Lunch: 45' on TrainerRoad. HR 142.
Carter, which was 65%-75% of FTP. FTP updated yesterday from 224 to 259, which I think will be a better, more accurate number to work with.
PM: 10.3 miles, averaged 9:45. HR 144.
Felt quite good. After 4 or 5 miles I wanted to go longer, but 10 was plenty. I think I am going to switch back to double on Thursdays and Sundays (my two run, non-cycling days) to help keep my mileage up while recovering from riding. 30-40 miles a week doesn't seem like much but my overall cycling time is increasing from 4ish hours to about 6 or so. Currently around 9 hours between two sports. This summer I peaked at 20 hours, which was kind of nuts, but I was just having fun.