"A Hefty Hunk Of Steamin Junk"

Spectrum 10K

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Member Since:

May 06, 2006



Goal Type:

Boston Qualifier

Running Accomplishments:

2006 Ogden Marathon 4:19:33.

2006 St. George 4:05:31

2007 Riverwoods 1/2 Marathon 1:34:47

2007 Speedy Spaniard 10K 43:20

2007 Riverwoods 10 mile race 1:12:38

2008 St George Marathon 3:43:37 

2012 Spectrum 10K 43:54

2012 St. George Marathon 3:42:17 PR!

2014 St George Half  Marathon 1:40:34 C/PR

2019 American Fork Half Run Against Cancer 1:40:31 C/PR

2019 Nebo Half Marathon 1:38:09 2nd in my Age group 55-59.C/PR

Short-Term Running Goals:


I'd like to just run more overall. 

Be more consistent.

Work on Speed.

Cross Train.

Run More races.

Long-Term Running Goals:

Stay healthy and keep running until I'm really old, and maybe get a Boston Qualify.


I am Married and my wife Cindie and I have 5 kids. I am an insurance agent and have been for over 30 years.

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Miles:This week: 14.95 Month: 44.95 Year: 123.30
Nimbus 25 Blue New Lifetime Miles: 174.36
Nimbus 26 Dark Blue Lifetime Miles: 197.50
Nimbus 26 Grey Lifetime Miles: 194.91
Cumulus 26 Lifetime Miles: 36.40
Nimbus 26 Sandstone Lifetime Miles: 136.58
Nimbus 26 Blue Red Stripe Lifetime Miles: 135.67
Nimbus 26 Orange/Green Lifetime Miles: 77.55
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles
Asic 2140 Blue/Black Miles: 20.11Asic Nimbus 10 Miles: 6.41
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

I ran my Payson route this morning, started out with a pretty good head wind and then by the time I made my turn to head back to the house the wind had died down, just my luck... My legs were pretty trashed from Saturdays run, my calfs were extremely sore and stiff, I hope they get loosened up by Saturday. I will take it pretty easy for the rest of the week and just do some base mileage and get ready to get through Saturday. My average pace was slow today at 9:22 and my HR was at 138 with my total time at 48:16, no shooting stars this morning. I haven't seen any for along time, oh well winter is on the way out now anyway...

See you Tomorrow.

Asic 2140 Blue/Black Miles: 5.15
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

After all the snow last night and then some more this morning, there was no way I was going outside, so I headed downstairs to the treadmill. But then I realized that I didn't watch 24 last night but I had set my DVR to tape it so I sat down and watched it... It was awesome by the way! But then by the time I was done I only had about a half hour to go before I had to get ready for work, so I knocked out 3.30 miles on the treadmill;-) I did a first mile warm up and then speed up the second mile to a 8:30 and then did the last quarter in 8:13, I then cooled back down with an easy mile. Average pace was 9:05 with my total time at 30:00, I might try and do a couple more later tonight when I get home from work but that will depend on the time that I have...

That's about it, see ya tomorrow.

Asic Nimbus 10 Miles: 3.30
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I couldn't get out of bed this morning, just pure laziness! Hopefully later today I will kick myself in the butt and get out and get something done!


PM- I got home from work and decided I need to get my lazy but out the door so I headed out towards Pretty little hill and ran that loop, I then headed out towards mini GU corner but stopped short and then headed back for home. I found myself going to fast so I would slow back down but then the last mile I seemed to feel better running at a faster pace (8:26) it just seemed to be less laboring... Tomorrow I will probably only run around 3 miles and then just a couple on Friday before Cindie and I head down to St George, it will be interesting to see how I hold up for the 10K, I'm not expecting to much... I'm running with my Bro. Curtis and my nephew Bryan, so it should be fun;-) My average pace was 8:50 with my total time at 53:56, heart rate was at 148, there was a little up hill today but not much.

See ya tomorrow.

Asic 2140 Blue/Black Miles: 6.10
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

I ran out towards payson this morning, just a nice easy 3 miles... Tomorrow I will just do a couple and call it good before I head down to SG. Pace average was real easy at 9:13 HR average was 135 and total time was 28:42, it was kind of cold out today, I'm ready for summer;-)

See ya tomorrow.

Asic Nimbus 10 Miles: 3.11
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I just ran a couple of miles to shake out the legs for tomorrows race, (Spectrum 10K) well just a training run for me;-) We will be heading down to St. George a little bit later this morning, should be a good time and the weather is suppose to be fabulous!

See ya tomorrow.

Asic 2140 Blue/Black Miles: 2.11
Race: Spectrum 10K (6.2 Miles) 00:47:30, Place overall: 88, Place in age division: 13
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

I ran the Spectrum 10K with my brother Curtis and my Nephew Bryan... This is an extremely fast course the first 4 miles are straight down hill, my main goal today was to just stay with my brother and he started to push the pace from the get go! We average a 7:38 pace which felt very comfortable considering the limitted training that I have had, it was cool to run with my brother and watch him run a PR, it was alot of fun... Bryan had some IT band issues and had to slow down after mile 3 but he still ran an awesome race considering its his first race in along while. My hip felt really good which was cool and I have no noticable injurys or soreness, so maybe I was in better shape than I thought, so hopefully I can start to get ready for the hurricane half in may and get a PR... I was only off a PR by 4 minutes today so all in all it was a good race, I feel pretty good about it.

Went to In & Out and had a double double with a side of spread and it felt real good going down, its the simple pleasures in life that seem to mean the most;-)

See ya Monday.

Asic 2140 Blue/Black Miles: 6.75
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles
Asic 2140 Blue/Black Miles: 20.11Asic Nimbus 10 Miles: 6.41
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