Aloha from Kauai. I'm laying here in bed thinking about going for a run, but I may just spend the day lounging at the beach like I did yesterday.
After looking out the window and checking the weather for today, it looked like it was going to be a rainy good for relaxing on the beach, so we decided to go to the north side of the island and hike to this amazing waterfall. It was probably the most challenging hike I've ever done. It was slippery muddy, up and down the whole time, we had tcross through a fast moving river about 10 to 12 times, lots of big uneven rocks in the trail most of the way, etc. It ended up being 9 miles and took us 6 hours and I don't think we could have pushed any faster without hurting ourselves. Even at that pace we both fell multiple times. The water fall at the end was amazing though so I think it was worth it...I think.
