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January 2013

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Member Since:

Jun 28, 2011



Goal Type:

Age Division Winner

Running Accomplishments:

i love wasatch, hills and all

Short-Term Running Goals:

I want to be varsity again this year, and break 21 min 3mile/ 5k

Long-Term Running Goals:

Keep running! XC FOREVER!

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Well, lets just say i struggled but still ran 3 :) i tried to run with Coach Roberts and the girls and found i am not quite up to their speed, but me and nicole ran together on the way back and it was good.  so yah, i got a lot of hard work ahead of me 

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today felt a lot better than yesterday! i still fell behind the girls a bit, but i wasnt dying.  i'm gonna stay with them tomorrow for sure.

kids club was a blast, and i pulled a devin and slipped on water grass, cutting up my arm and hands :) 

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well, i got hit by a pit bull and hit my head on the ground! what in the world?! hopefully this doesn't become a habit.

I ran 3 and it was pretty good, i am just slow and ran most of the second half by myself. Coach, should i not run 3? I'm running the whole time, i'm just slow. I'll keep on working on staying with the girls as long as i can.



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sooo.... i think that we accidentally cut off the last lap because the boys started before us and never lapped us, but we finished at the same time. Sorry taylor boyer and coach roberts, that was my bad on the counting!  it felt pretty good today, i am still feeling out of shape but its getting better.

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today was pretty good, i am doing better, but still feeling out of shape. ran with coach roberts and nicole, and talked about our favorite healthy snacks, haha it was great! my arches kinda hurt after running, maybe from the barefoot grass run yesterday? and i prolly need new shoes 

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well i ended up running a very nice, but exceedingly hot, 3 with my little sister Karissa. i had to take several breaks for her:) but i still got out there and ran.

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well, i didn't quite feel up to going 4, so i ran 3 with Nicole, Ali, and Megan. it was pretty good, i am feeling better in shape. the last stretch was yuck.  my left arch is hurting, but other than that it was great!

From Holt on Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 09:36:41 from

Get some ice on it.

From Vis on Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 18:05:44 from

It was good chatting w/ you and Nicole the other day.

From Kaelie on Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 09:47:15 from

sweet thanks!

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good, had to use bathroom at maveriks (?) though.  so ran  back with nicole, it was pretty good, my legs just felt a little sore

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first 4 mile of the summer! woohoo! it felt really great for the first bit to sandburgs, like really good.  then i was feeling pretty stiff, so i slipped a little behind at the bank, caught up at the light, and then slipped a little again with ali j. the last stretch was yuck, but it was super good to have ali pushing me up.  it is great to be slowly running more with those girls! and JP came today :)

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3 grass miles with striders today. So, Kaylee Boyer ran with us the first mile, and coach confirmed my feelings that it was faster than we have been going :) fell back a little with ali again, but not too bad. striders were pretty hard towards the end, but i liked trying to push down on the balms of my feet.  my form needs alot of work!

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3 on the region grass course! we had a great group today, and I felt pretty good! 

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vo2 max test, i didn't do so hot

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ran after not running during girls camp and wow, that felt horrible! :)

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not exactly sure the mileage, but ran 1 mile and 1440 meters during the 15 minutes.  so, I think I was about 300 meters behind liz.  Its not the best i can do, thats for sure, but, considering i didn't run at girls camp i'm alright with it. when ali and josie caught up to me i stayed with them, so that was good!! i didn't feel to yucky. need to stretch my calf better

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i dont know how far we went!? BUT, i did all 40 repeats and Coach Roberts said that I probably went about 5 total.  I kept on wondering why in the world i was hitting my distance, and many times passing it, but felt like i was getting slower! I was soo ready to be done around 34, but i wasn't going to quit :) the best workout of the season so far!

ran from after the kids left the track area to the end of the race in all 4 races: even though i stayed with the slower kids i think i ran a little too much today- my thighs are really tight, so i rolled them

From Holt on Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 11:19:16 from

Stellar job today... And thanks for running with the kids, they love it?

From Holt on Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 11:19:35 from

That was meant to be a !

From Red Leader on Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 15:26:49 from

Coach... You know you can edit your comments! :)

From Kaelie on Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 22:16:42 from

thanks coach!

Total Distance

grass run and striders.... wow, i wasnt feeling so good today, really tired and striders were way harder for me.  but i stayed with ali and liz and coach! thighs still kinda tight, but not as bad as yesterday

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parkway loops... well, this is for coach roberts, 3 words- LET IT GO. i didn't feel good, hurt, and was super negative.  half of the battle was that i was wigging myself out. i almost didn't run 2 loops, but with some very good persuasion liz got me to do it. i was way behind everyone but on the bright side, i did do 2 and did not walk on the hill (just at the top a little :)  so not good, but i did some partner stretches with dallen at home and will drink lots of water today.  i am going to choose to not define myself by this run :)

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ran with chancie around 6:15 am cuz i had youth conference. nice easy pace!

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well, today my ankles kinda felt weird at the beginning :) the 1K repeats were really easy.  I was supposed to hit 6:08 but 1st time was 4:58! And that was relaxed! Then I tried to slow it down but didn't have a watch, so i was just hanging behind liz and mia, and got 5:28ish.  the last time we all decided to pack it together and got 5:15. so yep :)

Total Distance

3 grass miles and striders! I stayed next to liz! the huge boys group didn't catch us! ankles felt a little weakish, but its prolly just from barefoot running and flat feet, so i'm not worried.  during striders i found myself thinking "why does this seem so hard?" but then i realized that it wasn't hard it just "seemed" hard. so yep! i have more in me than i think

From Holt on Thu, Jul 04, 2013 at 10:17:21 from

It's getting there - you're getting in better shape

From Vis on Mon, Jul 08, 2013 at 20:54:31 from

Wow. It sounds like you're getting the mental aspect of running worked out.

Total Distance

only did 17 30/30's , pretty terrible!

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ran 4 with dallen and the dog before we went out of town

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out of town so ran 3 on the treadmill, and i really dont like those things!

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ran at like 10:30 pm when i got home from being out of town, so only ran 3.  it was alright

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gotta love it when a workout isn't very hard! 

didn't make it to the afternoon run cuz i went on a date, hiking!  

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Grass runs are mentally harder, but i will conquer that eventually :) striders were a little better this week

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30/30's seem to be getting harder every week! whats up with that! but today was better than last week. I got in 27 sets, so a little better. Ali and me ran together, it was great to have someone to help me keep the pace.  we should really run races together, i think we'd dominate :) my legs felt really tired, prolly cuz i didn't get much sleep.

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hills weren't hard, but coming out of that hole was killer! but we had a great group!

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today was pretty good! suprisingly :) even though it was muggy and i was super sweaty, it was good. i stayed with Coach Roberts on the first part of the hill, until i asked him how much was left... that was a bad idea. "only 400 meters" is really long on a hill! It was a fun run on the way back, and i had a freshman race with Liz at the end! woohoo

From Holt on Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 17:59:11 from

You guys were burning to the finish!

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ran with ali, mia, liz, and megan.  it was great and supa humid

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i felt better in shape, just tired from the night before! i ran 4:56, 5:12, 5:19. and 5:00.  so i am pretty confused on if its more important for me to do what i did and stick with mia and liz or to actually hit my time of 6:08 ?

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grass run today was quiet ish, not too bad. i felt a little better about striders today! i really need to work on my form though, wow! 

kids club was fun!  

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good tempo with liz, mia, and rachel!

fun 3 with dallen, liz, and ali jo 

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ran with ali and liz... and we found megan running with her mom and so joined them, pretty great! felt tired today

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well pretty terrible. I felt really tired on the first 3, but still kept up ( 4:34, 4:42, 4:46) then i got a side ache/ cramp and got 6:05, not so fun. I decided i could've pushed through the pain better and so the next 2 i got 5:08 and 5:12, still feeling a cramp. 

From Can-run Brown on Tue, Aug 06, 2013 at 19:46:25 from

Great job pushing through that pain to finish pretty good. Keep working hard.

From Kaelie on Thu, Aug 08, 2013 at 18:41:48 from

thanks cam, you are doing soo good!

Total Distance

missed team practice cuz i was supa behind on violin practicing, but ran on my own.  I did about 11 sets of the 1/1, but kinda felt some pain in my thigh. pretty solid for by myself though

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soo, i went early cuz i had a hope squad meeting at 8. I did really terrible- 16 something! and then i didn't take full responsibility of my bad performance, blaming, there was no one by me to help keep the pace. I am not going to do that again! I will think positive and dare to go! 

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AM- 8 miles w/ 3 mile tempo.  I felt really good before the tempo! At the first of the tempo i felt good too. I never felt sore, but i did fall back cuz i was tired stink! but then i caught back up to megan and funny story: a biker called "to your left" and being my thoughtless self, i went left. OOPS, he almost ran into me, yah... 

PM- 3 miles and weights/ plyos I was late so caught up and ran with Maquel- supa fun! Weights were good, and plyos too, especially after not doing them since last cross season!  

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