I had to squezze in a short run today because of my schedule. Also, I was still on the treadmill since it was snowing this morning and around -10 wind chill. Come on Spring!! I was feeling good taking it easy on the treadmill so decided to put in some hills to make it more interesting. The first couple were fine and then on the third one I felt the pain in my hip. Now I think I have figured out where that pain came from. I have started doing hill repeats on the treadmill over the last month and could be the reason for the hip problem. Being from Indiana when I run outside it is mostly flat so I am not used to the hills. Could be that I jumped into the hills on the treadmill too fast. I will stict to the flat stuff for a while until I get this hip problem to go away then try a more gradual buildup on the hills. 40:35 |