Ran this with my cousin JohnnyV. Of course, Johnny said to meet him at the bus, so I waited at the Toxic Waste Center until they made me get on the last bus without JohnnyV. Then, at the top of Big Mountain I walked around calling his name, no response. Saw a few other bloggers, and finally the race was about to start. Finally Johnny responds to one last call out from me, and says he's just been chilling on the mountain. Anyway, here we are at the start, we didn't get the same press coverage as Allie, who totally deserved it with her great win!! (Don't you also just love how cheap Des News is that they use strideracing's generic finish line banner for the start?)  Well, it was great running with Johnny. We were all lucky to have had shade as long as we did. My splits are from my Garmin, which, despite trying to run good tangents was off by mile 2. Anyway, here's the report. I don't usually wear a heart rate monitor anymore, but was curious for this race. 1 |
| 6:29 | | 140 (average HR)
| 2 |
| 6:31 | 13:00 | 141 | 3 |
| 6:28 | 19:28 | 146 | 4 |
| 7:16 | 26:45 | 153
| 5 |
| 7:38 | 34:24 | 150
| 6 |
| 8:16 | 42:40 | 152 | 7 |
| 9:26 | 52:06 | 147
| 8 |
| 8:39 | 1:00:45 | 144 | 9 |
| 6:41 | 1:07:26 | 147 | 10 |
| 8:26 | 1:15:53 | 147 | 11 |
| 7:32 | 1:23:25 | 145
| 12 |
| 7:27 | 1:30:52 | 146
| 13 |
| 7:24 | 1:38:172 | 138
Half in 1:39:58
| 14 |
| 7:53 | 1:46:10 | 153
| 15 |
| 7:34 | 1:53:45 | 155
| 16 |
| 7:33 | 2:01:18 | 152
| 17 |
| 7:53
| 2:09:11 | 148
| 18 |
| 8:54 | 2:18:06 | 155
| 19 |
| 8:01 | 2:26:07 | 161
| 20 |
| 8:57 | 2:35:03 | 161
| 21 |
| 9:40 | 2:44:44 | 156
| 22 |
| 8:13 | 2:52:57 | 156
| 23 |
| 9:38 | 3:02:36 | 152
| 24 |
| 8:33 | 3:11:09 | 151
| 25 |
| 9:20 | 3:20:29 | 149 | 26 |
| 10:28 | 3:30:57 | 151 | 26.2 (garmin .45)
| 4:47 | 3:35:44 | 153 (150 for the whole marathon)
John held pace really well through the half and even up mile 20. To his credit, he totally sucked it up and didn't walk except of a bit of mile 26 (like I typically do) when goal pace has slipped by. At the end, one guy was trying to pass us and I insisted he not let that happen. He busted out a good surge!
I'm happy to report my foot is fine. I'll view this as excellent progress to a good fall! 