Left our house at 4:30 to get to enterprise. I was so tired, cuz we stayed up so late on Friday from tuachan, plus I slept very little at my camp, so it was all just added up. When we got there, we warmed up and then got on the bus that took us up to the start. Me and Ellie ran together the whole way. There was literally no one else there to compete with. We probably could have skipped and still would have won. We started way slow. Like 7:30 pace for the first mile and then built up the next to miles. They were like 6:35ish. It felt good and like I coulda gone way faster. Our time was approximately 21 minutes. Cooled down 35 minutes. 60 minutes//6.5ish miles
Props to me for taking 3 naps today. It was pretty swell and very well needed