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March 18, 2025

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Member Since:

Dec 31, 2007



Goal Type:

Marathon Finish

Running Accomplishments:

I ran my first marathon as a teenager in 1981 with my Dad (The Coronado Marathon). Since then I've run St, George (3x) Utah Valley (3x) Ogden (1 full, 2 halves) Park City (1 x) Boston Marathon (1x) Washington DC (1x) Moab Half Marathon (6x) ,Ye Old Freedom Festival 5 & 10K (a million x) and many others.

But I'm all done with that now.  I'm officially a jogger.

Short-Term Running Goals:

My running goal is to keep on keepin' on.


Long-Term Running Goals:

Jog into the sunset.


I like being outside.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Saucony ProGrid V Lifetime Miles: 479.51
Saucony Ride Lifetime Miles: 841.34
Saucony Tangent Lifetime Miles: 150.93
Saucony Ride Lifetime Miles: 307.50
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

So many things went wrong on this run.  I'm wondering now how I can try to make up for it.  My plan was to run 5 before Cath came, but the minutes in the morning just slid one into another after I woke up and groggily tried to prepare for the grueling (what should have been 23) run ahead. I got only 3 under my belt before Cath showed up 9:34/9:45/9:09.  The plan was to run up to Big Springs from the house, which I estimated to be about 18 miles.  My legs are still feelin' it from last week, but we kept a good pace 9:40's, stopped at Will's Pit Stop, filled our bottles at the mouth of the canyon.  I was really thirsty, but only brouight my small hand-held.  I can tell right now I began to dehydrate somewhere around mile 11.  My Garmin had somehow lost a mile or more between my house and mile 12.  I don't know how, but it played with my mind since my legs/hamstrings were so tight and I was relying on checking the splits in 3 mile incriments.  Once we got past Nunn's Park and up onto the trail under Bridal Veil we were VERY surprized to learn the ENTIRE trail for the next 2-3 miles was 15 inches of solid ice or porous layers our feet would fall through and suck off our shoes.  It was slow going 14 m/m for those two or three miles.  I wonder if you can even count what we did as running.  I was not breathing hard, but man it was tough to keep your feet  moving without turning an ankle or falling.  By this time I did not trust the Garmin mileage wise because it was showing 12 total, when I know for a fact it's at least 15 to Vivian Park.  We stopped briefly at Vivian so I could stretch my ailing hamsrings and stated up the windy uphill grade to Big Springs. That was calculated torture.  I wanted to end my 21-23 on that uphill grade in anticipation for the hills in Boston.  I know a 7 mile slight uphill grade (particularly the last 3) is overkill, but it did feel good to get to the top, where I dry heaved for about 2 minutes.  We then ran down 1 more mile where we caught our ride at south Park.  I am THRASHED.  I'm not sure about the mileage, I'm dissapointed our 'run' was broken up so badly between  mile 13-15 by the snowy trail and ice and I'm not sure the incline at the end produced the kind of fatigue I was hoping to conquer.  I was sore, more than tired, but mentally beaten.  Catherine is counting the run as 18 miles, I'm counting mine as 22.  I'll run two cool down in the evening to keep myself from going rigormortis.  Fish oil, calcium, magnesium is on the menu.  I have no idea how that work out will translate at  Boston since our AP ended up being 10:45 and I stopped at least 5 times.  I wanted a tough, fluid 23 mile run to get my confidence up for those last 6 marathon miles that always wreak havoc :( Oh well, I did what I could.

From RAD on Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 16:50:07 from

HOLY MOLY! I think you GREW a diamond today with that run!! Girl, you need to give yourself more credit - look at what you did?!? That is a crazy, crazy run with ice climbing and mountain climbing stuck right in the middle! PLUS you were dehydrated and not feeling your best to begin with. If you can finish that run - you could finish Boston TWICE with some energy to spare!!

On a lighter note, I'm drinking as I'm reading your post and nearly spit ALL over the screen from laughter when I read your 'rigormortis' comment!! HAHAHA!! All your energy may be gone, but you still have your sense of humor.

Enjoy your well deserved day off tomorrow and know that you ROCKED that run today! Anyone made of less would've stopped and turned around at the ice (present company included!).

From marion on Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 17:43:45 from

It's the runs like those that make all the rest so wonderful. what is it they say about the best laid plans ;)

Hang tough sister :) I just did 12 and feel like a granny :) I may try your post run concoction :) Fish oil is SO exciting :)

From Smooth on Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 15:55:22 from

Luz ~ You CONQUERED that monster run! That is diamond toughness! That is money in the bank! You are ready for whatever comes at Boston. I guarantee that there will not be anything as tough as what you did. You are one TOUGH cookie! GREAT JOB!!!

Recover well! We will do some marathon pace miles next Sat. NO MORE icy treacherous run.

From LuzyLew on Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 17:34:38 from

Rad & Smooth--I hope you're both right. I had hoped this work out was going to be tougher than Boston, so by comparison, Boston would be kind-a enjoyable. I about broke the bank on this one, but was dissapointed it wasn't all smooth running (the ice). I'll look forward to running some marathon pace miles next week!

Marion-So glad to know another 'granny'! Way to get 12 under your belt, it's been a while for some higher miles. I hope today you're not sore. You're going to rock the Half. I'm going to stand in my back yard and cheer for you! (also you can take a quick nap at my place if you need to on the course :)

From Fast Running Mommy on Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 21:44:12 from

tough lady..sounds kind of miserable..

did you see we are having another boy? It's going to be a little Stephan. (stefan in Russian..sounds cool I think)

From LuzyLew on Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 17:31:43 from

That is so cool Sarah! I can't believe you don't have an Ivan in your family. But Stefan, is a great name.

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