| Location: UT, Member Since: Dec 31, 2007 Gender: Female Goal Type: Marathon Finish Running Accomplishments: I ran my first marathon as a teenager in 1981 with my Dad (The Coronado Marathon). Since then I've run St, George (3x) Utah Valley (3x) Ogden (1 full, 2 halves) Park City (1 x) Boston Marathon (1x) Washington DC (1x) Moab Half Marathon (6x) ,Ye Old Freedom Festival 5 & 10K (a million x) and many others.
But I'm all done with that now. I'm officially a jogger. Short-Term Running Goals: My running goal is to keep on keepin' on.
Long-Term Running Goals: Jog into the sunset. Personal: I like being outside. Favorite Blogs: |
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| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 129.80 | 0.00 | 129.80 |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 24.00 | 0.00 | 24.00 |
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| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 6.00 | 0.00 | 6.00 |
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| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 6.00 | 0.00 | 6.00 |
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| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 6.00 | 0.00 | 6.00 |
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| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 5.00 | 0.00 | 5.00 |
| Ran 3 miles before Yoga, and ran 2 more after. I really think Yoga is the key to keeping my hams, glutes and hips aligned and strong. Running feels great after yoga every time. I can actually feel myself getting stronger. It's the first time in over year, I feel like I'm heading uphill instead of down. | Add Comment |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
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| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 5.00 | 0.00 | 5.00 |
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| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 5.50 | 0.00 | 5.50 |
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| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 6.00 | 0.00 | 6.00 |
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| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 4.50 | 0.00 | 4.50 |
| Jogged to Yoga, and then ran back. | Add Comment |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 8.00 | 0.00 | 8.00 |
| Canyon to waterfountain. I had to stop three times, including for water and the bathroom. | Add Comment |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 5.00 | 0.00 | 5.00 |
| Ran 3 miles before Yoga and 2 miles after. | Add Comment |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 6.00 | 0.00 | 6.00 |
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| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 6.00 | 0.00 | 6.00 |
| All I need are my .50 cent grocery gloves.....and my earmuff.....and my long sleeve all weather jacket.....and my Garmin....ok, I need it all. It was freezing, wet and icky. First snow of the season (in October no less) . I can't believe that I was so hot last Saturday I thought I'd pass out and drank 3 bottles of water on my run. The mountain is hidden behind a shroud of grey clouds and I'll bet when they recede our mountain will be dressed for her winter wedding. | Add Comment |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 7.00 | 0.00 | 7.00 |
| I had a GREAT run today. It was the first time I ran without significant slowing or even stopping. I felt strong, my lungs felt strong, I had energy! I've been on meds for 2 weeks and also I force myself to eat about a cup of oatmeal before I run. It feels like a miracle. | Add Comment |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 3.00 | 0.00 | 3.00 |
| My pal Victoria is visiting from DC. It was nice to get a quick jog in with my old pal and catch up. | Add Comment |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 8.50 | 0.00 | 8.50 |
| I had the greatest run ever! I feel so triumphant....for so long I have been dragging around this dead horse, and this week makes me feel like I might finally be able to bury it in the ground. The meds they gave me are working miracles for me. I knew it was the Halloween Half on the trail, so I wore my shirt from '09 (with the skull with angel wings) As I ran the opposite direction of the course I saw Josse and Walter. I turned around at the water fountain and was in about the 2:20 finishing group when I saw a kid struggling. He looked the age of my son. I was feeling stronger than he looked so I slowed down a bit and asked if he wanted a 'pacer' he said 'sure' and picked up his pace a bit. He said it was his first half marathon, he was only in the 5th grade (but he was as big as my 8th grader), he was from Heber and both his parents are big time marathoners (of course). Anyway, I got him through the last 2 miles of the course at a 9:15 pace (faster even than his original pace). When we turned the corner and hit the last .1 I pointed to the finish and said "go for it kid." He smiled and took off reeling in about 15 people in front. Then I peeled off just before the finish and immediately turned around and ran back to the bike trail. But I was elated, running with him gave me such a great feeling. Who knows what that kid really thought about my running with him, but it made all the difference for me to think I was "helping". It made me run faster and stronger than I have in a long time--and it was easy. It gave me so much good energy, I ran the remaining 2.5 miles home with a perma-smile. I even ran up the hill ! I am so grateful for finally getting ahead and feeling stronger every day. Also, I've officially gained and lost 13 pounds. People said I looked good fatter (my face primarily, rounder and fuller)--but I didn't like it. I didn't feel good about myself and my clothes didn't fit. So I'm back to my old weight (well within 5 pounds) and feeling a little bit more like my old self. Also--the weather today was spectacular. What a great day! | Comments(4) |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 6.30 | 0.00 | 6.30 |
| Still feeling strong during the run, but had weakness and fatigue thro Ugh out the day. I was food on Saturday, so I t hunk it's a cummulative effect. I'll run less and do yoga tomorrow. | Add Comment |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 5.50 | 0.00 | 5.50 |
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| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 6.50 | 0.00 | 6.50 |
| I can not believe they didn't cancel the NYC marathon. I know it's a big deal to cancel and have everyone change reservations and everything, but really nothing proves with more clarity what a self-centered frivolous pursuit marathon running truly is. How can we be so determined to force organizers to host a race for 30,000 people through a city recently decimated and has been without electricity (at least half of it) since Sunday night. I know the show must go on and New Yawkers are tough and everything--but give me a break. The whole idea of the race seems frivolous and inhuman in light of the lasting damage of the storm. Either that or New York is the greediest place on earth not wanting to turn away 320 million$$ in revenue even if it means sweeping the swollen dead bodies of drowned children out of the streets for the start of the race over on Staten Island. Geeze. | Add Comment |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 129.80 | 0.00 | 129.80 |
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