AM run on the treadmill. My hip has been bothering me again. I think I've been running too fast and too much in the past 2 weeks--it doens't seem possible to go slower, or run less. But I've got to if I ever want my hip to get better. My really good friends, who are both doctors (married to each other) came from Illinois this week to visit me. I talked to them about my hip, and they both agreed I should have gone in for the cortisone shots a month ago. Hmmm. I did that to my foot when I had plantar facsitis a couple of years ago and I'd sooner have another baby before I do that again. That's how painful it was. I actually broke into a cold sweat and hyperventilated while they were injecting my foot (a big long needle going right into the soft part of the bottom of my foot). My doctor friends assured me the hip injections are much less painful. I'll give one more round to the quack-o-practer (my uncle) again this week, and will try to ride the bike more than run before I throw myself onto a cortisone shot. But if the pain continues like it did this week, I'll just go for it if it offers some relief while I heal. P.S. Anyone seen the snow? I'm freaking out that there is no snow. I was skiing by this time last year (I know it was a lucky year, but stilll). Skiing hard is great 'cross training' in my book.