I was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue last week, To heal my adrenals I have been told to not run as long and as intense as I have. I don't really like that. I didn't follow that advice today :( But to heal my adrenal glands (which has caused all of my fatigue and bad running the last 2 years) I will need to tone it down. This kind of sucks!
I don't run everyday. In February I am going to try and do 5-6 days a week at a very slow pace, to start base training. I think I am going to run pretty slow for several months to build up. Since nothing else I have done has worked. I will do the opposite I guess.
6 on the tready. Today begins a pace slow down. I ran these miles SLOOOOW. I am pretty determined to change things around for me in my running. Going to get my body feeling good again.
9 miles. Still running slow. I am being slow on purpose. No one will ever want to run with me again, because I will run slow. Not planning on this forever. But until my heel feels better, I will be a slow poke.