Got to ski yesterday afternoon and ran into McKenzie getting on the bus to the parking lot at Sundance. I am so out of shape for skiing. The snow was perfect, but I try to control my speed to the point that skiing really makes my quads burn and I can only go down the hills in segments. What happened to the days of taking the whole hill in one fail swoop? I feel like I'm getting old, and all I can think of is " I hope it doesn't wreck my knees before I get to Boston". Today I ran outside and it was marvelous to see the blond dry grass shooting above a blanket of fresh snow. I love the fresh snow. It's like a down comforter for the world. The white and light yellow of the landscape was so pleasant, I just let my eyes rest upon the easy colors and breathed in the fresh, newly cleaned air. The lake is now frozen solid. I keep seeing my hawk, but today saw one of the Eagle's that nest somewhere near here. I was running along, and all of a sudden I heard a sound like maybe a coat falling out of a tree, but when I looked up, there was an eagle flying down his wing span was huge above my head and he was swooping low. Was I going that slow? Do I look like prey? He was magnificent. I've only seen an eagle one other time along the trail in 14 years. |