Greg stayed the night and Chris came early to my house so we could get on the road by 6:15am. I got home from the USU meet at 11:30pm last night and got to bed late, so I was way tired. We ran from my house up Butterfield Canyon and back. Chris left Greg and I about 5 miles and took off. I had to use the potty at Cove pond and had to go agian going up to and up the canyon, but I forgot toilet paper! I made it 7 miserable miles before I go to a potty. Chris had sent the kids off to practice and at the mouth of the canyon and was waiting by the drinks there, so I did run with those guys again for about a mile before I told them to take off. After the 2nd potty I managed to get home at a slow pace with some stomach issues. Finished in the slowest time I have ever had 2:31:57, 7:35 ave, but I got it done. My body hates me right now!