Ran on my own with my ipod - it has been a long time. I felt great for 3.5 miles before the pain set in but not bad. I had a good pace.
Hiked to Timp Cave afterwards - I wore my garmin to see how we did but it lost satalite reception quite a bit. We made it to the top in about 50 minutes which is not bad with 4 kids and the youngest is 5.
Met the BBK's for the Tuesday work out. We had a 2.5 mile warm up and then ran up to Sky Park and did 1/2 mile repeats. I was able to stay for 3 and then had to leave. I was not as tired as I thought but my legs were tired on the repeats and up Glenmore hill. Pain was off and on but no too bad, more achy. I get worked on again tonight.
Hilly run with Cheris, Peggy, Julie, Dean, Kris, Lisa, Cheryl and Spencer. Felt great but I had taken IB before and I think I over did. We ran 8 hills in preparation for Wasatch Back.