I ran out to Mini Gu Corner and back to the house via canal road, my legs were pretty tired and not very zippy... On the way home a nice black lab started following me and ended up escorting me home, I was able to get a number from his tag and call the owner so they could come and pick him up. My pace was slow but I stopped for a minute and I forgot to turn off my watch so my pace and time were a little messed up, it had me at a 9:23 pace with a total time of 57:12. Most of my miles were sub 9:00 except for one so it was a little messed up. I have some pain on the back side of my leg were my knee bends, it loosened up after a little bit but I hope this doesn't become a problem, its pretty stiff and sore right now. I might need to ice for a bit...
See ya tomorrow.