AM - 8 5x400. Ran over to school and hit a short track workout. I was a little hesitant to do this because of my hip, but I felt so good on the way over that I decided to do it. 1-1:21, way slow, it has been so long since I've done any 4's that I just needed to adjust to the speed, the rest were better; 2-1:14; 3-1:15; 4-1:16; 5-1:15 with 1 minute recovery (200 meters). Wasn't too bad, I just don't have too much speed anymore. By the end, the turnover got to my hip a little and now it is a little sore, so I'll watch it a bit the next couple days. (old Ohana -8)
afternoon - 4.75 DI/home. Did my weights and then rac DI with the team as their cool down and headed home. (Free 365.45)