Enterprise 10k today. we thought it started at 7 cuz thats when it has started for the last like 20 years, but they decided to change it to 6:30 and we didnt find that out til we left. So my dad drove like a maniac to enterprise and we were out of gas. Normally you have to ride a bus to the start, but the buses left at 6:00 and it was 6:25. Martha had our bibs ready for us and we drove to the start and literally the second we got out of the car they shot the guns and we ran. Its a sad day when you 1) dont warm up 2) have to go the bathroom very bad cuz you didnt get to go 3) you stop to go to the bathroom in the middle of a race 4) are only tempoing 5) and still beat the bext girl by minutes. It was a good time. Fun fact. Out of the 4 overall trophies, 3 of them are at my house. The other one is at Carsons. Overall Time was 44:16.0