I snuck in 6.5 miles Tuesday evening while at Camp Steiner before it got too dark to find my way back. It had been a long day, as very late Monday night we had to get special permission from the camp (rules and red tape) in order for me and the scout master to leave just after midnight in order to take home a boy who had lost his camp privileges. Yeah, I'm so mean -- we actually told him he'd be going home if he couldn't follow the rules to keep himself and the other scouts safe. He was shocked when we followed through. Of course at 11:30 p.m. when he was throwing a fit and telling us that he couldn't go home because his parents had left for a mini-second honeymoon I was having some concerns. You see, there is absolutely no cell phone coverage up there so we couldn't check until we had already hiked him out and driven back to Kamas. Anyway, we caught him in yet another lie, which helped justify his return when we delivered him to his parents at 2:30 in the morning. I was back up to camp bright and early Tuesday morning. So, here is proof I was there:
