AM: 9.6 miles, averaged 9:20. HR 154.
6 x 5' (3')
Workout was supposed to be 8 x 5' but I lost concentration and confidence on the seventh rep. It was pretty humid, but not too hot, but I was soaked by the second repeat and by the cool down my shoes were squishy. After looking at the paces after, it was slightly fast. Might need to break down and turn pace on to help now that I have some sessions under my belt. I ran with current HR rather than lap HR and that probably hurt a bit, but I don't have a lot of data for shorter intervals like this and anything shorter than 8-10' is kind of hard to work with as fitness levels dramatically change how much heart rate drifts.
This is the first time I have ever used the programmed function on my Polar, which I bought in fall 2019 (took some mile splits and so forth then but that was it).
Rep 1: 6:58 @ 165 BPM; Rep 2: 7:01 @ 170 BPM; Rep 3: 7:02 @ 172 BPM; Rep 4: 7:04 @ 174 BPM; Rep 5: 7:05 @ 177 BPM; Rep 6: 7:09 @ 178 BPM
Rep 5 and 6 HR started to drift a good deal and max HR was around 182-183, which I can do, but just found it unsustainable today. Might have been a bit too much on the bike yesterday, so I will rethink that going forward. Got 9 hours of sleep last night and I think almost a two-hour nap after lunch.