AM/Lunch: ~2:45 on the fat bike. HR ~135-138.
Head unit ate my first 2.5 hours, which I was not pleased about. Tried to find the file, combine it with the second part of the ride, but no luck. Some exploring a bit, which made it difficult to get back at my planned time.
Got an estimate for composite redo for the deck with some rebuild. $24,000. More than we wanted to spend and my mom's very generous contribution was less than I remember it being originally. Going to explore other options. I don't feel right asking him to redo the quote with pressure treated and have it still be out of our range. Should have given him a budget up front, as I feel like we didn't respect his time.
We took the boys to their friend's birthday party. It was nice to see some people, though it was stressful as I really dislike being in a space where I am unaware of the potential toddler injury inducers are.