I never mention it here, but because of something I Josse Said, I think I'll mention it. Although all I ever write about is the running, the core strengthening and stretching I do is equally important. After every run, I do 300 sit ups (50 for each ab group, starting from the bottom up) and 80 push ups, then I hold an elbow plank for 1 minute. I walked 3 miles on Sunday, and spent an hour on the stationary yesterday morning. It's slow going with the hip. But the internal torque, twist I learned while running has been an essential took to both speed and recovery. I have to rant to day about how much I hate the lung association. Everything I do with the car donation program, they do. I started the Kidney Kar donation program in 1991, they started one in 1994. I use Bronco Mendenhall and Kyle Whittinghame, they use LaVell Edwards, I use a 1968 red VW bug, they use a 1966 red Mustang, I give away free prizes, they give away free prizes. No one give kidney patients in Utah money for diaysis or a kidney transplant, or fund medical research-- but the Kidney Foundation--all by private donations. But Lung is funded by a huge anti-tobacco settlement and government funding. Theyt spend irrepsonsible amounts of money on advertising. In the meantime
, Kidney Foundation is all individual donations, almost completely reliant upon the car donation program-- we pride ourselves in not applying for Goverment funding. Just because I have no where else to rant publically I have to do it here. The Kidney Kars donation program spends the least on advertising/overhead, gives the most $ to programs/patients/research and has the best program in Utah (The program I run is one of the top 3 in the country). I recently did "Car Donation" segmenets for expert village: http://www.expertvillage.com/video/164945_donate-car-kidney-foundation.htm
So if you have a car to donate, please give it to the KIDNEY FOUNDATION -- www.towkars.org
Thank you. Now I feel better. |