AM- 3.75 with scottie before his school. I was freezing!! also, I havent woken up at 6:00 in who knows how long. Also, the stars were out which was dope. I miss good ol chats with scottie.
Last night I went to my room to chill cuz everyone was driving me a little nuts, and i fell asleep for 3 hours and then woke up at 11:30 and couldnt sleep for like an hour. hate it when that happens.
PM- 6.25 with the girls and Robs at pracitce. It was very fun to get to go and run with them again and im SUPER happy Roberts was there. I miss running with him everyday. We ran a little on the track and then we ran some laps on the grass. 7:50 average
Ooh, i did some abs again. I’m trying to build a habit of doing at least something. Today was just some planks
I watched an entire season of friends today and also did a puzzle for 5 hours. That’s what happens apparently when all of everyone is at school and my parents are at work