After 1 mile warm up the plan was to do 8 x 1200 m with 400 m recovery. During my second recovery I started to feel something a bit off in my right calf so I stretched it a bit and continued on. It didn't seem to bother me much while running the repeats but during the recovery laps I was feeling it a tiny bit. I finished my seventh feeling really good effort wise and began my recovery lap and the niggle in the right calf felt more pronounced. I'm sure I could have done my 8th 1200 as planned but I decided the risk wasn't worth the benefit and ended my run after that recovery lap for a total of 8 miles.
Now that I'm writing this about an hour after finishing my calf seems fine. Hopefully it was nothing and I will be able to continue on with the planned workouts for the rest of the week. Tomorrow I already had planned for a cross training day so I won't know until Friday how the calf is doing.