| Location: Washington,Ut,United States Member Since: Jun 06, 2011 Gender: Female Goal Type: 5 K Finish Running Accomplishments: I got 12th place in regions last year. This year I got 3rd place and was the first PV girl. I got "B" standard laces for Michigans!! :) Short-Term Running Goals: To be on Varsity Long-Term Running Goals: Run forever! Favorite Blogs: |
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Miles: | This week: | 0.00 |
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| | My dad woke me up this morning and asked me if I wanted to run with him. I really didn't want to, but I did anyways. At first, I was going supa' slow, but then a started catching speed, and just got faster and faster! I felt great! Way better then yesterday's run! We saw the Kimzey parents (Casey's) out on a walk, that was pretty cool. Anyway, I loved today's run. :) |
| | I felt really good for today's run, in fact for about a mile and a half, I lead the pack! That boosted my self-esteem. :) I did some weights, I am going to hurt supa' bad tomorrow! I never remeber weights being this hard! But oh well, it is gonna be a good pain. Thanks again, Coach, for showing me how to do the squat things, even though those are gonna make me hurt the most. Overall, great run! |
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I hate vertical jumping... Anyways, today's run was supa' great! I am really sore from yesterday. Holy crud! I haven't hurt this bad in a long time! Some stupid kid asked if he could run with us, so I gave him a challenge and said that he could run with us if he could keep up. So he started to sprint, and Taylor and I started to sprint. Guess what! He never even caught up to us! It was awesome! He took the challenge and FAILED! Haha! This run was fantastic. :) |
| | This workout wasn't that bad. But I learned my lesson to never eat peanut M&M's in fourth period right before a workout EVER again. That didn't help me much at all. My first mile was way too fast, it was 6:40 something, my second one was better, it was 7:20. My goal was 7:21. I think this workout turned out pretty good. Weights were tough, but I like the new way we are doing them. I love running! :D
| | TRAIL TUESDAY! Woo hoo! I actually liked today's run. Well, the first half, I felt really tired. But the second half, I felt supa' good, and we ran fast. I about broke my ankle like 7 times. I really do love running, no matter how hard it gets. |
| | This run was way fantastic! I ran with Coach Roberts for most of the run. He pushes me super good! He made me run the same pace the whole time. I never slowed down, even though I wanted to. Thanks, Coach! You helped a lot! Overall, great run! :) | |
| | This run was supa' tiring. The wind made it like 10 times harder... bleh. But I got to run with Maskerium (sorry, I don't know how to spell her name..), Ali, and Aubrey! It was fun! Striders were great, as always. Weights were tough, but if it makes me faster, I will do them! My legs were sore from yesterday's run. But Coach Roberts said that the pace I was doing will soon become my "easy" pace. I am excited for that day to come. :) |
| | This workout was pretty hard, but it was easier than running the mile all in one. The first two were pretty good, the last two, I was pretty close to jogging. Well at least it felt that way. But it went by way fast, so that's good. Good workout. It was nice. |
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I ran with Maquel this morning at 12:30 and finished around 1:30. So we went a pretty good pace. We would have finished earlier, it 's just that Maquel had to keep on stopping because of her shin splints. During the 10 minute thing, I didn't know how to pace my self, so I am pretty sure that a I didn't go the pace I was supposed to. But I went faster than I was going when I started. We stopped and stretched in the middle of the run, that really hurt and felt great at the same time. On the way back, we kinda took it easy, except for the last mile, that's when we went super fast, because we knew we were almost done with our run. :) I am a little sore from yesterday, so I am gonna stretch, and hopefully my legs will feel better on Monday.
| | This workout was great! :) But it was SUPER cold! I couldn't feel my face! Anyway, my first mile was a little slower than my time was supposed to get (the time I was going for: 6:48) the time I got on the first one was 6:51. My second one was even SLOWER! I got 6:54! So for the last one, I said to myself to beat the time I am supposed to get. It was way tough and I wanted to slow down, but guess what!? I did it! I got faster than I was supposed to get by 4 seconds! I got 6:44! It just proves, no matter how much you want to slow down and take it easy, you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to! I love running! :D |
| | Well.... since coach is so good at giving directions, we got lost. We had no idea where we were. We prolly did go the right way, but just didn't know. I am so glad I wasn't running alone, or I would have prolly sat down, curled up in a ball, and started crying. Well, it might not be that extreme. :) Thank goodness for JP and her truck, or we would have died in the wilderness. Thanks JP! | |
| | I felt great during the tempo today! In fact, I think it was easier today than when we did it last week. I ran with Coach Roberts the whole time. He pushes me a lot! If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have ran as fast as I should of. Thanks again, coach! Couldn't get better without you! |
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Old man hills! It was super great! Megan and I were the only girls running the 800 hills. :) It was awesome! I got to push Megan, it made me feel good when she would push her self to run with me. Weights were great! I now know how to sit. :D Now it's time to go and do homework! It's gonna be a party! |
| | This run was super entertaining. We got the orange ball from the boys in front of us, and started to toss it around our girls' team. It was fun. It felt like we went kinda' fast, but I think it was just because we pushed ourselves a ton this week. Striders were a blast. Went by way fast. Running is the best! |
| | I ran with Taylor Boyer this morning. It was nice to actually run with her, for the first time this week. :) We ran from the high school to Target. It was fun. But I can feel my legs getting really tired from the week. Good run. |
| | Ran with Taylor at the high school. Felt good. |
| | Well the beginning of the workout was the best! I kept on beating my time I was supposed to get. My time was supposed to be 6:48. I hit 6:44 and 6:45. It was awesome! After the second one, I couldn't calm down my breathing, and it felt like I wasn't recovering. I couldn't even keep up with Taylor. The time I hit with that one was 7:05. The very last one was my worst one. It felt like I couldn't breath, and I fell way behind. The time I hit was 7:12. On the cooldown, I felt awful, and I still couldn't relax from the workout we did. I hope I am not getting sick. Oh well! We all have bad workouts time to time, right? |
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AM- Easy 3.
I figured out, I have no idea what I am doing with tempo without Coach Roberts. So I kinda went the pace that felt like it was fast enough. But I guess it was just a little slow. This 8 mile run went by way faster than last weeks! Today's run was actually way nice! And plus I was faster than Taylor B. the whole time! I kinda went tempo at the very end too, but it wasn't on purpose, it was because I wanted to catch up to the boys and Megan. Overall, great run! Felt fantastic, way better than yesterday! | |
| | This run was by far the funnest 6 mile run ever! The tempo was actually not too bad. We had a Mario moment! We crawled through a pipe. It was so fun! And plus, we saw a hobo!........ Just kidding! After that adventure, we decided to have a berry war! It was great! Today's run was the best! |
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AM- Easy 3
PM- Trail run! Woo hoo! Felt great for the first half, but the second half, my legs got really tired. Well, Coach, JP, Mia, and Megan all felt great, so Taylor, Aubrey, Maquel and I kinda fell behind, so we can catch our breath. And then the trail like turned into a maze! And we couldn't see the girls (and coach) in front of us. So we went the way that we thought they went, and we hoped it was right. Turned out it was right! We have such great tracking skills! Oh, how I love trail runs! :) |
| | Ran with Megan at the high school! We ran out to green springs! It was great! My legs feel supa' tired though. Hopefully the weekend will make my legs ready for next week! | |
| | Well, I felt like junk today. All day at school, during the stretches, during the warm-up, and during the workout. All through out the day, I was light headed and I had a really bad cough. It was bad. I felt awful during the workout. During the repeats, like every single one, I felt light headed and couldn't really focus on what I was doing. I kept on zoning out. After every one, I couldn't breath or stand up straight. Well, I hope I feel better tomorrow! Cuz I don't want to stop running and lose all that I have gained! |
| | Trail run! It was by far my favorite trail we've ran! I felt a little tired for the first half, but the second half, I felt great... well after going up that huge hill, I felt great! I about broke my ankle a few times, one of the times, I kinda punched Taylor. And guess what! We didn't get lost! It was the best! :) Still felt a little sick from yesterday, but I took some medicine today, so I felt better. |
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AM- Oh my heck! We ran so fast! (well we went normal pace, I just said that so the boys will feel better about themselves). We ran with the boys the WHOLE time! What the?! It was great. :)
I kinda zoned out for the whole run... I wasn't thinking straight at all today and I had a headache the whole day. This 5 miles was pretty tough. Even without tempo. Thank goodness I didn't go 8 miles or I would've died on the side of the road. I hope I start feeling better soon. |
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I felt way better than yesterday! I'm almost all the way better. It's great! While we were doing the hills, my legs kinda' felt heavy. My head felt wierd too, but I think it was because I'm still recovering from a cold. Today's run was awesome! Weights were fantastic! I finally sort of learned how to do the squats! :) My legs are gonna feel sore tomorrow, but it's alright! It will make me a better runner! |
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AM- Easy 3.
PM- What happened?? Easy 3! It was great! We ran out to Hot Nails (or as Stoner says it Cold Hammers). It was fantastic! I felt good during striders. :) |
| | It was sooo cold! I couldn't feel my hands or face throughout the whole 5k. But it was way fun! The first part, it was really hard for me, for I don't know why. But it got easier. My dad almost caught up to me, but I never let him pass me! It was great! My time they said I got was 20:51, but I'm pretty sure I got 22 something. |
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AM- Easy 3.
PM- I felt way better than I did last week. I was pretty good on my times. But I never got right on. I was supposed to hit 6:42, I got 6:47, 6:49, 6:39, and 6:50. I felt the best on the first one. I started to feel tired on the 3rd lap of my second one. Overall, it was a pretty good workout. Wieghts were good, my legs are a little sore, though. |
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AM- Easy 3 and some plyos.
PM- Trail run! Well, this run was super tough. My legs felt really tight the whole time. We decided to take turns leading the pack. That was fun. That made us push harder so we can stay at the front. My legs are now sore. I'm going to stretch and roll like crazy tonight! |
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AM- Easy 3.
PM- I felt pretty good for today's run! I ran with Coach Roberts. It was great! He kept me on pace for the tempo. But he stayed behind for JP at the half way point, and he gave me the watch and said for me to go without him. So I started running back, and I slowed down, like to 8 minute pace. :\ Then Aubrey caught up to me, and we started running together. And when Coach and JP caught up, we speed up and for the last minute we went 6:55 pace. It was great! On the way back, my legs were super tight, so I'm gonna stretch and role. I'm suprised that I did as well as I did for today's run, cuz I didn't even do the tempo last week. |
| | AM- Easy 3 and plyos. Legs felt a little tired. PM- Old man hills! I felt pretty good! On the 800, I didn't really go the pace I was supposed to, cuz I wasn't really thinking positive about it. The first 400, I did better than the 800! But the second one, I just focused on my legs and how bad they hurt, so I kinda fell behind. The first two 200s were amazing! I did way good! The 3rd one, let my mind wander, wasn't really focused. The last one, I tried to push myself super hard, but I felt like I was going to pass out any second. Next time, I am going to think positive and drink more water! On the way back, I ran with Rachel. It was way fun to talk to her. :) Weights were great! I know I am going to feel sore tomorrow! But I stretched and rolled like crazy as soon as I got home. So I hope my legs feel good tomorrow with the easy 3! I can't wait! I've been looking forward to Friday the WHOLE week! :)
| | Wow! Easy 3! It was so great! I ran with Megan and Aubrey! It was so fun to hand out flyers! Striders were fantastic! :) | |
| | Children of Hope 5k! It was so cold! My legs were super tired fromt this week, so I kinda didn't hit my tempo, but I stayed behind coach and his daughter for a good half a mile! before I died off. Next time I will be faster! |
| Race: |
Time Trial #1 (1 Miles) 00:05:53 | |
AM- Easy 3. Kinda tough to get up this morning.
PM- Wow! I felt great today! I just had to keep myself positive! I figured out I can do great things when I think I can do it! And plus, I got a PR!! By one second! My legs were hurting a ton when I finished, but it's alright! Cuz that means I pushed myself! :) I can't wait for this track season! I want to see how much more I improve in the mile! I'm kinda nervous for missing the tempo this Wednesday... I hope it doesn't hurt me too bad. :\ It's gonna be a tough week... I'm gonna miss Timmy! |
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AM- Easy 3.
PM- My legs kinda hurt a lot... Today's run was actually pretty good! I felt great! But during the tempo, I started thinking like about Tim. So I slowed down a ton. But when Jake caught up to me, I started going his pace, so it was nice. I went way faster than I was supposed to when I was running with him, but it's good to push myself sometimes, right? Timmy is now an Elder... How wierd is that?! I love Timmy! |
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AM- Easy 3. PM- I didn't run this afternoon, we dropped Tim off today.
| | AM- Easy 3! PM- Kinda' had a long, hard day. And just thinking about this workout made me feel worse. We had ten 200's race pace! It was hard to keep that pace! I kept on getting 42 or 43. But my time I was supposed to hit was 44. But I was around that time for every single one. Except for the last one... I got it right on! It kinda loosened my legs a little, so they actually don't hurt any more! A little sad I can't sleep in tomorrow, and we don't have an easy 3... but oh well...
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AM- Easy 3
PM- Trail run! It was tough! But I never fell behind and we never got lost! :) It was great! I am super sore from the week though. Atleast I can sleep in tomorrow! |
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I ran with Stoner, Mia, and Megan! It felt super good! The weather was great! I prolly went a little slow on the tempo, it's just that everytime I sped up, I started thinking about life and stuff... So I slowed down without realizing it. Oops! :\ My legs are sore, so I am gonna stretch and roll. Hopefully by Monday, they feel better! |
| | I ran with the other varsity girls this morning at7:30. It was a little chilly! I was super tired, too. Like all throughout the run, I would close my eyes and slow down. I could bearly keep my eyes open! Also I had a headache, for I don't know why, and my legs felt heavy. I tried to go faster on the hills, but my legs wouldn't go faster than they were going. But I guess I did alright for today's run! |
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AM- Easy 3 and plyos.
PM- 1000's! They are way better than 1600's! I stayed up with Mia the whole time! :) My time I was supposed to be 4:09. I got 4:02, 4:05, 4:11, and 4:06. I did pretty good! Mia is a way good pacer! I'm glad I got to run with her! It was a great workout today! |
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AM- Easy 3. Super cold... and wet..
PM- Easy 4! It was so fun! I felt pretty good! But my legs tightened up at the end. Weights were great! |
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AM- Easy 3!
PM- This workout is great! But I'm out of shape, as coach would say! My heart rate was always over 130 every time we checked it. But I guess that would make sense, cuz I was too fast on every single one of my 200's except my 10th one, I got it right on! My time I was supposed to hit was 44, I kept on getting 41. It's just that I run with Mia, and she wants to run with Rachel, so she speeds up and then so do I! So we kept on getting way too fast times! I gotta work on that! But I think I'm getting sick again... My cough is coming back. :\ I hope it goes away fast! | |
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AM- I didn't come today... I woke up with a heart rate of 84, and I had a really bad cough. :\
PM- This run was super hard for me. I was the last person to finish my run. I feal super gross and it felt like I couldn't breath or relax at all during the run. I didn't even do my striders. And I think that running just made me worse, cuz now my throat hurts even worse and I'm cold like all the time. I hope I will feel better soon. :\ |
| | I ran with Taylor this morning at the high school. We ran out to Target. I felt so... bleh. I felt like I was going to pass out and/or throw up. Anyways, it wasn't a really fun run. I think I might have a cold. My throat hurt a lot. But anyways, atleast I didn't have this sickness when we have a track meet! Cuz that would be bad! I'm glad I have it now instead of later! :) |
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AM- Easy 3. Had trouble breathing, I went really slow.
PM- 4 miles. My throat was bugging me the whole time. Striders kinda' made it start hurting again. I think running is making it worse. I don't know if I should go to morning practice. :\ |
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I didn't go on a run today, I want to recover from my cold, or alteast do something, so I can do well on the Kosmin test tomorrow! |
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I went on the warm-up... I feel so awful that I'm missing this workout... Will we do it again for the people who missed it?
I might go to the doctor today.. I'm just afraid they are gonna tell me that I can't run! |
| | Just 3! I made the decision that I am not doing distance any more for track! I finally found my true calling in track, and it's hurdles! Just kidding! I did so awful! Hurdles scare me so bad! I only jumped over 3, and ran around all the rest! I still was last! I'm sticking with the mile! :) I couldn't talk during striders, whenever I tried, nothing would come out! I hope my voice comes back soon!
| | AM- I woke up at 4:30 this morning, with a charlie horse in my right calf! It hurt so bad! In fact, it still hurts! Anyways, I ran this morning! It felt great! :)
PM- Workout! I found it super tough, my throat hurt a ton, and I couldn't breath. So I only did 6 400's. :\ And my heart rate was over 130 every time we took it.. but that's normal! I hate it when I can't finish a run! Hopefully next week, I'll feel better so I can finish every workout!
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I ran with Taylor Boyer this morning! It was so fun! We decided to do our run in warm-up loops! (the 800 warm-up) So we did 10 laps! It was great! We saw the soft ball players, and we got to listen to the music they were playing! We were going to run 8 miles (so we would have had to run 16 loops), but Tay's dad showed up and she had to go home to set up for Preference! So we had to end the run early.
My voice is still gone.. I'm kinda' sad about that. I hope I can find it soon! I miss not being able to laugh! |
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AM- Easy 3 with striders! My feet hurt soo bad from striders! The turf was supa' cold and wet!
PM- 1000's! They were tough today! I never hit my time! The time I as supposed to hit was 4:03, I got 3:58 (oops), 4:07, 4:05, 4:06. But alteast I got close! I was basing my pace off of JP's and she was a little off too... so... But I felt good, considering the fact I missed pretty much every workout last week! My voice isn't coming back... yet. But my sore throat is gone! :) I'm supa' excited to hear my normal voice soon! |
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AM- Easy 3! With some plyos!
PM- I did the 800 workout, cuz I'm still recovering from my bleh. (as coach would put it :) It was actually pretty tough! The beginning, I was thinking it was no big deal! But near the end, I was dying! We stopped at the park to get a drink, but they still haven't turned on the water! What the?! But we survived. :) |
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AM- Easy 3.
PM- I only did 6 400's again. Had trouble breathing and crap. :\ Kinda' sick of this sickness. But still recovering! |
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AM- Easy 3.
PM- 5 miles and 200's! Did backwards firestation! It was pretty exciting! When we finished the 5 mile run, Taylor and I went to the bathroom, so the girls decided to do the 200's w/out us... So we did them by ourselves! :) It was way fun! |
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AM- Easy 3! It was pouring, but we stayed dry! How did that happen?!
PM- Firestation hills. I don't know what happened today... I kinda wasn't all there mentally. Felt a little light headed too. Dang, I wish I was back to my normal health. So bad.... I'm done with my sickness, not physically... I'm bugged that it's lasting this long. Oh well! Atleast I didn't race today! And I'm recovering really slowly! |
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All the varsity girls decided to meet up at the high school at 10. It was a blast! But my legs are so tired, I don't even know why. And they are a little sore. We ran out to Green Springs. I love that run when the weather is cool and rainy! It is so fun! The weather felt so great! We saw a duck! With the tempo, I started out too slow, and I was in the back of all the girls. Then I picked it up a lot and passed Taylor! She fell behind quite a bit. And we had to stop at every.... single... stoplight. It was kinda' dumb. But we finished! To make us better runners, we decided to stretch when we finished. It hurt so bad. My legs are supa' tight. Overall, great run! Glad it's done! |
| | I ran with my dad in Cali. It was way fun! We decided to run on the beach... I figured out, that it's not that fun and exciting... it's actually harder than running on solid ground, and sometimes the tide would come in and your shoes would get all wet! So it was a good experience, but I'm never doing it again. But the rest of the run was great! My calves were bugging me the whole time, so I stretched a little when we got back to the hotel. I couldn't really run every day this week, cuz I had to run with my dad, and he had to do work and stuff. But I did ride a surri! (I don't know if that's how you spell it, but it's a 4-seated bike... kinda like a tandem on steroids) And I did walk around a lot! |
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AM- Easy 3! Wait! It was actually kinda tough! Is it sad that I was dying on an easy run?
PM- This workout was supa' hard on me mentally (and a little physically, cuz I know my legs can do this, I just let my mind take over.... bad idea). My times for the 1000's were 3:55 (what the??), 4:06, 4:13 (oops.), and 4:08. I couldn't recover at all between each one, my breathing would not slow down... once again, I know it is all mentally. My time I was supposed to hit was 4:03... So I never hit my time. But I guess that's what I get for not really running a workout ever since I was sick. The 300's were way harder than I thought they would be. I got last on every one (once again, I thought I hurt, so I slowed down), my times for those were 1:01 and 1:03. I hope I can have a better workout on Wednesday! I know I will, cuz I am going to think positive and be mentally strong! I'm gonna get back to my normal speed in no time! Weights were great! Felt a little tired, but I'm getting in bed by 9! I did last night, and it makes a big difference, so I am going to do it again. Can't wait for the recovery run tomorrow. :) Oh... and morning practice. | |
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AM- Easy 3! Felt great! A little sore from yesterday, though.
PM- Nice recovery run. We did the shoe run! The other girls finally convinced me to get in the yucky pond, it wasn't worth it. The mud was super gross and squishy, and everything just got muddy. But I felt good, and I was hydrated! I drank tons of water today! Striders were great! I'm going to stretch and roll, so my legs can feel a little better for the workout tomorrow. Anyways! I made a new friend! It was a little black lady bug with red spots! So it kinda' looked evil... but it chose me and landed on my shoulder! Stoner said it was poisonous, it kinda' scared Aubrey. :) |
| | AM- Easy 3! PM- I felt super tired today, I don't even know why! I'm getting to bed way earlier than I used to! (which wasn't a late time) So I should feel more awake right? Oh well. My first 800 was great! Just got a few seconds slower than I should. My time I was supposed to hit was around 3:00, I hit 3:01, 3:08, 3:12 (getting slower...), 3:14, and then, wait for it... 3:06! The last one, I ran with Megan. She pushed me a ton! We both were catching speed at the end! I'm surprised I had it in me! I just wanted to be done, I guess. :) My heart rate was 142 and 138. Which is pretty normal... for me anyways. On the third one, I just felt sick to my stomach. Same with the fourth one. That kinda' makes me sad, cuz I really wanted a good workout today. At least I ended well. Anyways! I rolled and stretched when I got home, and found out that my calves have huge knots in them! Good thing I found that out now, instead of tomorrow, so I can have some more time to roll and stretch. I'm so ready for the track meet!
| | AM- Easy 3! Dance party! :) PM- 4 miles easy to Sanburgs! I got into the nasty pond! Ali found something pretty awesome in the pond... but I'm not saying what it is, cuz it might just be illegal. :) 200's were great! I felt strong. I'm ready to race! |
| Race: |
PV Invite (1 Miles) 00:06:00 | | AM- Easy 3. PM- Track meet! I think I did pretty good, for the first race! I just wish I could've gotten under six minutes... I felt tight in my arms... My legs were just tired. I just need to learn to relax! All day at school, I just was thinking about the race, and it got me so nervous! The 4X8 was fun! Maskerem was the first runner, she kinda' got us like 100 meters behind. :\ I was second, I guess it was my job to catch us back up, Taylor was 3rd, her job was to pass girls, Mia was last, she just had to finish strong and get a good spot! Which she did! Good job, Mia! :)
| Race: |
PV Invite (2 Miles) 00:12:40 | | Second day of the track meet! I did the 2 mile! I was so ready for this race! We did DI loop warm up. My legs were a little sore, but nothing to worry about. I felt strong, and every time I would want to slow down, Coach would be there yelling at me to go faster. Thanks, Coach! Anyways! I think I got a pretty good time! Overall, it was a pretty good track meet! Plan to do better next week.
| | AM- Easy 3! Super nice, still a little sore and stuff from last weekend. PM- This workout was tough! I thought it would be easier than the 1000's we do, but no... The first one, I felt great! We even went faster than we were supposed to! My legs were ready to run! The second one, I kept up for most of it, until the last lap, I fell behind a little bit, but not too much. The third one... I don't even know... I think I started day dreaming or something, I was not focused at all. The fourth one, I did better! By far my best one was the first one. The 300's, oh my goodness, those are hard! But I did way better on these than last time we did them! (even though I felt light headed, and I thought I was going slower, but I guess not :) I was also dehydrated today.. I forgot my water bottle at home, so I couldn't drink as much water as I usually do. :\ I made sure I won't forget it tomorrow! And I also figured out that I've been getting tired way more easily/quickly during workouts than usual... I know it's not because I haven't been getting enough sleep, cuz I've been getting to bed by 9 every night... I hope it's not a huge problem...
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AM- Easy 3. PM- Ran a 2 mile warm-up with Ali, did some striders, saved a baby humming bird, and ran 2 more miles.
| | AM- We had some 200's! I felt great! I was about 2 seconds too fast on every one, even on the ones we were supposed to go faster on. My goal was to keep up with Mia the whole time, and I did! Mia is a way good pacer! :) I ran with JP during the cool down, we had a nice conversation about what 'colors' we are, it was nice. PM- Four miles with 4 200's. Went to Sanburgs... again. I'm sore... I don't even know why! So I stretched like crazy when I finished my run. And when I got home, I stretched and rolled. I'm so ready to kill the mile tomorrow! (in a good way) |
| Race: |
Hurricane Invite (1 Miles) 00:05:56 | | AM- Easy 3. PM- Race! I felt so good for this race! I wasn't even that nervous! I loved their track, like how the turns are wider and stuff, it made it feel shorter, even though it wasn't. I felt great all through out the race physically. Then when I noticed my breathing was all whack, I started to slow down a little. I gotta be strong mentally! But it's so tough! Well, I got 4 seconds faster than last week, so that's good! I'm just a few seconds away from qualifying for BYU. I know I can do it! But over all, great race!
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AM- 8 miles w/ 20 minute tempo. I always struggle on these runs, I just wish I can push myself mentally, so I can stay up with Mia. At the 8 mile turn around, I slowed down so much, and there was only 5 minutes left... It was hard! I sped up a little, but the fastest I went in those 5 minutes was prolly 8:30... so pretty slow. :/ Stoner, Frida, and Mia all waited for me when the tempo was done, so we can finish the run together. The way back, my legs were so tired! But I was able to keep up with them the whole time. Weights were great!
PM- I went on an easy 3 w/ Stoner, Mia, and Frida. I felt super good! Except that I ate a ton right before, but other than that, it was great! They all ran to my house, so they ran more mileage than me. We all stopped at Frida's house and took a potty break. Mia and Stoner decided to be done, cuz they already ran about 4 miles. I decided to finish my run, so I ran home. Which was little over mile. I felt so good when I was running alone! I ran faster when I was running alone than when I was running with the other girls. What was motivating me to go faster was my mom bought me some pizza, and I didn't want it to get cold, so I quickly got home. I did plyos and junk when I finished my run. It was nice. :) |
| | I ran with Kaelie. It was great! We met up at the high school and ran to Target. Super nice. My legs are sore and tired, though. |
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AM- I was super out of it today. For the workout and the vertical jump test. I got 11 inches for the test. That is my PW! (Personal Worst) Aubrey thought of that of that one, I thought it was pretty funny. :) The workout was bleh... The first 1000 was actually pretty good! I got 3:54, so it was a little too fast, but I felt pretty good. The time I was supposed to hit was 4:03. Second I got 4:04, that was the only one I got close to hitting my time. Aubrey helped me out with this one, she caught up to me, so I just matched her pace, and we finished it together. My other times wer 4:08 and 4:14. I felt light headed and my arms hurt. I think I pulled a muscle in my arms, or I just run to tight. I need to learn to relax! I would tell myself to run faster and to be strong, but all I did was slow down. :\ The 300 I did, I felt like I was going walking speed, I couldn't go any faster! So I just sat out on the last one. I think I am just super dehydrated, fatigued, and I don't eat enough. Taylor and I were quoting the movie "How to Train Your Dragon" saying that I need to change all of me. Weights were good. I'm starting to add more weights. :)
PM- Well, we made a huge group to go on our afternoon run, but only Stoner, Megan, and I showed. We met up at the school, and kinda made up our own run. It was super nice weather when we started, but then it got super hot! But it was nice, I feel way better than this morning.
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AM- Easy 3 and plyos PM- This workout was the best one I've had for like a month! I hit my time for every one, except for 2. But I was only 3 seconds off, so not bad! I had eight 400's. My time I was supposed to hit was 1:27 or 1:28, I got 1:27 on most of them, so pretty consistent! I hit 1:28 on prolly 2 or 3 of them, and 1:31 for 2 of them. I actually hit my times! I'm so excited! I'm so ready to qualify for BYU! I know I can do it! I just need to be mentally strong, cuz I am ready physically!
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AM- Easy 3.
PM- I decided to go to the track meet at Hurricane, to cheer on Megan. The weather was nice! Taylor and I went on a little 2 mile run, and then we went to Dairy Queen for some dinner. After we ran 2 more miles with Megan. We were all feeling sick and junk, since we just ate, but that only lasted for about half of a mile. Did some striders while we waited for Megan to race. Super nice! |
| Race: |
Snow Canyon (1 Miles) 00:05:55 | |
AM- Easy 3.
PM- Race! I think I did pretty good! I didn't know what to do with myself, cuz I had no one to pace with! JP was about 50 meters ahead of me... I just needed Mia! I always push myself to catch up and run with her, but she wasn't there.... But I did pretty good! I just need to be 3-4 seconds faster, than I have BYU! Ahhh! I'm so close! |
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AM- Easy 3. Felt a little sluggish....
PM- 6 miles out to Green Springs! We had a blast! :) I don't remember the last time we had this much fun on a 6 mile run! Loved it! |
| | I ran with Mia, Aubrey and Ali. It was tough! But my best tempo yet! I kept up with Mia for the first 12 minutes, then I started thinking that we have 8 more minutes, which made me slow down. :\ But it's better then the one last week! After the tempo, my legs were so tight! Like I couldn't even run, so I stopped and stretched, which helped a lot! And finished my run. I'm a little beat from this week, glad it's over. | |
| | AM- Easy 3. PM- This has been the best workout I've had in forever! We did 4 1000's, and 2 300's. My time I was supposed to hit was 4:03, I hit 4:00, 3:59, 3:56, and 3:58. So I got below my time, each 1000! 300's were great too! I got 56 and 58! Best I've done on those! I think turning 17 made me faster! :) And my shirt was dry! I think the long sleeve thing stays dry, so I was warm the whole workout! We did the cool down on the track, that's always fun. :) Weights were great!
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AM- Easy 3 with plyos. Someone, I'm not naming any names, decided that it would be alright to show up to morning practice 15 minutes late. Today's run was nice and peaceful. Oh yeah! I could I forget! Coach almost made me have a heart attack! It was super cray cray. Plyos were...fun?
PM- Another great workout! I got right on my times or just below! So really good! I'm happy that we have a few recovery days before the race. :) |
| | AM- Did our main run in the morning- 4 miles with 4 200's. Super tired. :/ PM- Easy 3- Sanburgs!
| Race: |
Desert Hills Invite (1 Miles) 00:05:48, Place overall: 16, Place in age division: 2 | | AM- Easy 3. PM- I finally did it! BYU time! :) It was super great!! AHHHH! I am so excited! :) And I got 2nd in my heat! :)
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| Race: |
Desert Hills Invite (2 Miles) 00:12:44 | | I didn't do so hot with this race. But I still did pretty good! But since I was in the faster heat, I told myself that I was supposed to be in the back, so I was 4th to last. I don't even know about this race, cuz they totally messed up my time! They were about 40 seconds off! They said my time was 12:04. I'm not gonna complain about it, though. :) |
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AM- Easy 3. Super tired. Grasshoppers attacked us...
PM- Another great workout! :) I was afraid that I was gonna do awful, cuz I was way tired and drank a little bit of water. The time I was aiming for was 4:03, I got 3:50, 3:58, 3:51, 3:50. These are my fastest times yet! Coach helped me a lot by running with Mia and I. Because on the third one (when he started to run with us) is when my stomach started hurting and junk, so I prolly would've slowed down. Thanks Coach! 300's were....good... My first one was :58, so pretty good, second one I got 1:03, that's when I just wanted to die, but I didn't. :) Weights were great! |
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AM- Easy 3....plyos...
PM- This workout was pretty easy at the beginning! I had to slow down a bunch at the end so I wouldn't get too fast of times. But when it was like 2 repeats for the 200, I started to push harder, and it was getting pretty tought to hit my times! But I still hit them. :) The 200 I got like 4 seconds faster than I should of. I guess I just got too excited to be done with the workout. :) |
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AM- Easy 3.
PM- PV relays! I treated this more like a tough workout than a race for the mile. For the distance medley, I ran the mile. Then I ran the 4x8 and the 4x4. I kinda am not loving the 400. It's really tough, actually! 800 is pretty fun! We won donuts! :) | |
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AM- Easy 3 with some plyos.
PM- Recovery run, I felt super tired and sluggish all day... but I've been getting to bed by 10:30 every night! I don't get it! Anyways, nice run. | |
| Race: |
Dixie Invite (1 Miles) 00:05:48 | | AM- Easy 3. PM- I got a new PR! I improved by 1 second! :) Super great! I love the mile!
| Race: |
Dixie Invite (2 Miles) 00:12:30 | | I raced the 2 mile. I finally got a good start! I started right when the gun shot, so I was able to get in the middle of the pack, instead of last. That's always good. :) Anyways! I got a PR! :) I got faster than 12:44! For the first time this season. |
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AM- Easy 3. Super tired..
PM- I didn't really have the best day. :/ So I just thought of that during the workout, so my workout didn't go well, either. My times were off. But oh well! I will do better and not let my day make my workouts crappy! |
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AM- Decided to do the workout in the morning with Ali! I ran the 400's with Megan. It was pretty good! Figured out I should've ran faster and had less recovery, though. :| Grass hoppers were attacking us! It just seemed like they were gaining up on us, cuz they know that we think they are creepy.
PM- Easy 3, I ran with Aubrey! It was way nice. :) I'm a litte sore from the workouts this week. |
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AM- Easy 3. Little chilly this morning!
PM- Easy 4! It was the greatest thing I've heard when Coach said no 200's. :) Super nice and relaxing! Weights were good! |
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AM- Easy 3.
PM- 3 1000's! Todays workout was super tough!! That was the first time I felt like I was gonna throw up after a workout. Anyways, glad it's over. |
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AM- easy 3.
PM- 4x400's. Was the only varsity girl that went to the JV track meet, so I ran the workout a lone. But my times were pretty good, i guess! I got 1:17's every time! Still made it to mutual on time! (thank goodness!) |
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AM- Easy 3.
PM- Kosmin test! Ok, was I the only one that thought that the wind was 20 times stronger when the milers started their test? It didn't help much!! Anyways, we got to push Megan around. :) |
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AM- easy 3.
PM- BYU! :) Just ran around a building and did some striders. About peed my pants when we saw a creature. |
| | We just ran around by BYU, cuz none of us were racing today. |
| Race: |
BYU Invite (1 Miles) 00:05:51 | |
I was so nervous for this race! This was my first time racing @ BYU, so I didn' t know what to expect. I had to take my spikes out of my shoes, cuz they were illegal....I guess. Anyways, not my best race, wish I could've pushed harder.
800- I got around 2:40. So not a pr, but still pretty good time. |
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AM- easy 3.
PM- We did one 1000 all out! Pretty good! My time was 3:36, my fastest! :) |
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AM- easy 3.
PM- Easy 3, again! We decided to do sanburgs. We took a little detour and saw a cow graveyard. It was pretty scary!! Ahh! Oh yeah! And we did some 200's. |
| Race: |
Region (1 Miles) 00:05:48, Place overall: 12 | |
AM- Easy 3.
PM- race! I ran the mile today! I was a little worried that I didn't have a good warm up, cuz I had to stand in the mile long line for the bathroom while the other girls warmed up. So I ran half a warm up. :/ But I did pretty good! Close to my PR! Only one second off! And! I totally passed a girl at the very end, she was only mila-seconds behind me! :) |
| Race: |
Region (0.497 Miles) 00:02:43, Place overall: 10 | |
AM- Easy 3. Last morning practice. Dang..
PM- I raced the 800 today! I didn't do as good as I wanted to. :/ My time was like 2:43 or something. I don't remember...
I also raced the 2 mile. I raced this one first. My time was 12:48. My knee felt really weird and it hurt. But I didn't worry about it. I told my dad when I got home, he said it was inflamed...so...yeah. |
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Had state choir. Yeah.... Left before school started and came home around 11:40. So no run today! |
| | My knee was being dumb, so I decided to take another day off. But I'm coming back Monday!! |
| | Ali and I decided that we are not gonna be lazy bums, and to go on a run. It was super nice, but REALLY hot! Goodness! And it's only gonna get hotter! |
| | Decided to go to morning practice! It was great! :)
| | First day of summer practice! It was great!! I loved the huge group of new people!! A ton of new girls came! Yeah!! I for sure felt the two weeks of being a total fatty watching tv all day every day when I ran... But I'll get back into the groove of running soon! I'm excited for that day to come! Anways, the run was really good! I felt great, until we went up firestation hill. That's when I fell behind Mia and Coach. But I eventually made it back up to them. :) Finished strong! |
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Today's run was a little better than yesterday! I was able to keep up with Coach and Mia! Good run! |
| | I felt so good today! I'm finally getting back into the groove of running again! |
| | Well, I kinda slept in today, so I was a little late to practice this morning.. But anyways! I ran 4 today! Even though I didn't run Thursday-Saturday! It was tough! I was only gonna go 3 until Mia said that she could try to go four! Haha, just kidding! I said that. :) Pretty sure that extra mile is gonna make a big difference! Felt good after I caught my breath when I got back! I also beat Coach Roberts in a freshman race! :) | |
| | I felt great today! Which is like the first time this season! :) I was able to stay in the front of the group the whole time! Today's run was really good. Kids club was so fun! All the little girls are so cute! | |
| | I felt great today! I was in the front of the group the whole time! But I almost broke my ankle like 10 times... on flat ground.. |
| | Felt great today! I don't think striders ever felt so good! But I think my knee is getting inflamed again... this same thing happened at region during track. I didn't worry about that cuz we were going to take a two week break. I don't know what to do about it. I hope it doesn't affect my running at all. And that it goes away soon. | |
| | We got a nice group going today! I felt great! :) My knee wasn't bugging me today, that's always good! Loved today's run! |
| | Well, today, I guess, was alright. I felt great the first lap! I was ahead of everyone, and I had a pretty solid pace! During the second lap, I felt pretty good for most of it, then I just felt sick. That's all I could think about... So I slowed down. :/ Dang it.. I didn't really get the distance I wanted... I was on my fourth lap when we stopped. My distance was 1370. |
| | I felt so great today! Even though we did go a faster pace than usual. Maybe it was cuz Rachel was there. But I blame our fast pace on Coach Roberts. :) I beat Rachel in a freshman race, no matter what she says! Kids club was so fun, as always! |
| | I felt pretty good today. It's just that I was super tired. My legs weren't tired, I was just tired. But other than that! It was great! |
| | I actually felt pretty good on this run! I was so worried before that it was gonna be the hardest run! But I soon figured out that it wasn't. The first lap, I kept up with Coach Roberts, and the 2nd one Coach Roberts had me lead all the girls, so I pretty much ran alone for most of it, and at the very end, when it got steeper Megan and Coach caught up to me, and that's when I sped up. I was going a pretty fast pace at the very end! I was just thinking to myself that I was almost done, and that made me run faster! And I ended up 1st! :D Well besides those college girls! I felt great today! So glad I was able to run it! Looking forward to the easy runs. :)
| | Felt pretty good today, that hill was a killer, though. Glad I went. |
| | Ran with Megan this morning! We decided to meet at Pine View park and ran around there. It was great! It went by way fast! :) |
| | Well, today was better than last week! I still wish I could've ran better! I just didn't know how to pace myself. I should've just kept up with Roberts. Oh well! Gives me something to work up to!! It was tougher to know how fast to go since it was a longer time, so I started out at a solid pace in the beginning, sped up in the middle, and the last 3 minutes, I slowed down... Exactly what coach said not to do...dang it. Excited for kids club tomorrow! :) |
| | Well, today's workout was tough! I thought I was only gonna do like twenty 30 second repeats, but I ended up doing 40! Thanks to Coach Roberts! He kept on saying for me to do "one more", when really he means, that I should do 40... But oh well! I'm glad I got myself to do that. After, I was so tired! I feel bad for the girls in my group, cuz I didn't have the energy I usually have! But I took an hour long nap when I got home. :)
| | Easy day! I felt tired from yesterday, so we decided to take down the pace for today, that felt so good. :) Striders were great! Coach Robert's gave me some great running tips! |
| | I felt way better today than when we did it last week! Although, I did feel more tired than yesterday, like during warm-up and during core exercises. But! I was the first girl (from High School) to finish for both of the hills! And during the second one, I kept up with Rachel for most of it! When she started to speed up at the steep part, I went with her! She kept on speeding up, and so did I! It was great! With only like 100 meters to go (that's a guess, maybe farther, or closer! But I don't know...) , I fell behind. It felt great! Glad Rachel was there to push me! Glad it's an easy run tomorrow. :)
| | Today was nice! Felt good to have an easy run! Coach Roberts had me lead on the way there, and had Mia lead on the way back! I pretty much had all the hills! What the?! On the way back I stepped on a rock all weird, and hurt my ankle again... I did that twice, on the same ankle! But I could still run on it. It still hurts a little, but I'll ice it. |
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I felt alright today. I couldn't find my water bottle this morning, so I was super thirsty even though it was a little easier workout. But anyways, I ran with Mia! It was fun! My times were 4:39, 5:12, and 5:15. The time I was supposed to hit was 5:35, so I never got it. We ran as a group, though! That's always good! |
| | I felt pretty good today, super sluggish, though. Anyways, I iced and stretched last night, cuz I think I am getting shin splints. So I'm gonna ice every day now! I don't wanna be injured!! Striders were good, felt strong and had a good pace. Kids club was super fun! The little girls are great! :) |
| | I was tired today too, even though I went to bed at 9:40 last night! Today was a lot tougher than when we did it last week. First of all, I ran alone, 2nd of all we had to do recovery jogs with no walking or stopping. I did alright, I did 28 repeats, so not as much as last week... But I guess it's ok, I'll keep on improving! | |
| | My dad signed me up for an Uncle Sam 5k at 6:30 this morning. I thought it would be cooler, but no! It was 96 degrees! But for this race, we had to wear a hat and a beard. That was hard! It got super hot! It prolly was super funny to watch though! My time wasn't too bad, either! I got 22:27. Or somewhere close to that, and my dad didn't beat me! :) | |
| | I felt really good today! It was awesome! I got to run with coach Roberts! And Ali for 2 miles. :) I kept a really good pace for like the first half of the run, and then I started to feel it during the 2nd half. But I made it through. :) Super good run today!! |
| | Well, I was gonna wake up at like 7 to go run, but I ended up turning off my alarm.. I woke up at 8:30, and I wanted to run with somebody! So I asked my little brother if he would run with me, and I said we couldn't take any breaks, then he didn't want to. So I decided to call Ali! Thank goodness she didn't wake up to her alarm either! We met up at Pine View park, and made up a loop around there. It was really fun! And the weather wasn't too bad either! Felt a little sluggish though.. But it was not bad. :) | |
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Three 1000's today! Felt alright, but better than last week! Kept on getting faster times than the time I was supposed to hit. Oh well!
PM- First afternoon run! It was pretty hot! On the way there was ok, but on the way back, it got toasty! Weights were as fun as always! :)
| | Easy grass run today! Felt good! I ran with Rachel and Coach! Striders were fun! Kids club was great! I'm sad that I will miss the next few kids clubs... :( |
| | 30/30 test today! It feels like this workout is getting tougher and tougher as we do it more. I think it's because I am actually doing the recovery jogs.. well I did them before, but not full distance. Today I did 27! I wanted to get to 30, but the last one I did, I didn't even get close to the distance I was supposed to hit! So I stopped with Kaelie. :) When we did the cool down, my legs got tight and they felt heavy, so I only did an 800 cool down.
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Hill workout! It wasn't that bad actually! But I figured out that I am too happy when I run, cuz when we did bounders up the hill, I couldn't stop skipping! I was so excited! Anyways, pretty good run today. :)
PM- A little cooler today! Pretty humid though!
| | Today was pretty good, that hill was tough! It felt like we were swimming, cuz it was humid!! Thank goodness they were playing "What Makes You Beautiful" at Fabulous Freddy's, I prolly would've died, if I didn't hear that song! Just kidding. :) That song just made the run more enjoyable. :) Finished strong with a freshman race with Kaelie! :) |
| | Made a group and we met up at the soccer park at 7:15. It was fun! My legs were tired and sore from the week, so thank goodness it was an easy 4! We were sick of hills, so we decided to take the flattest 4 mile run possible. :) Got pretty toasty at the end, and I also got a supa' bad cramp too. Oh well! Good run! :D
| | I felt pretty good today! The weather was really nice! We got faster times than we should've, but they were only like 20 seconds off. So not bad! Who am I kidding! Those are way off! Blame it on Coach Roberts!! Coach Roberts also said that he was a match maker... I don't know about that, Coach! Anyways, nice run. :)
PM- Well, I felt junky.... My legs felt heavy, and it kinda felt like I forgot how to run, cuz it didn't feel natural at all! I was dying!! I was also supa' tired... And could barely keep my eyes open! So crappy run, but weights were fun! Well, this was my last team run for a while! See you guys in 2 weeks!
| | I ran at girls camp!! I'm surprised that I actually got myself to run! Well I prolly wouldn't have if Mia, Rachel, and Megan weren't there. So thanks you guys!! :) Felt alright, but it was my 2nd time running this week, and we were in higher altitude. But it wasn't all that, I was also eating tons of junk food! Oops!! The weather was good, though! |
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I ran 2 miles this morning with Mia. We ran up this killer hill! I bet it wasn't as hard as the one the rest of the team ran, but it still was tough! But no worries, we will get our mileage up to where it's supposed to be. We are gonna make a group of girls tonight at 10 to go run 4 miles! It's gonna be so fun!!
We were all so tired from girls camp, so we decided to run 4 miles. I think I got a little head cold, I had a stuffy nose, and a little headache.. But it was still fun. :)
| | Ran with Ali and Megan this morning! We were gonna go 4, but no one had time! So we went 3. Plus my cold got worse, when I got home from my run, I had a fever and I was achy. So I kinda slept the rest of the day, that was fun. :) |
| | I got home from Disneyland today! I texted Ali to see if she ran yet, and she said no! So I decided to run with her! I felt so good, even though I didn't really run all this week. But I did run from ride to ride, if that counts! I'm excited to run with the team again! :) |
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AM- I thought these used to be easier! But I guess I thought wrong, because it was pretty tough! It might be because I didn't run all last week... And plus this is the most I've done, and the fastest!
PM- XC camp! Ran 4 miles, first two miles were easy, and the last 2 were pretty hard! Figured out, the way out was downhill, so that made the way back uphill! Still fun, though! |
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AM- 8 miles! It was actually kinda' fun! I felt pretty good! I hurt my ankle again, though! What the heck! I kept up with Mia, Coach, and Ali for 7 miles, then fell behind the last one.. But when I was almost to the campsite, Nicole decided to freshman race me, I totally won!! :)
PM- Felt pretty good for this run. Mia wanted to run with the boys, so I started out with them, then decided that I didn't want to race and easy 3, so I waited for Ali, Megan, and Coach so I could run with them. I actually got into the lake, but only up to my shorts. :) |
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AM- I don't know what was up with me this morning. I felt so tired... I think that I didn't fully recover from the 8 miler yesterday. Or maybe I was just a wimp! I don't know! Anyways, this run felt pretty hard!
PM- This run felt hard too! But only on the way back up the hill. The way down felt so nice! I'll try to forget what Kyler did on this run, but I don't think it's possible. That poor chipmunk... | |
| | My last run for XC camp... That made me real sad! Atleast we ended with a nice easy run! Well, it was easy, except for the part when we crawled up those hills! Anyways, it was fun. I'm glad this XC camp was able to go well. I had so much fun! I wish I had another year! I'm gonna miss it! |
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AM- Ran with Mia, Rachel, and Kaelie at 6 this morning! We just ran around the fields. The weather was so nice! It was nice to be able to breath again! I thought this run was gonna be so hard! But it wasn't bad! The tempo was a little hard. We took turns taking the lead, which was so nice! Gave me the chance to catch back up. :) I kept on falling behind... I hope I get back to where I was soon.
PM- Kaelie, Ali, Dallin, and I met up at 8 at Kaelie's house. I felt good on this run! And it went by fast, which was good. :) |
| | Ali, Kaelie, and I were supposed to meet at the soccer park at 7, but too bad I slept in, so I showed up at 7:20. Thank goodness that they were nice enough to wait for me. :) We ran down to the fields, and saw Megan running with her mom on her bike! It was awesome! So we decided to finish the first half of our run with her. Good week! After this, I went hiking with Susan, Reed, and Colton. Pretty intense hike! Really fun though! |
| | AM- Well, I felt better today than I did last Monday! But I still was so tired... I was very consistent with my times though!! All of the repeats I hit in the 4:30's, I don't remember the exact times.. But these are my fastest!! :) PM- I felt soo good!! I just had so much energy! I did try to eat healthier, and I drank some more water than usual.. Or at least tried to! I really need to work on that... The run was great! Weights were great! I'm a little sore, cuz I haven't done them in a while!
| | Well... I guess I did all right, considering the fact that I haven't done that kind of workout in 2 weeks. I couldn't relax my breathing, at all! I don't know what was going on, like I tried to keep up with Rachel and Mia, but my body would just slow down.. I think I prolly just thought too much about how bad I was breathing, and freaked my brain out or something. I only did 9. :\ I just wasn't hitting my distance on like any of them... Oh well, gotta think positive about it! :) I'll do better next time! |
| | Well, I tried to think positive about this time trail before we actually ran it. But after I finished, and after both of the coaches talked to me, I figured out that I need to think positive about me being a fast runner all the time! That's what I am gonna work on this season, I know I am a better runner. I can do whatever I put my mind to! Need to focus on the positive, not the negative! My time wasn't too bad, actually! It was like 14:37 or something like that. I really do love running! So glad I run with such an amazing team! :) |
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AM- I felt pretty good on this run! We took turns leading on the tempo. So that made it go by faster, which is always good! My legs weren't tight during it! But I still let myself slow down the last mile... I felt good, like I prolly could've kept up, I just keep on doubting myself. :/ But we grouped up after tempo, and all ran the rest of the run together. :) Stopped at the park, I was so thirsty... Thank goodness they had the drinking fountains on!
PM- Easy 3! Felt pretty good! I got to run with Coach Roberts! It was prolly the funniest run I've ran! I won't tell why it was funny, so coach won't get embarrassed. :) Weights were great! Plyos were fun, as always! |
| | I felt way good today! The 3 grass miles, went pretty fast! It was fun being in charge for a little. :) The hills weren't as bad as I remembered! I felt great! Ali was a total beast during the minutes! Holy! She just took off! We kept pretty good groups for the hills too! :) We had no idea what order the hills were supposed to be, so we just did the minutes first, and the 30 seconds last. Overall, good run! |
| | I got to run with Ali today! We met up at my house, cuz she's super nice, and let me sleep in a little. :) I felt good today too! The 4 miles went by fast! I love runs like this! |
| |
AM- Well, I felt alright today! I just gotta trust myself that I can go faster. I got like 4:39 on the first one... I don't remember the rest though.. But! I know on every single one I was faster than 5 minutes! :) The fourth one I felt the best, but it wasn't even my best time! The sprinklers didn't really help me much... It made me feel like I couldn't catch a breath, so that made my breathing all whack.
PM- 3! Pretty toasty, but felt good! Felt so much better than this morning! Weights and plyos were great! :) |
| Race: |
Cedar (2.95 Miles) 00:21:02, Place overall: 11 | |
AM- 5 miles with 4 200's. Felt pretty good this morning, my legs were tight, though. :/ It was weird, like they didn't hurt, like usual, but I still felt a knot in my calf. So... I don't know! 200's were good. I just need to relax, cuz I tighten up so much when I try to run faster!
PM- Race!! I wasn't too nervous for this race actually! And I felt way good on our warm up! When we got up to the starting line, I started to get nervous. It was such a huge group of girls! The gun kinda caught us off guard. All he said was "ready, go!" No set!! What the?! But since I start so great for every race, I got a good spot! Not!! I started crappy, like always! So I got trapped behind every stinkin slow girl!! I was practically walking the start!! I was sooo bugged!! I couldn't get around them! But I was able to get around them, like after the first 400 meters or so. And then I got a good spot. :) I forgot how much racing hurts! Oh well, something I have to get used to! I wanted to break 20 so bad, my time was 21:02. So that's something I will work up to. :) I got 11th place too! I'm pretty happy of how this race turned out. Good way to start off the season. :)
| | No morning run! I was pretty excited about this, but I woke up at 7:30, and couldn't fall back to sleep.. I guess my body will never let me sleep in ever again! I guess it's a good thing. But anyways, I felt great during today's run! We got a good group going too! I'm excited for our new girls varsity team! It's gonna be a fun group of girls! Striders were awesome! |
| |
AM- first morning run!! Super fun! Did some plyos.
PM- I felt so good! Well, my body didn't feel so hot, but I honestly think it was my attitude that changed this whole workout around. And! I lead the girls today! Felt great!! :) The last few 30 seconds, I felt so light headed though.. But was able to make it back, you know, without dying.. Weights were good!!
| |
AM- easy 3!!!
PM- 1x1's today! It was sooo hot! Ran them with Mia!! That was fun! :) We were able to help each other. So that was nice. :) Got my flippin senior parking spot. Woo hoo. I guess that it is alright, cuz I get my own parking spot. But, eh..
I got new shoes at the Running Store thing!! I'm so excited! They are the same shoes as I had before but different color. It was so weird to have shoes that actually have some support! |
| | Instead of racing, I ran with Mia!! I stinking love her!! I felt pretty good, but my calves were tight at the beginning. When we started the tempo, they felt better. Well, we followed coach's directions exactly and got lost... so! We ran around this maze neighborhood. I felt great during the tempo! The best I've felt for that! We kept under 7:30 pace throughout the whole thing, until the last half mile, then we hit 7:35. But it's still great! Made it back just in time to see our JV girls race. :) Our team is so great! They all did awesome!! |
| |
AM- I felt pretty good this morning! My times were pretty consistent too! I got around 4:50ish on every one! Still room for improvement though! I need to close that gap between Mia and me! My slowest was 4:50, so I got pretty good times today! The sprinklers attacked us this morning too, so we had to become ninjas to dodge them! Sometimes, they would use the element of surprise, and hit us from behind... So we got pretty wet!
PM- 3 miles easy! We ran to Hot Nails, well not really... we were about to run to Sandburgs, but Mia had to go to the bathroom, so we stopped at the water wheel park, and got a drink there. We decided to turn around from there, and ran back to the high school. It was so hot! Weights were pretty fun! It was weird to be one of the first people in there! But really nice cuz we didn't have to wait for anything! I taught the new freshman, Anna, how to do weights! She's such a nice girl! |
| |
AM- easy 3, felt pretty good! It was warm this morning! Plyos were fun..
PM- Oh man... It was so hot!! Pretty sure I was dehydrated or something, cuz I was dying! It was a pretty tough run today! My breathing was really weird too, like it felt like I couldn't get a deep enough breath... Like I wasn't breathing hard, I was just trying to get a breath in! We were able to stop a few times do drink some water, that helped a ton! Heard tomorrow is gonna be even hotter! Woo hoo! |
| |
AM- Well, I guess I did pretty good this morning! I kept up with Mia more than I usually do! And there was a little hill in it! I was able to hit 9 repeats. Which is the most I've ever hit. My breathing was un even... I think that just freaks out my body, so I slow down. :/ I need to work on my breathing. But! I will get better! I plan to do better next week!
PM- 4 miles! It was so hot during the first half of the run! Second half was alright. We ran to green springs. I felt way better during this run than this morning! Striders were awesome!
| |
AM- Easy 3!
PM- Old man hills! My legs felt so tight on this run! I guess I did pretty good today, I felt best on the second one. |
| |
AM- Ran on some grass for a little over a mile. Decided to go finish our run with the DI loop.
PM- Ran to Sanburgs! Some of us decided to not jump in, so we just went on with our run. I felt pretty good during the 200's! I was hitting around 39 and 40 each one. So pretty good times! |
| Race: |
SUU (3.107 Miles) 00:21:13, Place overall: 13 | | I felt pretty strong today!! And I didn't look down! Well for some of it. I'm disappointed that I didn't even make top 10.. that's been my goal every time for this race! I kinda felt like the team was disappointed in me too. :/ I wish I could've pushed just a little harder so at least one Pine View varsity girl would've been in top 10. I was a little sad on the bus, cuz I was thinking that if Mia and I don't step it up and do well in our races, we won't be able to go to state.. I want to go to state so bad. I won't have another chance if we don't make it this year!! So I have to run in state! After crying on Taylor H's shoulder, she comforted me and we listened to Disneyland songs on her I-pod. I was happy after that. :)Thanks Taylor! :) | |
| | AM- The 6 min. test! I felt pretty good, for like the first 800ish. Then my breathing went all outta whack! So I slowed down. :( And the distance thing was off, so I don't even know how far I got! Coach Roberts said that I got 1422, but then later told me it wasn't right.. Plyos were great!
PM- Easy 3, faught a tiger, and did some weights!! Good run! A piece of advice, if you fall, or are falling, don't count on Mia to catch you! She will just laugh!! Love you Mia! But, Kaelie is much nicer. :)
| | AM- easy 4! Felt pretty good! We ran to Starbucks.
PM- Dog pound tempo. Felt way good! Had another tiger attack us, but instead of me, it attacked Maquel!! It was a saber tooth tiger!! Anyways, we started out with 7:30 pace, and ended aroun 6:50 something during the tempo! It was awesome!
| Race: |
Time Trial #2 (2 Miles) 00:13:42, Place overall: 1 | | AM- Just an easy 3 with Roberts! Was the only girl this morning.
PM- I think that this was my fastest time trail! :) I felt pretty good the first lap, kinda had to get my legs going, 2nd lap, I finally started to race, and last lap, I felt sick, and my legs were pretty tight!! But I was still able to finish! I tried to relax my breathing, but I don't know if I did a very good job! Atleast I didn't sound like I was crying! I really need to work on that... I only almost broke my ankle 3 times! So not too bad! Just happy it didn't injure me. :)
| |
| | AM- Nice easy 3, on the grass. Jumped over some hay bales, looking super graceful. :)
PM- Easy 3 again! Sanburgs! Jumped over hay bales again! Weights were good!
| | AM- Easy 3! I couldn't find my keys this morning... my dad found them in the backyard! What the? So that's why I was a little late. Jumped over some hay bales!
PM- Ran the state course! My legs were a little tired and sore. But it was fun!!
| Race: |
American Fork Grass Relays (2 Miles) 00:13:58 | | My legs were sore this morning! I rolled and stretched last night, so I thought they would be less sore.. Oh well, I guess! I was the first leg. When they called the the girls varsity teams up, they seperated all the first legs from the rest of their teams, to tell them the rules. They said to us to tell the rest of our team the rules, and if any of our team did something wrong, it was our fault! I think I did pretty good, cuz we didn't get disqualified. :) Anyways! I felt pretty good! I didn't trip or walk over any hay bales! Plus it was a super fun course! Our team did way good! We are gonna kick butt this year!
| | Did some 1000 repeats! I did pretty good! My slowest one was 4:45, so I hit some good times!
| | AM- Easy 3.
PM- Well I didn't feel too good on this run! My first 2 mile repeat, was alright. My 2nd one, I was going so slow! I tried to speed up, but my legs just wouldn't move!! I was dehydrated, and figured out I am not getting enough sleep at all. So not a very good workout for me today. :|
| | AM- Easy 3!
PM- We ran the DI loop twice, wasn't too bad! Went by pretty quick, and we also saw Coach Roberts! I felt really good during today's run! Striders were great!
| | AM- Easy 3!
PM- 1x1's today! My only goal was to get more than 9 (which has been my record for a while) and I did!! I got 12!! :) I felt really good, even though it was hot! Did some weights and stuff.
| | AM- easy 3.
PM- I ran 2 miles at the run-a-thon!
| | Well... I didn't really do well this week with mileage.. I just ran those miles at the run-a-thon. And right when I got home, I slept. And had to do some other things. I didn't really have time to run the other 5.5.
| | AM- easy 3! little tired.
PM- 5 1000's! I did pretty good with my times! My slowest one was 4:40 (or close to that). So fast times!
| | AM- Easy 3!
PM- 1x1's. I did 14 today! Next time I'm gonna do all 15! :)
| | AM- Michigan!! I used to always get so nervous over these, like way more than races. Figured out that they aren't such a humungous deal as I thought they were. :) Races are way much more intense. Except you prolly won't hear a mother screaming at her child saying to get his butt up and into the shower... now that was scary! I don't know if I slowed down, due to almost having a heart attack, or sped up, cuz I wanted to get away! I think my mind just went blank, so I don't even know what I did! But I ended up with a pretty good time! I got 32 something, I keep on forgeting the seconds. Next time I'm gonna hit A standard!!
PM- Easy 3! It was soo nice! I ran with Ali, Kaelie, and Jared. So pretty fun group. :) Striders were nice too. The rain made it exciting!
| | AM- easy 3, grass run!
PM- 3 miles w/ 4 200's! super fun!
| Race: |
Herriman (3.107 Miles) 00:27:23, Place overall: 23 | | AM- Easy 3! Foot kinda hurt. :\
PM- Race!! Well, I didn't believe Ali at first that something bad was gonna happen due to it being Friday the 13th, but somthing bad did happen! First we get there, and they already started the Girls Varsity race, so we had to race JV. We got a little cocky thinking that we will totally dominate in that race!! So we start, and I feel good! I'm staying in the front with Mia, and we are kicking butt! Then the mud decided that it was way hungry, and it wanted to eat a fast girl's shoe, so it did! My shoe was off!! I had to go back and grab it, so I wouldn't lose it forever, but I still kept my spot. I just held my shoe in my hand and ran without a shoe for a while, then the girl behind me, and the people around me, said to put my shoe on, so I did! And like 5 girls passed me. But I got it back on, and passed them again, to get my spot. And due to my luck, it happened again! In fact it happened twice after that!! So I was kinda like way far behind from where I was supposed to be. When we ran up the mutha cussa, I felt sooo tired. I felt like I was jogging, I tried to go faster, but my legs wouldn't let me!! But I was able to get a nice sprint in the finish, so the girl behind me, couldn't pass me. :) Prolly my most exciting race of the season!!
| | I felt super lazy and sore today... I didn't really even feel like running, but Mia texted me and asked me if I wanted to. So I said yes. :) We were going to run 7, but neither of us felt all that great, and Mia had to be somewhere. Good run. :)
| | AM- 1000 repeats! Felt pretty good, and my shoe stayed on! I got 4:31, 4:22, 4:21, and 4:17. I got faster every single one!! :)
PM- Easy 3!
| | AM- easy 3! Felt pretty tired.
PM- 4 miles, with some striders. My foot was feeling ok, until we did striders, then it started hurting again. :(
| Race: |
Time Trial #3 (2 Miles) 00:13:56, Place overall: 2 | | AM- Easy 3, felt way tired...
PM- I felt ok for this, just a little sluggish on the warm up. My breathing was sooo outta whack. I have no idea how to control it. And my stomach was hurting so bad. But I finished with a good solid time. :)
| | AM- well...
PM- Easy 3, to Sandburgs. My foot hurt like the whole run, but not bad. It really started hurting after the 200's. My 200's weren't as good as usual. It just felt like I couldn't breathe at all. :\
| | AM- Easy 3!
PM- 3/3s.... well this workout was way hard! I honestly didn't hit my distance on any of the 4 I did... I didn't know what to do.. The 4x30's were tought too!! I couldn't breathe at all!! It was so weird! And my foot hurt like the whole time. :/ so...
| | AM- Easy 3! plus some plyos.
PM- Did some 1000's. Felt way good! Only 3 today! Plus it was my fastest times!! I got 3:59,4:01, and 4:00. So way good!!! I stayed pretty close to Mia, in fact I stayed with her the whole time on the first one!! :) I haven't felt this good in a workout for a long time! It was awesome! My foot hurt after... So no bueno. We were gonna get bags of ice so Ali and I could ice our injuries, but Mark wasn't there to give us bags for the ice! Sooo that didn't happen! We were about to leave, but coach got there before we left and said we had weights! So Ali and I did weights. :) Overall, great run!!
| |
| | AM- Easy 3! Felt pretty good!
PM- Did a pretty good workout today! We did 4 800's on the region course before the rest of the team raced on it. It was good! I kept up with Mia on the first one, fell a little behind on second and third, and lead the last one! My times were 3:12, 3:07 (or something like that), 3:04, and 3:59 (we think the watch was broken or something, cuz i know that I went faster than that, that time's pathetic!). Good workout. :) Our team kicked butt today!! So excited for this weekend!!
| | AM- Easy 3
PM- Easy 3 w/ 4 200's
| Race: |
Nebo Invite (3 Miles) 00:19:41, Place overall: 56, Place in age division: 1 | | AM- Easy 3.
PM- Race- Felt pretty good! Got my shoes tied, and made sure that they would stay on the whole time (and it worked! :) I wanted to break 20 sooo bad!! I have for while, too! We get up to the line, and I don't really remember what I was thinking at the starting line... but my start was kinda crappy! Like always. My first lap, I was just kinda going. Second lap, I started racing more, third, I just wanted to be done! Mia was way ahead of me like for the first 2 laps, and I was just thinking that I will let her be in front of me. But the 3rd lap, I was looking down, instead of looking up, and when I looked up, Mia was right there! I was like "what the heck?? What is Mia doing here??" And everyone was telling me to go run with Mia, so I picked it up a little more, and caught up to her. I kept the same pace, and I guess Mia wasn't really feeling it, cuz she didn't keep up with me. :/ But it was soo muddy and wet! I was pretty much soaked!! And thanks to our crazy team for cheering me on! It helped a lot!! Glad I finally broke 20! :)
| | Soo I don't know what the mileage was, so I looked on Ali's and she doesn't know either! I just did the same mileage as her... But anyways! It was a pretty good workout on the state course! My first 3 minute, was kinda slow, but the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th were great! I was able to keep up with Mia and Coach for most of it! Almost had a tragedy with Mia... But I was able to jump over her. :) Hill sprints were good, felt strong! The finish sprint things, were good too, but not my best. I just think I was tired! Over all, it was a good workout!
| | AM- 2 thousand. Did pretty good, my time was 8:08, was shooting for 8:00. I was able to keep up with Mia for the first half, then I started slowing down on the second half. :/ I wish I could've pushed myself a little more, to keep up with her the whole time! But it's still a good time to hit! The 1000 was good! My time was 3:56. So way good!
PM- Easy 3. I'm just a little sore and stuff. Weights were fun.
| | AM- Easy 3.
PM- Pretty good workout. It was long, but not as hard as our other workouts, which is awesome!! I figured out that I can do endurance pretty well, but speed, not so much. :| Everyone was kicking my butt on the 100's!! I did alright with the 400's and hill sprints, though. :) We all got under 1:30's!
| | AM- Michigan!! I did pretty good! My best time on this course. (My fastest time was on the track so...) I almost got A standard, I got 30:50, 20 seconds off! What the?! I still am very happy about my time!! :) And another plus, there wasn't a child being murdered by his mom this time. :)
PM- Easy 3!
| | AM- Easy 3.
PM- Easy 3, with 4 200's. Ali is so stinkin fast!! Holy!
| Race: |
Cedar (3 Miles) 00:19:42 | | AM- Easy 3.
PM- Race at Cedar! I honestly don't think I had the right mind set for the race all day and during the race. I wasn't really thinking positive. :/ I tried to make my legs go faster, but they wouldn't do anything!! That makes me kinda bugged!! And Alli P. was scaring me the whole time! But I still got my goal of getting under 20 minutes again. Fastest time on this course!! :)
| | Did a workout before the sun woke up, so it was kinda super dark. We couldn't see anything!! So I don't think we did our fastest workout this morning.. But I was still breathing hard, so it did something at least! And when I finally started believing myself that I wouldn't trip (which was on the last fast 30 seconds), I tripped!! What the crap! Anyways, got to the marathon, it was freezing, Coach Holt did awesome, and I handed out some gatorade. :)
| | AM- Did some 1000's on the track today! Fastest times yet! I got 3:53 and 3:55. So pretty good!
PM- Easy 3, felt pretty tired. Ran to Hot Nails!
| | AM- Easy 3, ran with the boys..
PM- Easy 3. I like ran into every bush and tripped over bushes too. Ali would know!! It was so dumb!! I didn't really feel tight, but my legs hurt. :| That's what I get from being so fast I guess! The 200's were good.
| Race: |
Snow Canyon Invite (3 Miles) 00:20:07 | | AM- Easy 3, ran with the boys...again.
PM- Race! I thought pacing was actually really fun! :) The girls did way good!! Alli has a killer kick! I'm very proud of our girls! :)
| |
| | AM- Easy 3, ran with boys..
PM- Easy 3, with some 400's. Every single one was under 1:30!
| | AM- Did mile warm up and a 1.5 mile tempo, felt pretty good!! Master blasters were pretty fun! My group was Josie, Kaelie, and me! (in that order!) Good workout!
PM- Easy 3!
| | I ran with Ali. It was awesome. :)
| | OH MY HECK!!! I am so excited! We are going to State! Not only that! We beat Desert Hills!! :) At first when the girls finished, I thought we didn't make it... I was so sad... Everyone came around me and started comforting me. But then, Trevor came up and said we made it!!!! :) I am so happy!! AND! I finally can walk and stand up straight!! :) Woo hoo! For the appendix!
| | I got to run today!! I was pretty excited to! I felt good, only hurt just a little! I didn't walk at all, which I thought I would, due to hurting and stuff, but it didn't stop me! I'm so ready to kick butt at state!! We are gonna do awesome!! :) We've made it so far as a girl's varsity team!
| | First workout without an appendix. It wasn't the best experience, but it was pretty good. :) My first 400 was 1:26, second 1:22, third 1:33... I was really struggling on the third one. My legs felt fine, it was just my breathing. So coach pulled me out of the last one, so I can recover. Cool down was good.
| | Got off the bus, went on a nice fast-ish run. Did some striders too! I felt way better than yesterday!
| Race: |
State (3.107 Miles) 00:21:43 | | Woke up did a nice 3 mile run. Felt a little gross after, but so did everyone else who ran.
Race: The uniforms were soo legit!! We looked awesome! And the time, it was somewhere around there, but I don't remember the exact time... Maybe I will change it later. But for the race, I felt like I was going a good pace, but it just felt slower than usual... It was actually! I guess it was good, cuz I did just have surgery and stuff. It felt like I forgot how to race, and my legs weren't responding to anything, until I hit the track (that's when I finally picked it up, and made up a little time). My goal was to push the pain, and know it was all mental. Then I made a new goal during the race, to score for the team. And I got 5th on the team, so I scored! I am so happy I could race at state!! My goal for the whole season was to race at state, and we did it!! :)
| | Did a super fun scavenger hunt! I was on February's team, cuz they didn't have enough people. It was great! Our team got 6th overall, which isn't bad!
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