AM - Series 5k Race in town. 4mi. jog over to race down SR 11. Notice right out of the door that it is humid and rather warm already.
Race went okay: 5:50, 5:55, 6:03. Definietly an LT effort. Really working hard for 6:03. It s amazing the difference in training specificity and the associated results. I have run this course around 17:30 two times prior to making the rpimary focus ultra training and long runs.
Followed up race with a good deal of break time chatting with some folks. Caught up with seom Columbus Run CLub guys after seeing them pass by the finish line. A couple miles with those guys, and then some mile repeats on the track around Central Middle. Some football kid yelled at me to put on a shirt, so I decided to go over and run laps around their practice (silently). Only got 2 reps in, but it was good to put in as many faster miles.
17 miles total more after race.