Of Mice and Marathons

Dexter Ann Arbor Half Marathon

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Lake Orion,MI,

Member Since:

Dec 28, 2011



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Running Accomplishments:


16:52 Phillies Charities 5k (2016)

35:52 Beach to Beacon 10k (2015)

58:10 Broad Street 10 Mile (2016)

1:16:02 Philadelphia Rock and Roll Half Marathon (2015)

2:46:54 Philadelphia Marathon (2015)


I live in Michigan with my wife, Megan, and our boys, Charlie and Sawyer. I started running in September 2010.

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Miles:This week: 49.20 Month: 49.20 Year: 202.20
Miles With Megan Lifetime Miles: 621.75
Miles With The Boys Lifetime Miles: 99.90
Nike Zoom Streak LT4 Mr. Pinks Lifetime Miles: 21.60
Saucony ISO Freedom 3 #2 Lifetime Miles: 277.00
Altra Rivera Lifetime Miles: 381.55
Altra Rivera (Dark Blue) Lifetime Miles: 145.10
Saucony Kinvara 13 Lifetime Miles: 469.10
Saucony Endorphin Pro Lifetime Miles: 287.00
Active 88 Boulder Lifetime Miles: 5.00
Saucony Freedom 5 Lifetime Miles: 352.20
Saucony Kinvara 13 #2 Lifetime Miles: 352.15
Saucony Endorphin Pro White Lifetime Miles: 23.40
Kinvara 14 Blue/Grey Lifetime Miles: 108.50
Saucony Ride Teal Lifetime Miles: 23.40
Saucony KInvara 14 Yellow Lifetime Miles: 12.40
Nike XC Flats Lifetime Miles: 4.10
Active 88 Boulder Lifetime Miles: 31.30
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance
Saucony Kinvara 13 Miles: 9.80Saucony Kinvara 13 #2 Miles: 7.00Saucony ISO Freedom 3 #2 Miles: 4.30
Weight: 185.01
Race: Dexter Ann Arbor Half Marathon (13.109 Miles) 01:30:03, Place overall: 100
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

AM: 15 miles. Dexter Ann Arbor Half Marathon in 90:03. HR 170.

I signed up for this one back in February I think or maybe earlier. In recent weeks I had hoped to run around 1:25, but knew that would be tough, but maybe running high 1:25. I definitely wanted to come in under what I ran last fall as I wasn't in good shape, had had almost no workouts in 2 months, and had no significant long runs. Well, I just didn't get there for the race. Tried to go out in the 6:40s and work down, but I didn't get there. It was incredibly humid and I worried I would cramp. Kind of phone it in slightly a few times, but kept a decent effort overall.

It's a point-to-point with a shuttle, which made race logistics a bit challenging, but I lined up for the bus an hour before race start and was able to get in an almost 15' warm up. Really I needed at least 20-25' if not 30'. Race got out fast and I let others go as I wasn't interested in blowing up. I thought with the opening miles I was in for a decent day, but the slight inclines and false flats had me struggling to find an extra gear. Some solid hills at mile 8 and 11 and the finish is almost all uphill (very unkind). I got passed by a 53-year-old woman in the final quarter mile, passed her, and then the crowd cheered and she almost outkicked me, but I didn't let it happen as I was feeling pretty prideful. 

I ended pretty frustrated with my fitness and wondering if trying to get back into running shape is worth it rather than just running to run and because I still do enjoy it. I don't know. I just feel like I am regressing and running times I ran in 2011 and I am just not interested in doing that for much longer. I am going to give it until September and race a half and if things don't turn around I am likely done road racing. I'l do bikes and ultras.

Splits: 6:39, 6:39, 6:41, 6:43, 6:50, 6:48, 6:46, 6:59, 6:58, 7:08, 7:01, 7:08, 6:46, 6:24 (for the partial). HR 170. 

Cooled down a bit, but apaprently stopped my watch about 2 minutes in and couldn't find much flat to run on and didn't feel like running so I just walked back. 

Weight: 186.50
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

PM: 60' on the trainer. 189W. HR 118. 

I didn't feel like running. Not really sore but legs quite stiff.

Weight: 185.70
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

PM: 1 hour 52' (33 miles @ 17.6 MPH). 195W. HR 134. 

Decided to go outside even though it was quite late and a week day. Roads were in great shape and fast. Legs are a little sore but coming around. Humidity has definitely set in.

Weight: 184.70
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

AM: 3.5 miles, averaged 10:01. HR 128.

Slept in. Managed to talk myself into getting out the door. Felt good to be out. Still a bit frustarted with this last weekend, but trying to just move forward.

PM: 90' on the trainer. 220W. HR 135. 

3 x 10' (4')

Decided to do a session to prime the legs for Saturday. Went fairly well. Long enough to be a workout, but not a killer session. Got stronger as I went through and put down a solid effort on the third rep. 

294W @ 152 BPM

304W @ 159 BPM

318W @ 165 BPM

I think I am shifting to the shorter race (~34 miles) on Saturday. I will have several teammates, so we will see if we can make a race of it.

Saucony Kinvara 13 Miles: 3.50
Weight: 183.80
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

AM: 7 miles, averaged 9:24. HR 134. 

PM: 6.3 miles, averaged 9:35. HR 129.

Saucony Kinvara 13 Miles: 6.30Saucony Kinvara 13 #2 Miles: 7.00
Weight: 183.80
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

AM: 67' on the trainer. 204W. HR 123. 

Openers for the race tomorrow. I did whatever workout from week 12? of the Zwift gravel training series. Felt good. 

PM: 4.3 miles, averaged 9:49. HR 126.

Legs a little uncooperative. A bit grumpy. Pre-race anxiety I assume. Bike racing has so much crap to consider. 

Saucony ISO Freedom 3 #2 Miles: 4.30
Weight: 185.70
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Race: Cow Pie Classic (Short Haul) (Gravel Race) (34.8 Miles) 01:48:07
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

AM: ~2 hours 12'. Cow Pie Classic 34 Miler in 1:45:07 (19.8 MPH, 254W, HR 165)

I did the long haul version of this race last year and it was an epic disaster. I wanted some redemption, but decided in the last day or two before the race to do the shorter version as I had some teammates doing it. I wanted to be close to 21MPH especially after doing that pretty much solo the other week, but there are some "farm sections" to the race and it slows thign down considerably (one segment is across a field that is super rough from cow hoof prints). I ended up having a decent race even if it wasn't quite what I wanted. 

Lost contact with the lead group pretty early as my legs felt like concrete and just wouldn't fire. Managed to get into a group and worked to start catching people and building the group. I took long pulls trying to establish the pace I wanted and tried to encourage the group. I wanted to move faster and got inpatient a few times, which might have been against etiquette. I couldn't really just drive in my pace as you really do need to work with people in a race, unlike a running race where if the pace is too slow, you just go. I started to feel pretty strong, particularly in the second half. A few others did well to take the lead/pulling etc. 

The farm sections were "fun." You could tell the mountain bikers as the bombed the farm trails. I was content to rip their legs off on the wide open dirt roads (more my domain). I ended up at the back of the group going into the finish and didn't really sprint but could have and probably should have just for effort sake though sprinting for 40-50th place sometimes seems dumb. 


1. Need to get to races earlier to ensure proper warmup time (problem lately for bike and running races)

2. Line up as close to the starting line as possible, especially when teammates are there

3. The first few minutes are a littler hot but settle down, so the early hurt levels off

The race left me ready to do some more races. My running race last weekend did not leave me ready for another race. I will have to think that through.

I had a burger and fries at a very homestyle diner in Ionia, Michigan that was pretty decent. 

Weight: 184.90
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance
Saucony Kinvara 13 Miles: 9.80Saucony Kinvara 13 #2 Miles: 7.00Saucony ISO Freedom 3 #2 Miles: 4.30
Weight: 185.01
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