AM: 60'. 5.2 miles, averaged 11:30. HR 133.
Very comfortable conditions for lowish heart rate training. Megan is off to Toledo to tend to her parents. The boys and I are spending some time together, though they have been sleeping a bit as they have entered a rough pattern at night and will not stay down. And the difficulty with twins is that they wake each other up.
Will try to get something in last with the boys.
PM: 60' on the trainer (Homers Nose). 161W. HR 134.
The boys were pretty tired, but did okay. Charlie started to squawk the last 10' or so but he needed a diaper change. Sawyer was falling alseep in the Johnny Jump Up and I had to keep telling him to wake up so that he would sleep after dinner. Poor kid definitely has my genes and can just fall alseep whereever.