31

Local 15k- 1:03:55

Unofficial Half (2020)- 1:45:46

Official Half (2021)- 1:49:28

60% (5 miles)- 32:32 (6:30 average)

80% (3 miles)- 18:52 (6:17 average)

16x400s- 82.0 average

20x400s- 82.6 average

SUU Road Race- 23:30 (3.9 miles/6:02 average)

Short-Term Running Goals:

Get up to 45-50 miles/week

Run a sub-19:30 5k again

Train for and race a half marathon

Long-Term Running Goals:

18:45 or under 5k

Run a marathon


27 years old, not married, no kids. Going against the norm in Utah.

Mental health advocate, LGBTQ+ rights supporter. Newly identified bisexual woman. Ex-mormon

Former college runner for Southern Utah University

Currently studying Social Work at the University of Utah

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Adidas Distancestar Spikes Lifetime Miles: 3.00
Adidas Boston 7 Lifetime Miles: 430.33
Nike Pegasus 34 Lifetime Miles: 493.60
Nike Pegasus 34 II Lifetime Miles: 365.31
Nike Pegasus 36 Lifetime Miles: 480.43
Nike Pegasus 36 II Lifetime Miles: 319.00
Nike Pegasus 37 Lifetime Miles: 188.01
New Balance FuelCore Nergize V1 (walking) Lifetime Miles: 219.85
Nike Pegasus Turbo Lifetime Miles: 31.68
Total Distance
Asics Miles: 65.25
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
Total Distance

We went up to the trail by the zoo. We went to the watertank. On the way there about a mile in maybe I started to feel the way i normally do on mondays. But then to make it worse my calves were absolutely killing me!! When I got to the water tank Abigail and Emmaline were there. We stretched on top of the tank while we waited for the boys to come back. Then we did 8 800s on the trail switching off ways. We would go out 200 and back 200 as recovery for each. The first one I hit 4:05, going up that huge hill. 2nd one was around a 3:35??? I don't really know the exact times for most of them. Next was like 4:08, then around 3:45? 5 flat, (I quit on myself on the hill...) then Abigail left for work, and previosly Emmaline had left because her knee was hurting. Now it was just me with the boys. So Bill gave me a 15 second head start. I hit 3:19 I think we decided. Then on the way up I started to quit on myself again, but got myself to work through it eventually. Idk what I hit that time. Then I hit 3:19-3:20ish on the last one. Then we just ran back and did a lap around the field and the parking lot. That got me to 12.

Asics Miles: 12.00
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
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Natalie came today! :) We ran along 13th to South Temple, then went up to the cemetery in the Avenues and ran up Death hill. Then the groups split up, and I went with those going the longer distance. We ran to the City Creek trail, my first time running it. It had SO many hills and it got to the point where I just didn't want to do it anymore and I wanted to be done. I had decided that like halfway through the hills. It didn't help me out much. The hills were steep, and whenever I saw another one coming I crashed even more mentally. Now I'm worried for Footlocker, what if I crash like that???

Anyway, then we took the trail that eventually turned into the JCC trail. I was far behind the group, so when I got to where the trail forked, I just had to choose one and hope it was the right one. I figured it must be the one that went up, as much as I hated it. So I took that one, but when it just kept going up, and up, and up, I started to second guess. I stopped for a bit to see if I could hear the group, but I couldn't, then I just decided maybe a little further and I'll be there, and sure enough I was. Thank goodness I didn't turn around and see if they went on another trail...

From then on I knew the trail well enough. It was JCC now. After a little bit I realized how slow I must be going, and so I decided to pick up the pace. I just told myself it would be easier if I went faster. Which it was. :) I caught up to Abigail and Ethan and stayed at their pace, then right before the trail ended Abigail picked up the pace by a lot, so I decided to go with her, especially since I've never actually known the right way to go from there. So I followed her. Turns out it wasn't the right way after all...we were apparently supposed to go to Shriner's and go that way back. 

Asics Miles: 14.25
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
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Recovery run. The team met at Draper Park. Since it was all the way out there, I figured it must be an important run, so I was preparing for a nice 10 miler at least. Nope. We did a 5 mile loop then did 5 strides and called it good after we finished to 5.5. I got a little lost on the loop, but I went the right way. I didn't know where to go when Fort Street hit that busy road, and Bill wasn't behind me like I thought, so I didn't know if I took a wrong turn. Haha oh well. 

Asics Miles: 5.50
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
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I tried to go to the race today, but I couldn't find a ride. So instead I did my own run. I went along 1500 E. to 2100 S, then down to 700 E. and then went to Liberty and went the long way around, up 9th to 13th, then to South Temple to 1100 E. and then to 13th S and up there then back home. :) I included hills without really meaning to... I didn't really think about where I was going until I actually ran. 

Asics Miles: 10.25
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
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We met at Sugarhouse and did the cemetery loop. We did 2 laps in the cemetery and had to add on a road lap and another half mile when we were done with that to get to 10. It went by a lot faster than I thought it would! I also didn't crash as bad as I remember doing in the summer! I felt like it was a pretty good run.

Asics Miles: 10.00
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
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We went to the oval... it was pretty early! Apparently going early doesn't necessarily mean no people in lane, yeah there was a bunch of stuff in lane one because of the speed skaters. Really, how hard is it to keep only that one lane open? Can't you just back all that stuff up a few feet? Anyway, because of all that stuff it took just that much longer on the speed parts. We did 8 laps warmup, 4 laps speed changes, 1 lap to our stuff and changed shoes. Then we did a mile. I was supposed to hit 5:45ish. I hit 6:02. I was kinda using Abigail as a pacer, and I'm sure she was using me too, so yeah it was slow. It did feel slow and I think I could've done better than that. Then we did 2 800s, I was supposed to hit 2:45 I think? I hit 2:55, 2:52? Then we did a 400. I was supposed to hit 80-85. I think I hit 82ish? Then we did 300s. I hit 58, 57, 58, 56. Then we did cool down to 10.


I did 3.25. Gah I did my math wrong! Oh well. Just a quarter over. My legs felt heavy at the beginning but they gradually felt better as it went on. 

Asics Miles: 13.25
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
Total Distance
Asics Miles: 65.25
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
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