Met up with Fritz and Collin to get in a nice long run in Emigration. Chilly heading up, but once we got into the sun it felt a lot better. We took it pretty easy heading up, but Fritz and I hammered the last 1.5 up feeling great. Then we headed back down, taking it pretty easy. I took a quick break then put in a quick mile to catch back up. By the time we made it to Ruth's Fritz had started dropping the hammer and I was delighted to go with him. Back at the car I grabbed a quick gel and some water then went up Wasatch to hammer a four more miles. The were all under marathon effort, last 7 miles were 6:38, 6:21, 6:11, 5:56 (this took me to the car), 5:58, 5:50, 5:42, 6:09 (big climb back towards the zoo). Felt great, probably could have kept going but I had to get to Andrea's going away brunch and I didn't want to push it too hard. This ended up being my highest mileage week since college (minus a 100-100 beers/miles challenge). Ended the week feeling good. My hope is to keep the mileage in the 90-100+ range until Taper time with a 22 and 24 miler thrown in there. With some solid workouts thrown in there 2:35 might be a bit too slow a goal. Here's hoping.