AM - 5.25 Twix/Amazing. Short walk and run with Twix. Then the 20min Amazing loop and yoga for practice. Warm today with the storm clouds holding the heat in. Wore Peg greys that I guess I retired so I don't know the mileage on them. They felt good though. (Peg grey)
afternoon - 4 Sandberg’s. Just an nice run with some rain. Got a unbelievable email from a parent calling me all sorts of names for daring to not allow a student to just not come to class and get an A. Craziest thing I’ve ever heard in 20 years of teaching. On another note, today marked the third straight day I could touch my toes! It takes a lot of work, but I’ve been working on loosening my hammies as I think it may help me be stronger and healthier. (Peg purple 345.5)