No workouts the past two days - parent-teacher conferences in the evening plus Ann is out of town this week. Conferences went well and made me appreciate my job more. Most teachers complain about conferences but I find that I'm enjoying them more and more. I have an interesting group of parents. One woman immigrated to this country a year and a half ago from Peru with her son. She told me she was "excellent at understanding English but not as excellent at speaking it". Turned out to be one of my best conversations in 29 years with a parent and reinforced my conviction the if we ever become a nation that stops attracting immigrants, we will be done for.
I did do push-ups between conferences. My 60th birthday is Tuesday and I'll be doing 60 consecutive push-ups as is my custom. I did one set of 50, one set of 40, two sets of 30, and one set of 20.