I don't think I will be running today. I got in a pretty bad accident today on my way to lunch.
I was going southbound on 700 East in between 11400 South and 12300 South in front of the Trax station when the light turned red and I began to slow down. Apparently the guy behind me didn't see me stop and he rear ended me pretty hard. When he hit me the my head flew backwards and went through the back windshield and completely shattered it. Most of the damage was done to his car.
So far the only thing wrong with my car is my shattered back windshield, and the bumper. I'm lucky to have an old truck because it was made with a real steel bumper and that bumper saved my car from further damage and possibly me from any other damage as well.
I got everything worked out with the police and his insurance is going to have to pay for it so I got my a new windsheild and bumper.
Just to be sure I don't have a concussion, I won't be running today.
I went to the hospital and they they said I was fine and had a mild concussion. I stayed there for 2 hours so that they could watch me but in the end they said that I would be okay. The doctor also said that I could return to running tommorrow if I felt okay so we will see how that goes.
